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NAME: Breigner Steiner Torres Jiménez GROUP: FR

1. I going to go to the store.
2. Where are you going to be?
3. How is he going to get to work?
4. We’re going to see a movie.
5. Is it going to snow tonight?
6. These shoes are not going to be big enough. (negative)
7. What time is she going to leave?
8. He’s going to do the dishes.
9. How much is that going to cost?
10. They are not going to like this. (negative)


What do they think will happen in the future? (4 answers)

a) Cars will fly.

b) People will study via the Internet.
c) We won't have computers.
d) We won't have many diseases that we have today.
e) Doctors will visit you in your home
f) We will have robots to cook and clean the house.


In this video, I’m gonna talk a little bit about my plans for tonight. So right now, I'm at
a park, you can come see the park here. And I am going to go running. I’m going to run
for about 40 minutes, and I’m gonna to get some exercise. I really need to run. I try to
run one hour every day. And then after I run, I’m going to take some photos of the park
because I love this park, and I’m going to share them with my friends. I’m going to
post on Facebook.

And then after that, I am going to drive home. Then I’m going to have dinner with my
family. I think tonight we’re going to have pizza, although I'm not sure. And then after
dinner, I think I’m going to relax and chat with my mom and my dad. And then I’m
going to go to bed early. I’m not going to stay up late because tomorrow I have to get
up early, because I’m going to drive to another city, and I’m going to meet my niece
and nephew because my nephew is getting married.

So, I’m going to be doing a lot of things. So, I’m going to be very busy. What about
you? What are you going to have for dinner tonight? Are you going to see anybody
tonight? And what are you going to do tomorrow?
1) Where is he going to do first? 

 a) go running
 b) take photos
 c) eat dinner

2) Who is he going to meet? 

 a) His friends

 b) His family
 c) No one

3) What is he going to eat? 

 a) Pasta
 b) Pizza
 c) Pastries

Read the text and underline the phrases in future (will – won’t)
The world in 2050
Samuel, 27
I think a lot of things will change in 2050. India will overtake China as the first largest
economy in the world, but the country will have many problems with its demographics.
The world will also have a lot of problems with the pollution and the climate changing.
We will need to find other resources, because there will be more than nine billion
people on Earth in 2050. We will also need to build spaceships to travel to the Moon
and to Mars, because we will have to take resources from these places.
Lea, 25
Our world won’t be the same in 2050. We will improve our technology and everybody
will be able to speak at least five languages. People will live longer and we won’t have
health problems, because we will improve our knowledge on medicine. We will also
live in peace and the different countries won’t have nuclear weapons anymore. We will
also have a single world government as we already have the IMF (International
Monetary Fund). I think 2050 will be a great year for mankind!
Steven, 29
I hope that the world countries will be able to overcome the different issues in 2050. We
will live in peace and won’t have any wars anymore. We will be able to explore the
space and to find other habitable planets. We will perhaps find other intelligent Beings
on other planets in 2050.
1. Who says India will have the biggest economy in 2050?
2. Who says there won’t be wars anymore? (2 people)
3. Who says we’ll have a longer life and no more health problems?
4. Who says weather will change?
5. Who says people will be able to talk 5 languages?
6. Who says we’ll visit planets and the space?

Written Part: Write a short text talking about your future plans in your personal or
professional life. (use be going to)
In my future I’m going to keep learnig a lot of things that could help me to reach new
places. I want to move on to Medellin to know that city and explore new opportunities
there. After that, I want to go further, I’m going to try go to one of the first world
countries to build a future to me and to my family.

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