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Unit 1 Written Task “The way I am”

Name: Cristian Hernández Arriagada

Course code: CIG1003/1013

Section: 43

Program name: Literatura Creativa

Submission date: 29/09/21

Hello, my name is Cristian Hernández, I am a 24-year-old literature student and I would like
to send you my two most outstanding personality traits.

The first and most important personality traits I want to share with you is my creativity. Since
I was a child I always liked to create fantastic stories of magic travels or dangerous
expeditions to play with my friends. For example: I once made up a story where we had a
time machine. So I invented the landscapes, the animals and even a personality for each of
my friends. I wrote and drew everything as if it were a script of a movie.

On the other hand, I am someone who adapts very quickly to all kinds of situations. When I
was a teenager my family moved to a different town every year (due work issues). So I
learned to adapt to different environments, people and situations. At the beginning it was hard
but with time that adaptability became an essential part of my personality. Therefore now I
can't live for too long in the same city or I start to feel weird and it makes me want to move to
another place.

Finally one trait of my personality that I would like to improve is my patience. I always want
everything to be fast. Is very hard for me to have to wait for something I want. But with the
pandemic I had to learn to wait, so I am working on it.

Word count: 249

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