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hello and good morning to all of you

i'm dr chandi roland from cersei

technologies and thank you for joining
us on this webinar we at cersei
technologies have been
hosting the series of webinar series as a
platform to showcase the technologies
which have been developed by the water
division at e3 our first session was a
detailed excellent presentation on the
biological treatment solutions developed
by uh the water team at i treat it taiwan
and we cover the anaerobic sludge bed
aerobic process of bio-net and the sludge
on our youtube channel as well this
webinar will be covering the advanced
oxidation processes and fentanyl
technologies that the water division
team at e3 have developed the fur
the webinar will be divided into two
parts the first part we'll be
discussing is and also full scale
applique covering the advanced
oxidation processes and
how it can be applied as a pre-treatment
step as well in biological treatments and
how it improves the efficiency of
the system the end of each uh part
we'll be having a brief q a session as
well with the panelists so joining us as
a speaker for the first session uh for
the first part
session and he joined e3 in 2015 and is a
researcher at the water division team at e3
taiwan he's currently working on developing
advanced membrane technology and
biological treatment solutions for water
thank you dr yen for joining us we are
very interested and excited to hear
what you have to say over to you thank
you okay can you see the fly yes we
can see it yep you can make it a
full screen
okay good morning ladies and
thank you to everyone who joined this
conference code
my name is john yen today i would like to
talk about phantom family technology i
hope this can help you to understand
restaurant treatment technology first
i will talk some general information
adobe ester oxidation process chemical
explanation is to decompose organics to
carbon dioxide and water with oxygen and
the most active technology is lp lp
contains many technologies including
phantom and the combination of chorom
hydrogen peroxide and uv light or
hydrogen peroxide and metal ions or uli
and the senate hunter conductors but let's
measure they have some purpose
lead is generating hydrogen radical for
oxidation the most commonly
technology authentic and uv with our
own phantom master is a kind of lp
which use hydrogen peroxide to
generate hydrogen radical using various
ions as catalysts and the
lymphatic hydroside
is final product
hydrotheradical is one of the strong
oxygen and
oxidation potential of hydrogen radical
is triceline curry this photo is very
hydra sized sludge in general the color
of the stud is dark brown in
1894 bender
is one first person who found this
creation so call it gentle message the
trouble with phantom reaction is
generating much ferric site large so
regard to pay a lot of money for
separation and disposal based
anthology reduction is to develop a
series phantom technology we call it
phantom family the most used
technology offend on three and the
phantom four the ferro phantom is used
to treat
higher cod wastewater suitable for
over 1 000 milligram per lead and the
fbi phantom is used to treat lower
cod western one should work for
below one thousand
the organic waste water could be divided
into refractory and non-refractory in
general non-refractory where the
water goes to conventional biological
treatment unit and refreshed factory
where the water goes to federal
bureaucratic units or biological
treatment unit finally fbr content can
treat procedural refractory cod to meet
the environment standard
this table is comparisons of the
treatment for refractory high
cod western water including in
generation west sedation super
crystal freeze you relied with all
wrong in the
sentence medicine and the feral phantom
the incineration and uv light with orange
and ferrofenton could be used to trade
theory over ten thousand milligrams per
the capital cost of conventional central
is the lowest and the incineration
is highest but the operating cost
of paraphernalia is lowest
ranging between 2.3 and 4.4 us
dollar per kilogram cod moreover
the early advantage of
aerophantom is lowest large
generation this table is
comparation of treatment for
lower field with the water including
membrane separation carbon absorption
chemical coordination or wrong and
conventional vendor method and the fbi
the capital cost of conventional content
is the lowest but the operating cost of
fbi advantage is only higher than
chemical cooperation the removable
efficiency is only lower
land membrane
separation in addition raj of
fbr phantom is
reduced 70 percent compared to phantom
next i would like to talk about pharaoh
phantom metal in traditional
phantom reaction various ion
will be oxidized to varying
ions but
the valid ion can be reduced to various
by electro chemical reaction
enveloping so the very iron we will be
reduced to various iron and the
cathode at so you can see here
therefore the various ion can react with
hydrogen peroxide continuously and
also they also could decrease the
consumption of
iron agent and the raj volume over 70
percent in this test shielded source
was acetic acid
and its initial concentration that was 10
00 milligram per liter it sets our creation
time the cod of phantom process only
decreased to six solar mingling per liter
fatherless theory of feral phantom
process can down to one character per
liter our speaking removal efficient of
ferrofontane is highland traditional
phantom method in addition in addition
barofontan is a kind of electrochemical
reaction so its temperature will goes to
60 frequency place higher length
conventional sentence
reaction in this in this test verify was
applied to treat heterochemical waste
or water hexamine is a kind of
refractory organics less not easy to
treat by traditional biological treatment
please see this chart which looks cody
could be decreased from 17
milligram values to below 500
milligram per liter but elaborating is is
economical when reaction time is
over four hours because you have to
waste too much hydrogen peroxide
for remo lower cod this this cover of
this curve
this curve means to match residual
oxygen in western water it says
hydrogen peroxide agent
this this case is application of
ferrofandom for treating watching
waste water from a semiconductor
plant this watching water water
contains ipa acetone mea and then
this cod is 11 solid milligram per liter
and foray around one cmd this
bench test have four steps first one
the waste water goes through buffer
tank and get into reaction tank
at the same time the velcro ion will
reduce to various ions in electrolytic
tank and the various ion can react
with hydrogen for outside continuous
by keeping water cycle with creation
tank next step is next step is a
sedimentation and the ph of the
adjustment after purifier process
the treated waste of water
goes to discharge and the ions
large sludge will be dissolved
in ph 2 for next operation this
photo is electrolytic tank inside
[Music] and
[Music] here is castle screen not
least this picture is electron this is
a aberration panel this one is this
one is reaction tank and here is
tank and the list is clarifier we can see
ph vo or important information on the
panel this tab shows the data from the
test runs the theory of influence
influence are ranging between 10 000
to 25 000 milligram per liter and then
removal emissions of cod are all over
95 percent imperial phantom process
after said evidence of the meditation
process the the influence is very clear
and the theory are all below one solar
for later
next i would like to introduce fbi
fbi vendor is of kind of random methods
based on 3d light condition when a
painting reaction is carried out in tower
like power like reactor the ion oxide will
create or right on the carrier
to achieve the strategy reduction it
it could decrease over 60 percent
large compared to transitional random
fbi content could be used for treating
refractory with the water difficult with
water or the button containing with
the fbi venting is similar to
conventional phantom mess they
also have a homogeneous
for produce hydro theoretical so other
carrier has captured heterogeneous
reaction of iron outside to produce
hydro radicals so we can set the
dosage of ferrous iron and reduce the
cost of sludge treatment in the
disposal please see this photo the
color of carrier will slowly change to
dark brick which is related to
thickness of iron outside layer this
case is for treating abs resin with
the water the theory of the
raw water is 3 00 milligram
per liter and the cod with gray
decreased to below 200
milligrams lead after biological
in fb abundant unit the theory of
influence are ranging between
100 to 150 milligram per liter
finally the cod and the access of
average are below
60 milligram per liter and the current
immigrant liter respectively this one
is tower like fbi patent reactor and
the apple are upper right
is top view of reactor please see
lower lower right place a water
for fluid stabilization
here are other photos of
equipment including
recycled water pumper
finally this table is fan of family
application for your information but the
information is in recent years has not
been updated so this
is relatively or information this is the
end of my presentation thank
you [Music] thank you thank you dr yen for
that present detailed presentation on we
have one question from mr suresh who
would like to know is your
technology similar to
electrocoagulation i think it's uh
slightly different also
they are all using
can sorry and can you speak a bit louder
please because
sorry uh let me briefly mention about
that the actual coagulation is
different to the electrical oxidation
which we call it's like a fentanyl
process and the phantom process
is to generate the oil radicals in the
water solution by the electron
yeah and also they use some like the
vented a tendon reagents like ferrous
and hydroxyl peroxide hydrogen
peroxide and the electro coagulation is
by using some spatial material of the
like the aluminium and the fairies
and to produce this kind of ion in the
and have the coagulation phenomena
so it's different mechanisms about the
organic decomposition process from
the attendees on this uh part of the
session i don't think we have uh at
this moment oh we've got one more
from mr
mossy who would like to know why is ph
dependent and how can we work with
aop on different types of ph can you split
again why is why aop is
ph dependent and how can we work with
on different on every ph normally we
will do some preliminary study
because for the like a strong oxygen
like earth radicals which is more suitable
in acidic condition especially in the
phantom process so normally we will do
a preliminary study about different kind
of situations called organic
decompositions kind of electrodes are
suitable for
fenton process what what kind
of electrodes are
suitable for fenton process okay for
this kind of issue normally we will
use like
this soluble uh soluble anal material
which is called in coding kind kind of like
a metal oxides in titanium substrates and
these are the electrical materials we
commonly use and which can stand for
the long-term extreme conditions like the
strong acidic and the high oxidation
conditions okay okay thank you uh thank
you dr juan and thank you dr yen that
was an excellent first half of the session
so we could move on to the second part
of the part of this session we have dr
who is the researcher who is a
researcher at the water division team at
taiwan he received his phd from the
national singsoir university
and his uh research was focused on the
of advanced oxidation processes in
treating semiconductor
wastewater and variable eop systems
tested as
pre-treatment system for biological
first session and hi over to you please
thank you
okay so we can start to share let's lie
oh hello uh this is chinchilly i come
from e3 lab and today is my
presentation topic transition to all of
you here at the advanced aspecting
the military professor that dr yan have
targeted before and this process was
applied as a pre-treatment process for
the enhancement of the biological
treatment efficiency and just just like
the topics like the cod treatment
method will be related to divide into
two parts one is the biotreatment and
then the other one is the physical
and using the bio treatment we got many
kind of advantages like a la the
footprint and no no no the cost is
you know using energy conditions you can
trade it volume to eight to 10 kilo
kilogram per tonnes per day using
rc conditions you can maybe to
or three loading and the
organic carbons will
transferring to the
methane carbon dioxide in the biomass
and for fully physical method we use an
aop just like the battery have been
mentioned about is the phantom reaction
to use the
hydrogen peroxide reactions with the
various ions
and then produce the hydrocele radicals
and to attack the carbon to carbon
carbon carbon carbon links to the
carbon dioxides and then the other one
is usually ub oxidation uv oxidation use
the uv light to react with the water and
reduce the hydroxyl radical
but it's more important with the the
you your target compound should be
transparencies otherwise the uv will be
inhibited and then the final one is the
oxidation using the older or chemical
chemicals like a sulfate and here he
see there comparisons between this
chemical this
method and you can find out a lot using
the biological method
which you can get a long low-cost effect
low cost and high
high effective efficiency but is it hard
to control because of the if the
compound is numbered non-
biodegradable or is a bio-inhibitor then
your biological system cannot treat
this kind of
cods however using aopa if you don't
need to face this kind of problems
everything like high concentrations or
hearts with hard degraded theods can be
decomposes just use the chemicals
reactions but there's more uh these
disadvantages than the chemical risk
residues use painting no matter which
kind of venting is between one and two
final depending four you will re you reach
the various ion or ferric ions residues in
your immune systems that can affect
the water if you need to reclaim these
waters to return to the water systems so
if we can combine these two kind of
then then you we can use the system to
do the hurricane waters now we can know
the biological treatment uh if we apply in a
reclaimed water uh
that you can water
after you can water from the municipal
water or industrial
this is a after the secondary treatment
we can see from the slightest is a the
fresh water come from the factory or
before a pre-treatment process and
primary secondary this is a biological
and the release the cod content was low
content was low around 30 to 80 ppms
but the release of the cod's number
degradable is produced on particle
biodegradable and if you want to use
a biological treatment to trigger the bio
inhibitors like the
peptides herbicides antibiotics or
pharmaceutical waste waters and then this
kind of like penicillin or methylene total is
under the low concentration is inhibited for
biological treatment so in this case the
biological system can have so many
advantages that we have
the cost effect is cheap and they
can a huge high throughput of to
treat the codes but
to face these kind of situations recognize
about lots of treatment to do it so
here we introduce the older odons
into the system as a future and allow
us to do some properties of the
in 1840s organ was used artificially
in france and after 20 years later on
was the first applied in airstrikes in
paris and later in 50
later was applied first in water
in new york and the most important thing
is the half-life of the ozone in under 25
degrees celsius in airs the half-life of the
ozone is around 20 to 20 to 100 hours
most important is around normal
conditions in waters the half-life of the
ozone is around three
especially with some impurity like the
cod or impurity of the ions in size the
half-life of the ozone can be decreased
30 to 50 minutes so that's the reasons
and the most important as if you used all
them as the protruding systems warm it
won't affect the secondary tuli biological
systems so if you use use ozone as an
oxidant and first we call emission steps
we also will react with the water to
produce hydroxyl radicals more
importantly under oxycontin under the
best conditions it will produce more
hydroxyl radicals and then
radicals and then finally terminated so
in these steps we can find a lot the
oral treatment can we can can both
conduct on the neutral ph and the higher
ph values
except the acidity gauge values so it can
so here's the summaries of our acts
reactions yet we can divide into two
parts is one is the direct reactions and
the secondary secondary reactions and
the rest directly actually call it as
organisations is also as uh assigned to
oxidized and the second variation is in
order to react with the water and
produce the hydrocele radicals and the
ph values should be higher than seven
on the fb in the best conditions it may
and the most important is the the
using automation by products barriers
you can divide it
the boundaries of the compounds you can
if you use the hydroxyl radicals it can
produce it can mineralize the clds into
co2 carbon dioxide so if you use an
ozone without the uh we allow the high
dosage and we can transplant the cod of
organic hormone
inside to
the small part or to detoxify
the dods
and we use although irregular water
is very important is another result of
the reclined waters being the water
take from the traditional circle or
industrial influence and after a lot you
can find on the the figures here you
can find out there's
the analysis of the influence of living
in a separate industrial influence the
tlc analyzes
the molecular weight of the plc inside
you can find a lot this one is in a
family separating industrial influence
the tlc contain high count high
content of the non-biodegradable plc
however compared to the top waters
layers coming along so if you if we
use the recycling use of the uh
industrial influence we will face
the we use the the major peripheral
technologies edro this kind of huge
molecules will cause a serious
membrane points or bowel forms so if
you you use the recline wall system we
use it uh normally we don't use we we
use the mf to to filter build it and then
we compare to us and then to our
system to purify cis to purify
if we don't have the pre-treatment then
our ufo our system will easily to
easily fall by this kind of the big
compound of the tclds so we are easily
to use the biosystem in front of the
as a pre-treatment treatment to treat
this kind of the clds but the cod released
from the secondary treatment the cods
cannot be easily too decomposed by the
biological system so in here we are
first introduced using the ozone as pre-
treatment systems to digest or to
decompose this kind of blue
market macro molecules into small
molecules and enhance the power
degradations so in their own
traditionally it was set up in front of our
system to prevent the growth of
microorganisms that were frequently
used or used the final treatment
process not only for the sterilization
sometimes optimized to prevent the
acid informing release of the high
congestion cld into into the cld so
firmly quantification is likely ozone
dosage to steal the mineralization dlp
is around two to four times
it's indicated that the program of the
ozone was needed
to mineralize one ground of cld it
caused a huge amount of ozone but if
we think it in in other angles if we
combine ozone as a biological system
we can use a small dosage of ozone and
then to just to break the boundaries of
the cods
and they can enhance the biological
process they can best lessen the stem
uh behave behaviors so who can as a
piece as a pre-treatment process
in front of the biological system and to
enhance the biological treatment
it increases the lower hormone dose it
was applied just to break parts of the
chemical bondings from experiments
normally is around point five to point
five ozone loading to still be was
amended which means the last order on
loadings must turn 40 times lower than
the traditional ones if we combine the
ozone system to the biological systems
compared to the simple organizations
here's a pilot study we set up in cultural
city and in the one industrial park to as
a resource so uh traditionally we'll use
the uh mmf as the first the first stage
and then to the uf system and then to
the r or india system full of verifications
so in this case we'll use the
aopa mmf and then aop systems we use
the ozone as a proteomic system and
then combine to the biological system to
enhance the biological behaviors to
digest or to digest the cods and here is
the organic content species analysis
in the in this science park we can
finalize in the rural water can be the clt
completed by the 3d part one is the
low molecular weight and the humid
excellent and the most important is the
molecule molecules be called a
biopolymers which are thought will get
a serious falling on the membranes so
in a row water years
around big values around 50 50 the
coincidental density and after simple to
the bionic systems the biopolymers also
remain remaining because the biological
system cannot decompose or just about
polymers and then to the organ systems
there's nothing happens because the
voltage of the ozone is lower and they
can just change the species inside the
market molecules to small molecules but
it will not change the cld values however
if we combine all them to the boundary
system with reloading to the to from zero
to one point two values or almost to the
dld values we can follow around 0.5
loadings we can change the
around 40 times 40 percent of the co2 blt
it which means that the bowel polymer
can be decomposed after all of the oral
treatment and they can be digested by
the bounded by by the biological
systems which means that the
biopolymer will be decreased as you can
see the green light years and it is more
important is that with with the lower
content of the biopolymers we can use the
uf membrane to test it we can use the
water you have membrane foreign tests
we call it uh i mean contestant using
the water to penetrate a membrane
we can find a lot with the treated
water amount
uh the flocks were decreased without the
and the balance system were decreased
sharply and
with the ozone also sharply but with the
ozone with the
odon combined with the article systems
the flux
will decrease slowly and we are
applied in the real pilot scales is the
cubic meter today is the pilot scales we
have applied it we can finalize with
without the treatment only the boweling
systems the flux will decrease in after
15 tons of the of the use of the floss will
decrease sharply however if we
combine with their
own systems or oral systems with the
organ in the heart in in front of balance
of biological system or
in the actually the treatment biological
signal treatment the the plus or sorry
the flux of the membranes or can be
which means that the combination of the
ozone can treat
pre-treat the still this into the bottle
credible and enhance the biological
treatment and it can enhance the
the uf the use life of the uf and the
more in reflected
our system or adr systems which can
the the the become water cost and
here we are you we use intui uh
or herbicide or peptides of the last uh
of our inhibitors is like i just want to
tell you that this is a very
complicated uh
process because this kind of the
even underneath uh low concentration is
also in
inhibited truly biological systems and
uh ozone treatment to break down the
tool to break the the balance and
become to the small molecules
sometimes also a toxic to the biological
trying to test up for every steps and just
want to show you that we can use
discount from reference we can use this
kind of the the testing to know that
which steps should be located in which
and in which cases she can use which
kind of the aov system in which part
and he has access research from the
is on to the herbicide is a tbtosdt
like the structure like we have shown
here and it is the beta check tone keep
sites used for important images of
fashion and columns and the loading of
the header
side also to have some more
ratios 0 to 2 2 and with the
increase with the increase
of the also ozone loading to 0.5 to 0.75
to 0.75 uh the decrease of the sct was
transferring to the other bipod
and then decreased the slowly with the
inhibitions around 40 percent so it
means a lot
we decrease the discount over herbicide
but the residue still has inhibitions but
we did decrease
the inhibition percent and then the
most important part is the automation
we should put the oval into the water
and dissolve all those very dependent
on the
so here we use the normal bubbles but if
we can transfer into the microfiber
bubbles let's increase the surface area
normally if we change from the normal
bubble to some microphone size the
reaction surface will increase the 10
10 000 times higher however more
almost over the density change the
length of the length of stay time in
water increase because the micro
bubble fine bubble is high
is it is higher so it will come it will
precipitate on the bottom of the waters
so enlarge the reaction time so the
overall the counting time transferring
from normal bubble to the microphone
bubbles can increase around two
hundred thousand times paralleling
the all bubbles now it can use in
the situation with the height a little bit
higher temperatures situations so
here goes the conclusion
that in the
use the ozone combined with the
biological systems in the reclaimed
although can be applied as the
procurement of the biosystem to break
very integrated organic matters name
without a serious ph controls ph not
except the acidity you get hydrogen
fiber you can go
this kind of the phenomena and then the
dosage cultural at only five to point five
times of the stereo content should
be case by case but normally lower
than one time no longer than one to
one the result shows that all ozone
has the pre-treatment can prevent the
falling on the membrane systems and
and as polybiological inhibitors it is
seriously because we cast by case
you depend on which kind of the
structure which kind of compact we use
that we are faces you can in a different
process using alzheimer's to do the
detoxification and enhancing the more
about the probabilities and
normally also longing was dependent on
targets normally around 0.5 to 2. and the
automatic bubbles we are applied to
increase the organ content times which
was uh it will spend a little bit of the
electricity but they can enhance the great
dissolver all ozone environments so here
we are present
one kind of interesting combination of
the ozone as the pre-treatment of the
biological systems and the results
you know can give the
support like that
with the other free treatment can do
enhance the
biological treatment so this is the today's
presentation and thanks for your
attention thank you just thank you dr lee i
think uh that was quite interesting to see
how we could use the ozone system as a
pre-treatment method so uh maybe now
at this point we have any questions from
any of the participants if you could just
put it in the q a
or the chat box if you'd like to ask dr lee
any questions pertaining to this type of
i don't think we have any questions as
yet i have actually a question uh you
know dr lee you know this is quite an
interesting thing is this being applied
currently only at five scale or are they
scale applications of using this
pre-treatment step
we are just in the beginning we have a
lab scale tester and the one is we have
shown the slices in pilot scales it's
around 200 200 200 cubic meter days
the pilot scales and we test this kind of
phenomena yeah and we do the greater
resulting to prove that the ozone can be
as a protein system that we have never
in the pilot scales yeah but we can only
yes okay that's quite interesting and
what kind of industries do you see this
being applied in
what kind of effluent treatment plants
what kind of uh
effluent treatment plants uh like what
kind of industries what what specific
uh in in in our pilot scale test that we
uh as all we clean water systems we use
the influence of the industrial or
municipal waters that get treated
the plant the treated waters but this
contains some reticulum dod that will
fall on the membrane but cannot be
removed by the biological plastic
system again
so we use the ozone in front of the
biological system to digest the cod into
the biodegradable and we are trying to
fast into the purpose of purpose our
minister or the pharmaceutical of
industries but it is really hard
because it
should be know exactly what kind of the
compound we used and after the aop
treatment it may be that the detox may
be not so significant but we are trying
to do how to enhance
this kind of bioinhibitors to live
biodegradables using all those
treatments but it needs to be tested by
cassidy okay okay and uh we have a
question from mr marumutu who would
like to know what about
waste generation in the use of ozone
western uh
what about the waste generation when you
use ozone
oh western what's the generation no
because we
if we use aop we can select many kinds
of the eop system like in the purpose
you can use the phantom reaction but it
will produce
the ferric mirror other minerals but if we
use the ozone and then we have
presented a slide all the way to
decomposed in waters you have life
around 30 to 15 minutes and the economy
also will decompose into osteo and waters
so in and especially while combined to
the biological systems we are choosing
to take an economic without any
chemical resistant in size so that's why
we are choosing the ozone as a pre-
treating process okay and we've got
another question uh we've got
you mentioned about recalcitrance does
this apply to [Music]
urging contaminants too like pharma and
personal care products you mentioned
about emerging contaminants uh you
mentioned about using ozone treatment
for emerging contaminants does
it apply i can use it in farmer
treatment and personal care yeah we
use all those final stages that's to
prevent the emerging release of the cell
disaster you use
the high concentration of the ozone to
treat it
now we have we are frequently seen in
using the ozone oral fentanyl final steps
to treat this kind of suddenly released of
the cld
okay we have another question from dr
it's quite a thing which is on i'm sure
in all our minds is ozone treatment
and economical treatment
only although treatment is not
because it cost a lot of money but this
one i just want to link the ozone system
to the biological system although it's
only to treat it part of
the ozone so it's around uh compared
to traditional year to the mineralization
is around 40 times lower
compared to the normal
organization process just we
combine the horizontally biological
to decrease to have an advantage of the
low cost of the biological system but can
also have the ozone process to the
enhance the electrical treatment so we
combine it we can become balanced to
the the price will be lower than the
normal hormone use okay so if we're
so if we invest in this our overall savings
comes down so we have an overall
savings in the
overall opex essentially comes down for
the plant okay it's kind of hard to
know about credible codes but it
will affect your
your systems if later maybe that our
you will fall in your membranes and you
will need to flush or to wash
our membranes they if you pay a little bit
of the ozone inside it can prevent a
serious problem happen later so that's
why we are trying to push this kind of
technique and combine these two
together that's very interesting to know
so by adopting this we are having
lowering the chances of ro fouling as
well and all our membranes
downstream and i would imagine even
the uf membranes as well
uh we have a question from dr emmanuel
who would like to know can the microbubble
system be added to existing ozone units uh
it can generate easily with a simple
equipment but it is not a method we
can use a simple equipment to
produce the micro bubbles
yeah okay i i i did not show it's very
detailed because it is we can purchase
is it is a product that you can purchase
from you can purchase it
it's a machine that can generate bubbles
then you can just link to the yeah oh so
you can do it yeah yeah yeah yeah okay
okay and uh we've got um uh yeah i think
and then how much sludge is produced
during the process how much such there's
no sludge in this i think it is only for the
biological treatment only for followed by
extremely we are trying to treat the the
carbohydrate the cld into the co2 solar
charge will be layer it will be less except
yes the yield of the biological system is
0.4 one gram of the stealth point will
produce the point two two point four of
the clds
if we use an acid conditions okay we
have a question uh we have a question
from miss serenia who'd like to know if
there are residual radicals of ozone
won't it affect the subsequent biological
processes yeah if you add the high
dosage of the ozone but we don't need it
because the old dosage
should be calculated especially for the
clds we are mentioned about point two to
point point one
point 2.5 loading of the compared to the
cld inside and
we have discussed before the ozone in
water especially we have substitute or
impurity inside the half-life around 15
to 30 minutes so it will affect it
will decompose
during the transformation transfer from
ozone part to the biological part inside
the piping
they will be decomposed of the ozone so
it's really to
infect the biological systems but it
will happen but it can be
okay okay okay wow that's very
interesting and uh so this is quite a
new technology then and it's it's quite
new it's very new technology which
you are working on and um i mean it's
still only a pilot
200 cmd plant you mentioned okay good
so it's i think peaked most of our
interests as well especially mine so uh
thank you dr lee i think that was an
excellent session thank you for
answering all of our questions i think we
have some more questions we will try
and answer by email thank you
for joining joining us for this uh webinar
uh our next webinar will be on uh edr
the electro dialysis reversal process
and fluidized bed crystallization
which we will have in a couple of weeks
the details of which we will post on our
linkedin page and also share with you by
email the edr uh i'm sure i think most of
you know that
we will be uh we have been uh
facilitating pilot plan trials of the
india system at ranitek ctp
where we've been treating the uh arrow
reject that
that's produced there so as i'm sure
most of you know it is the harshest
tannery effluent that uh that is
produced so
we'll be showcasing these results as well
in our next showcase webinar if you
would like to interested in these
technologies would like to know more
please do reach out to us at sourcing
technologies we have a technical
collaboration with e3 taiwan and we're
promoting the technologies in india so if
you'd like to know more how you can
implement this at your treatment site
please reach out to us and we could
schedule a call a video consultation even
if required and we could see how we
could proceed with your requirement
thank you everyone this webinar will be
uploaded on our youtube youtube
channel thank you again to our speakers
dr yen
dr lee
thank you excellent sessions as always
thank you dr juan for helping out as well
thank you everyone thank you thank you
bye bye bye bye everybody thank you see
you all soon bye

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