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Characterization is the way a writer creates and describes a character through his/her traits. There
are two types: Direct and Indirect Characterization.

Through the email assignment, each of you TOLD me about yourself. This was direct
characterization. For this assignment, I want you to SHOW me a little about yourself, this is
indirect characterization.

The Assignment: Create a “Selfie” that gives me insight into your character through indirect
characterization. For each method of indirect characterization in the S.T.E.A.L method, show me
your traits.

You can accomplish this in 2 ways:

1. Use the poster paper and materials to draw your self-portrait, and include each of the
following elements of indirect characterization. You will not be graded on your artistic ability.

2. Use your phone/computer to create a “selfie” then add each of the elements below. If you
choose this option, you should email your finished product.

Indirect Characterization Element

S- Speech: Create a speech bubble with a quote or saying that you often use.
T-Thoughts Make a thought bubble with words or phrases of things you think
about. No complete sentences.
E- Effect on others In/Around the body section, write down words or phrases that
show how your friends/family feel about you. No complete
A- Actions In/Around your hands, write words or phrases of actions or
behaviors you do.
No complete sentences.
L- Looks Draw a typical outfit you would wear. Also, do your best in
drawing what you look like. Write around your illustration words
or phrases that describe your style.

The assignment is worth 20 points:

10 points for the illustration (neatness, creativity, effort)

10 points for thoughtful characterization, I should be able to get a better sense of who you are
through your illustration and words/phrases.

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