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Jhanyne Calisagan BPED1 – BLOCK A WEEK 6

GE ELEC 1 – Living in the IT ERA Mr. Alidangie Gabe, PhD MODULE 6


1. What is the importance of Pre-Mechanical period?

The Pre- Mechanical age is important because it’s the period of the beginning of
discoveries for communication, without this age and the people In this period, whom
invented such technologies, our life would be far different from what we have right

2. What are the devises of Pre-Mechanical?

-Papyrus Plant

3. What is pre mechanical age?

The pre-mechanical age is the age in which there were no kinds of computer systems.
This was a very long time ago, estimated to be around 3000BC. The pre- mechanical age
is generally regarded as having lasted from the beginning of recorded history to about
the middle of the 15th century.

4. What is the early alphabet pre mechanical age?

The early alphabet was Phoenicians alphabet that was around 200 B.C. then later on
adopted by Greeks that added vowels into it, and then the Romans gave Latin names
into it, and it’s the alphabet we are using today.

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