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1. Ways to ensure the success of a group project.

2. Type of television programmes that are the most useful in our daily life.
3. Effective resolutions for water shortages.
4. Why people should grow their own fruits and vegetables.
5. Characteristics that make people happy.
6. The best way to overcome tiredness.
7. Sector or industries that have the best job scope.
8. Ways to improve performance in sports.
9. How to encourage tourism.
10. Advantages of learning new language.
11. Benefits of holidaying abroad.
12. Ways to learn new language.
13. How to save money in collage.
14. Why is a failure the greatest teacher?
15. How can road accidents best be reduced?
16. How to attain happiness.
17. Why is it important to have a family vacation?
18. Why staying active is important in life?
19. Exercise that can help you burn more calories.
20. Things that can help you in gaining confidence.
21. The most effective ways to protect children against crimes.
22. Ways to make the neighborhood a safer place.
23. Ways to help the poor.
24. The most important quality in being good Malaysian.
25. Best ways to prepare us to compete internationally.
26. The root cause of social problems among the young people.
27. The most important quality needed to maintain a lasting friendship.

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