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Find the meaning for these words n form a sentence for each of them.

1. Impertinence
Meaning: Behaviour that is rude and not showing respect,especially towards someone who
older or in high position than you.
Example:He is being impertinence toward her older sister.
2. Perseverance
Meaning:Continued effort to do or achieve something,even when this is difficult or takes a

long time.

Example:It took lot of hard work and perseverance for Thomas Edison to invent the electric bulb.

3. Spearheaded
Meaning:To lead something such as an attack or a course of action.

Example:The guy in a black shirt was the spearheaded of the company big project last year.

4. Laurel

Meaning: To be satisfied with one's past success and to consider further effort unnecessary .

Example:Doesn’t mean you got straight A in your mid semester exam you can rest on your laurel.

5. White lies
Meaning:A lie that is told in order to be polite or to stop someone from being upset by the truth.

Example:Her mother always tell her a lot of white lies about his dad to avoid her from being upset.

6. Sophomore
Meaning:A student studying in the second year of a course at a US college or high school.

Example:My cousin is sophomore in high school.

7. Existential

Meaning:relating to existence or being alive

Example:No one know the existential of the treasure in that old ship.

8. Embrace

Meaning:To accept something willingly or enthusiastically

Example:She embrace her disability to see despite other people mocking her.
9. Cognition

Meaning:The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through

thought,experience and the sense.

Example:Children nowadays develop their cognition through their childhood and technology around


10. Adequate

Meaning:Enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose

Example:I don’t have adequate time to finish my essay in the examination

11. Optimal

Meaning:best,most likely to bring success or advantage

Example:The optimal temperature for plants to undergo photosynthesis is around 25 to 30 degree


12. Essential

Meaning:Necessary or needed

Example:Carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis to occur


Meaning:Carefully,in order to avoid causing physical damage

Example:He delicately deliver his speech in front of the public and give a wide smile.


Meaning:A very unpleasant and painfull or difficult experience

Example:They did not used the road anymore after experienced an ordeal


Meaning:Extreme fear

Example:The criminal put his gun besides my head give me terror.


Meaning:Something that controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits

Example:The time constraints make me rush to finish all of my exam question.


Meaning:Never moving or looking away from something

Example:He never stop give unwavering support towards his girlfriend


Meaning:Frightened or nervous because you are not confident in a situation

Example:I’m not intimidated with my friend despite they are more richer and beautiful

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