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Person who had experienced a big life change is one of my family members and I really want to tell her

story. I will call her Rachel. Rachel had really difficult childhood. She grew up in '90s with really poor
family who couldn't afford much. Her mom was housewife and dad was a worker in a local factory. He
had really poor salary and was working all-days to feed his children and wife. There was a war in croatia
at that time so that made everything more problematic. Despite that Rachel was really strong and
independent little girl with big dreams and hope for better tommorow. She promised herself she would
make that „better tommorow“.

Rachel worked really hard in school and her grades were excellent. She was really smart, outgoing,
independed, strong and she had no intention of giving up at any point no matter how difficult it was at
times. Although the situation was getting worse every day she kept her positivity and optimism.

One fogy day she was baking cookies for her four brothers and sisters when mailman came and gave her
letter from the Cambridge University in England. It was her dream to study chemistry there. At that
moment she knew that that letter will say if all that had work was all worth it. She slowly opened the
envelope, her hands were shaking, but she did it. She made it. That letter that was a turning point in her
life. After school she became a chemistry professor at that same university. She did. She finally did it.

Now she lives in nice and luxury aparment in London with all she needs and wants. And she did all that
by herself. But she didn't forget her family. She has been senting them money every month.

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