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1. Underline all the modal verbs in the text

Computers can do wonders, but they can also waste a lot of your money unless
careful consideration goes into buying them. people thinking of buying a computer
system should admit that they know very little about computers. They must realize that
the computer sales people don't always know how their business works.

It is essential that buyers should get outside advice, not necessarily from
consultants but from other executives who have had recent experience in buying a
computer system. Also, they have to see systems similar to ones under consideration in
operation. Because their operations will have differences that must be accommondated ,
they should find out what would be involved in upgrading a system.

The important thing to know before buying a computeris the financial situation of
the supplier because computer companies come and go and not all are financially stable.
The prospective buyer should demand that every detail be covered in writing, including
hardware and software if they are supplied by different companies. There's nothing
wrong with computers themselves, it's how and why they are used that can cause

1. Complete sentences using, should, must or have to with the verb in brackets.
a. Should (read)
b. Have to (say)
c. Should (develop)
d. Must (summarize)
e. Should (distinguish)
f. Must (not lie)
g. Have to (illustrate)
h. Must (clarify)
i. Should (not have)


1. Which sentences in the text answer these questions.

a. yes, they can.
The ancient egyptians discovered that in stretching ropes of lenghts 3 units, 4 units
and 5 units. the angles formed by the shorter ropes is a right angle.
b. The greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras.
c. Yes, it's true
d. A = a² + 2ab + b²
A = c² + 4 (½ab)
a² + 2ab + b² = c² + 4 (½ab)
(a² + b²) + 2ab = c² + 2ab
by substracting 2ab from both area measures we obtain a² + b² = c² wich proves the
phytagorean property for all right triangles.
e. The hypotenuse has a measure C.

a. Sudut adalah pertemuan 2 sinar yang memiliki titik akhir yang sama tetapi tidak
terletak pada garis yang sama.
b. Karena sudut adalah gabungan dari dua himpunan titik, maka sudut itu sendiri
merupakan himpunan titik. Ketika kita mengatakan “sudut ABC” kita berbicara
tentang sekumpulan titik titik yang terletak pada dua sinar.
c. Dua sudut sering muncul dalam geometri sehingga diberi nama khusus. Sudut 90°
disebut siku-siku dan sudut 180° disebut sudut lurus.

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