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Permenstrual Syndrome – Notebook of symptoms

01.03 – 12.03 – tiredness , dizziness , bipolar feeling , very high level of empathy , feeling lost ,
depersonality , agressiv , no patience ,
( 11 – 22 cycle day of the period )
15.03 – tiredness , backpain , in the afternoon full of energy low brain use , low concetration
16 .03 – feeling too hot and cold , no comfort with the temperature , little pain and pressure in the
lower part of the abdomen , calm , quiet , normal , clear thinking , low concetration , very easy to
17. 03 – 19.03
scared of saying the wrong things/ words ,
period started on 18th March – pain on the scala of 7-8 , migrane , muscle pain , decontracion ,
dizzienes , fatigue ,
its very important to maintion night duty work on the week
craving for sweets
dry skin ,mouth ,
21.03 the pain in lower parts of the abdomen are still intensive , thinking got clearer and the mind is
free , enjoying self time ,
22.03 – 23.03
feeling anxious , little bit diezzy and lost , a low rise of appetite ,
anger and higher level of contetration , low energy at the evening
24 .03
feeling strong , full of energy , loving myself , doing things fast and became more responsible and
busy at the time
very high level of concetration , loving socialazing , clear mind , positive thoughts , feeling happy ,
taking care of myself

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