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What is OGIVES?
Cumulative histogram also known as ogives, are graph that can be used to determine how
many data values lie above or below a particular value in a data set.

Ogive is used to study the growth rate of the data as it shows the accumulation of frequency.


The Less than and Greater than ogives for the Entrance Examination Scores of Students

Advantages of Ogive
Ogive can:

-Visually approximate
-Summary a large data set in visual form
-Delineate each interval in the frequency distribution
-Clarify rates of change between classes better that other graph
-Provide visual check of accuracy or reasonableness of calculations
-Become more smooth as data points or classes added
-Be easily understood due to widespread use in business and media
-Show the number of proportion of data point above / below a particular value
Disadvantages of Ogive
Ogive can:

-Be somewhat complicated to prepare

-Fail to reflect all data points in a data set
-Reveal little about tendency, dispersion, skew or kurtosis
-Often requires additional written or verbal explanation
-Be inadequate to describe to attribute, behavior, or condition of interest
-Fail to reveal key assumption

For the data given below, construct a less than cumulative frequency table and

Output Ogive

Histogram/ Simple Histogram

It is a Bar Chart/ Column Chart but specifically to one attribute
Ogive/Histogram Ogives
Data points

X AXIS - The Horizontal
Y AXIS - Vertical axis
Data Labels of Axis

Histogram – we can only use numerical values


histogram -
basically histogram is another form of char

x axis - horizontal data
Y axis - vertical data

column chart -
we can use multiplte attribute or data

histogram -
single unit of data

Ex: Popularity in programming language

those data are qualitative

a valid data should be a number

Example 2: not valid data

Histogram of an image
we're not going to do, for it was for IT

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