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Subject: English for Academic & Professional Purposes

Year Level: Grade 12

Quarter: 1

Competency & Code: Writes an objective/balanced review or critique of a work of art, an event or a
program. (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Idf-18)

Easy Level:

Formalist critics believe that the value of a work cannot be determined by the author's
intention. What term is used when speaking of this belief?
A. The intentional fallacy (correct answer)
B. The affective fallacy
C. The pathetic fallacy
D. The objective correlative

Average Level:

A critic examining John Milton's "Paradise Lost" focuses on the physical description of the
Garden of Eden, on the symbols of hands, seed, and flower, and on the characters of Adam, Eve, Satan,
and God. He pays special attention to the epic similes and metaphors and the point of view from which
the tale is being told. He looks for meaning in the text itself, and does not refer to any biography of
Milton. He is most likely a ____ critic.
A. Formalist (correct answer)
B. Mimetic
C. Reader Response
D. Feminist

Difficult Level:

What part of critique is manifested in these statements, Jesus Christ gathers all together in
order to eat and drink at a table, which is not so big and where the food itself is plain. This humble
atmosphere allows the viewers to focus more on the disciples and Christ. In addition to this, Christ tells
the assembly that one person who is present in that supper will betray him. The painting actually shows
the first moment after this statement and the reactions of the disciples to this speech. Leonardo da Vinci
artfully depicts shock, surprise and other various human emotions in his painting. I believe ”The Last
Supper’ can be divided into four symmetrical groups full of life and motion (Part of a critique on Last
Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci)
A. Description
B. Analysis (correct answer)
C. Interpretation
D. Judgement

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