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 What entrepreneurial habits did Harish Hande exhibit in handling SELCO? Justify your

The entrepreneurial habit that Harish Hande exhibited in handling SELCO is that he focus on
the causes not effects of confidence and success. According to the story about the journey of
Harish Hande as an entrepreneur, his mission was to help the poor specifically in India by
providing them solar electricity. Because of this, Harish Hande received various awards and he
becomes the top social entrepreneur in India but the success of his business does not smoothly
continue. Therefore, the company decided to innovate the design of their products, there are
many difficulties that they have experienced before the SELCO expanded beyond its
environmental areas. Harish Hande leans focus the causes of success rather than effects of
success although, his company encountered failures but does it mean Harish will give up.
Failure is a great opportunity for him to improve the SELCO Company, as we observed many
entrepreneurs are complacent when things are departing fine, they are self-assured and
become lazy. However, Harish Hande behavior is notable persistent in any case of failure and
success he knows to handle it, whenever he feels the achievement he still make the company

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