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Unit 1 Class activity “The way I am”

Name: Cristian Hernández

Course code: CIG1003/1013
Section: 43
Program name: Literatura creativa
Submission date: 06/09/21

When I was a child, once a month I went with my mom to my grandparent’s house. My
grandfather worked from home in a printing house and he had a big workshop in the
backyard. We spent a whole weekend there talking and eating delicious things.
When I was a little bored my grandfather invited me to his workshop and he talked and
explained his work to me and what each thing was.
Because of his job he knew a lot about history, literature, politics, and many other things.
Usually, I didn’t pay attention and only focused on playing with all his stuff, but I loved his
job and what he did.
He died when I was 7 and shortly after that I began to be interested in the history of Chile and
the world, and since literature is linked to history I started to read a lot of historical literature,
and later I found my passion.
That’s the reason why I’m studying Literature. because of the weekends at my grandfather’s

Word count: 172

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