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Name : Abdullah
Class : 1C

CASE 3 :

A Patient is suspected of having coronary heart disease, A doctor advised

himto have cholesterol test.

Nurse : Good morning Ms. Lala. my name is nurse Abdullah who is on duty this morning
Patient : yes, nurse…!

Nurse : how are you today if there are any complaints ...?

Patient : I feel a little dizzy !

Nurse : well, based on your doctor's examination, you have a heart defect, namely the chronic heart.
therefore the doctor recommends that you do a supporting examination

Patient : if I may know what examination will be carried out ,,,?

Nurse : we will do a blood test to find out your cholesterol level, is Missing willing.?

Patient : well my nurse is willing.

Nurse : before taking the blood draw did you understand ...?

Patient : yes my nurse understands.

Nurse : thank you Miss

Patient : yes nurse

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