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Name : Muhammad Miftah Hasani

Prodi : Tadris Bahasa Inggris 1


Technology cannot be separated in everyday life. Everyone in various parts of the world must
use technology, There is no denying that technology is a very good thing. However, because of
the many benefits provided, people are negligent to use the technology it self but if Technology
is no longer used wisely. This is a matter to watch out.
Positives About Technology :
Technology makes it easier for people to communicate with anyone. The benefits of technology
are very clear in terms of communication. Communication is very important for life, as
technology develops, it is easier for humans to communicate. No longer using letters to
communicate long distances, not even telegrams.
This technology makes people more willing to talk or interact in the digital world than in real
life. In fact, there are many activities that can be done besides talking using gadgets.
Negatives About Technology :
Information and communication technology also has a negative impact on its users. These
negative impacts arise as a result of the wrong or irresponsible use of those who use it, Some of
the negative impacts are
1. Children spend more time watching TV than doing other things (such as studying and
2. Children lose the ability to blend in with society and tend to be comfortable with online
1. 3There is copyright infringement,
3. Crime on the internet,
4. The spread of computer viruses, and
5. Pornography, gambling, fraud, violent viewing.
It is expected that society in general and youth in particular to use their reason and mind in
utilizing communication technology, using communication technology as necessary and using it
according to conditions so that various adverse effects of communication technology do not

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