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Passage: What your weekend routine?

KATE: I work Monday through Saturday, so Sunday is my favorite day. I usually
sleap late and watch TV, I never clean the house or do laundry. We always have
lunch in a restaurant.
1. On Sundays, Katie _______________.
a. works at home
b. doesn't get up all day
c. has a busy day
d. eats out

Passage: What’s your routine at work? (Jeff)

JEFF: I usually go to work early and have breakfast at my desk. I’m always on the
Internet - I check my e-mail a lot. Sometimes I have meetings. I go home late
every night!

1. Jeff spends a lot of time

a. in the cafeteria c. on the phone
b. on his computer d. with his boss

Passage: What’s your routine at work? (Ben)

BEN: I go to work every day and have breakfast at my desk. I’m
always on my cell – I check my e-mail a lot. Sometimes I have
meetings. I go home late every night!

1. How often does Ben go to work?

a. Sometimes c. Never
b. Always d. Hardly ever

Passage: What’s your routine at work? (Joe)

JOE: I go to work every day and have lunch at my desk. I’m always on my
social networks – I check my e-mail a lot. Sometimes I make calls. I go home
late every night!

2. How often does Ben go to work?

a. Always c. Never
b. Sometimes d. Hardly ever

Passage: What’s your weekly routine?

Miki: I have classes every afternoon. In the mornings I work in the college
cafetena. I usually do my homework in the evenings. On the weekends I go out
with my friends.
1. On weeknights, Miki usually _______________.
a) studies
b) sees her friend
c) works in the cafeteria
d) has classes

Passage: An e-mail Subject Home aqain!

Dear Frank,
I just go back from Mexico. It’s beautiful, but I didn’t see much. I got sick and
had to stay in the hotel. I felt awful! On the last day we saw a mariachi band.
It’s a kind of musical group. That was nice. And I bought some great souvenirs.


2. Molly __________________ .
a. thought her hotel was awful
b. didn’t go out a lot
c. had a fabulous time
d. hated Mexico

Passage: An e-mail Subject: Back home!

Hi Mia,
I just got back from my trip to Argentina. It didn’t rain at all! We ate at some
great Argentinian restaurants-delicious! I learned to do asado! It’s a kind of
cooking. We went to the Take a walk every day, and we went dance. Id like
to do this every year!

21. John .
a. didn’t like Argentinian food c. enjoyed his trip
b. was bore on his trip d. never wants to visit
Argentina again

Passage: An e-mail Subject: Back home!

Hi Mandy,
I just got back from my trip to Spain. It didn’t rain at all! We ate at some great
Spanish restaurants-delicious! I learned to do flamenco! It’s a kind of dance. We
went to the beach every day, and we went snorkeling. I’d like to do this every


21. Max .
a. didn’t like Spanish food
b. enjoyed his trip
c. was bore on his trip
d. never wants to visit Spain again

Passage: An e-mail Subject Back at work!

Dear Carl,
I’m back, but I didn’t want to come home! Italy was wonderful! I met nice people,
and I learned some Italian. I ate a lot of zabaglione - it's a kind of dessert. I
went to museums, and I went shopping. It was expensive! I want to go back to
Europe - France next time!

1. Abby .
a. can’t speak any Italian c. doesn’t want to go to
overseas again
b. wanted to stay in Italy d. don’t like the people

Passage: Live life to the fullest cook a gourmet meal

I've never cooked a real meal in my life (I usually use the microwave), but week I
went to one of the best, most expensive restaurants in the country and look a
one-day class with a celebrity gourmet chef. We learned how to make basic
sauces end cook pasta, meal. and fish. 8est of all, they let us eat everything
afterwards. It was expensive but delicious, and well worth the cost. If you want to
learn how to cook properly, you might want to try it, too. Your friends will certainly
be impressed when you cook them a three-course dinner.

26. Before the cooking class, the writer_________

a. was an excellent chef
b. often made dinner for his friends
c. ate out at expensive restaurants everyday
d. ate a lot of frozen meals

27. The writer thinks the cooking class ______________

a. was much too expensive
b. wasn't very useful
c. was a good experience
d. was to simple

Passage: Live life to the fullest: play golf with a pro!

Have you ever played golf with a professional? Probably not, unless you're a
friend of Tiger Woods. I've hardly ever played golf, so I'm certainly not a good
golfer, but last month I took lessons from the professionals at one of the most
famous and oldest golf clubs in the country. The instructors were incredibly
good and very talented, and I learned some great tips. I recommend it! If
you're already a good golfer, you'll definitely improve your technique. You
might want to play a full round of golf on the challenging course after the
lessons. Me? I went for dinner in the clubhouse!

1. The writer .
a. didn’t learn anything useful
b. played golf like a professional
c. was very good at golf before the lessons
d.was a beginner at golf

2. After the lessons, the writer .

a. had a meal
b. played a full round of golf
c. gave the instructors a good tip
d. decided to go to a club

Passage: Live life to the fullest: Fly a plane!

Have you ever flown a plane? Probably no, but if you like excitement and don't
get stressed easily, you might want to try flying a jumbo jet simulator - the same
one pilots use in training. I haven't taken many plane rides, but last Sunday I
decided to try a day at pilot school. It's open to the public on Sundays. I got a
full lesson on how to fly before I climbed into the simulator. Then the instructor
let me take off, fly at 914 (3000 feet), and land. It was the scariest 30 minutes I've
ever had "in the air" - and totally realistic.

1. Jumbo-jet simulators
a. are real planes
b. are something pilots use to learn to fly
c. aren't open to the public
d. aren't like real airplanes

2. The writer
a. has never been on a plane
b. has flown a plane
c. has taken classes at pilot school before
d. has flown in a simulator

Passage: Someone you can look up to Ashley Mulroy

Ashley Mulroy was always curious about science, even as a small child. Since
sixth grade, she has been winning prize money at science fairs, which she has
saved to pay for college. But it’s not just her keen interest in science that makes
Ashley stand out from the crowd. Her interest in the quality of local rivers
brought her a lot of attention. It started when Ashley was reading an article in
a science magazine about antibiotics and others drugs in rivers and tap water,
she could do something useful to help people. She taught herself how to test
the water by reading science journals.

Her chemistry teacher was amazed because Ashley’s experiment was the first
of its kind in the U.S. In fact, Ashley did find low levels of antibiotics in the water,
and her study won an international junior science prize. Since then, an Ohio
university has continued the tests. Ashley is now studying medicine. And she
has been using a filter for her drinking water ever since that project!

1. Ashley _______________.
a. has always been interested in science
b. didn't like science when she was a child
c. became interested in science after sixth grade
d. thinks science is a strange subject

2. Ashley’s interest in the water in her local area started ______________.

a. when she read about problems in other countries
b. after people brought attention to the problems in her area
c. when she learned about it at a science fair
d. when she did a science project in college

3. Ashley’s teacher was amazed because Ashley _______________.

a. was the first person to do this kind of testing in America
b. didn’t know how to use science journals
c. found antibiotics ñ the water
d. had problems with drugs

4. Ashley thinks American drinking water _______________________

a. is free from antibiotics
b. needs to be filtered
c. is better than European water
d. is really good for you

5. Ashley’s teacher was amazed because Ashley _______________.

a. was the first person in America to test water for antibiotics

Passage: Someone you can look up to: Alfred Ciffo III

Alfred Ciffo has happy memories of talking with his grandmother while he was
growing up. They chatted by phone every week and shared their lives. Alfred was
13 when is grandmother passed away, and he missed her badly. He realized that
regular contact between the generations was important and decided to do
something about it. One year later, his Teen Connect organization was founded.
The project links teenagers and seniors, who call each other and keep in touch
by phone. From the very beginning, Alfred’s senior in the program was
enthusiastic because she never knew her own grandmothers when she was
young, which she regretted. Alfred started Teen Connect in Florida, and four
years later the program has over 200 groups around the U.S. and an international
chapter in Japan. Botch teenagers and seniors have been positive about the
program. The seniors look forward to keeping in touch each week, and the
teenagers enjoy getting advice and hearing about the senior’s life experiences.
Shortly after Alfred started his degree at MIT, he received and awards for his
community word. He was surprised but satisfied that his program is helping to
stop loneliness.

1. Before Alfred’s grandmother died, he .

a. visited her every week
b. was in regular contact with her
c. talked with her occasionally
d. grew up in her house

2. Alfred founded Teen Contact so .

a. teenagers wouldn’t be lonely
b. older people could contact their grandchildren
c. he wouldn’t regret knowing his grandmother
d. young and old people could talk together

3. Seniors like the program because .

a. It’s so popular all over the world
b. they enjoy hearing from the teenagers
c. it gives them some life experience
d. it helps them forget about the past

4. Alfred got an award for his community project .

a. before he started college
b. in Japan
c. after graduation from college
d. while he was at college

Passage: Someone you can look up to: Christina Morin

Christina Morin is an amazing young woman with an inspiring story. When she
was 17, Christina went on a safari to Kenya with her parents. During her trip she
spent four days with the local Samburu tribes-people, who were suffering from a
devastating drought after several months without rain, and had very little food.
Christina wanted to help. She started by teaching art classes to the Samburu
children, who had never painted before. Christina was amazed at their wonderful
drawings, and began to think. If she made their pictures into note cards, would
she be able to sell them when she went home, and raise money for food? She
bought samples of the children's artwork with her own vacation money, which
paid for two weeks worth of food for the tribe. Soon after she got home, the
Samburu Project was born. Christina has been selling tribal arts and crafts for
several years now, with all profits going to the tribe's people in Kenya. So far, she
has been able to build a dam, which was her original goal, as well as build several
wells, buy animals and food, pay medical bills, and build a crafts center.

1. Christina wanted to help the Samburu tribes-people because .

a. They didn't have an art teacher c. They didn't know how to
run a safari trip
b. They were suffering from a food shortage d. They homes were

1. Christina got her idea to sell the children's artwork _.

a. After she was able to sell some of the pictures
b. Before she started teaching them art classes
c. After she returned back home
d. After the saw the pictures they painted

2. Christina's Samburu Project .

a. bought two weeks of food for the tribe
b. hasn't made a profit yet
c. lasted just three or four years
d. is still making money for the tribe

3. Christina's original goal was to .

a. pay for medical bills
b. build a crafts center
c. raise money for a dam
d. go back and see the tribe again

4. Christina's original goal was to .

a. pay for medical bills
b. build a crafts center
c. false money for a dam
d. go back and see the tribe again

Passage: Modem crimes telephone fraud

You're at home and the phone rings. A young woman says you've won a
fabulous prize - a dream vacation, a new car, or a lot of money. You get excited
and start imagining it. But first, you must pay a fee for shipping or taxes. You
give the woman your credit card details, or write a check and mail it to an
international address, and wait for your prize to come. It will never be sent.
You've been a victim of telephone fraud.

This type of crime is a growing problem in the U.S and Canada. People lose
billions of dollars every year hoping to get the prize of their dreams. Victims of
telephone scams are often called a second time by the same criminals who
pretend to be government lawyers. The victims are told they can get their
money back if they pay a legal fee or government tax.
These criminals usually can't be caught because they call from outside the
country and use telephone numbers that can't be traced to real people or
companies. If you haven't entered a contest, you probably haven't won
anything. Don't be fooled by telephone fraud: never send money or give out
your credit card information in order to receive a ‘prize’.

32. Victims of this crime _____________.

a. pay too much for a vacation
b. pay money and get nothing back
c. don't pay enough in taxes
d. enter a lot of contents

33. Sometimes criminals who commit this crime _________.

a. rob the same people twice
b. employ gownment lawyers
c. pay the money back to their victims
d. pay legal taxes

34. The article says that these criminals ________.

a. work for international companies
b. have foreign addresses
c. have real companies
d. live in the U.S. and Canada

35. The writer's advice about telephone fraud is _______.

a. don’t enter mtests
b. don t cash the check if you win
c. don't pay money if you haven't entered a contest
d. only enter international contests

Passage: Modem crimes: Image theft

Personal blogging is the new form of Journal write - only better because more
people can read your entries online! Nowadays, most travelers are expected to
post their photographs, in addition to their commentary, on blogs for friends and
family to see.

But imagine finding your vacation photos in an advertisement, copied from the
Internet without your permission. As an amateur photographer, you thought they
were "just pictures", but someone else decided they had value and used them to
make money. That person stole your property.

Photo theft or image theft, is a growing problem, especially for professional

photographers who advertise on the web. Any photo can easily be copied and
used illegally, and often the people who do it don't realize they are committing a
crime. The ones who do probably know it won't be caught.
How can you protect yourself and your images? Professional photography
associations recommend using photo editing programs to add text to your photos.
For example, using a special sign on the pictures or using sophisticated software
allows you to make the pictures "flash" or add moving images so that can't be
copied. Finally, give your photo files unusual names so that people won't find
them easily when they look for them on Internet as common subjects like "the

1. The article tells photographers how to

a. make money from pictures
b. put their pictures on the internet
c. become a professional
d. stop people from using their photos illegally

2. The writer says amateur photographers .

a. might not realize their photos are valuable
b. shouldn't find image theft frustrating
c. travel too much to worry about image theft
d. can also use other people's picture illegally

3. Everyone who uses an image without permission .

a. knows it's illegal c. is doing something
b. will be caught d. should be protected

4. One way of protecting your pictures is to _.

a. Give them value c. Join a professional
b. Use software to change them d. Hide them on the

Passage: Modem crimes: Wireless network theft

Almost everybody has a wireless internet connection these days. If you use your
laptop in any city apartment building. It will automatically find several networks
(internet connections) to choose from. Often there’s enter a password, and you
can be connected to your favorite Web site in seconds. But is it legal to neighbor’s
connection without permission? Is it right?
The law differs in different states, but in most places, it is illegal to use other
people’s internet connection without their knowledge. It is considered theft of a
service they have paid for, and you can be fined for doing it. Of course. It’s very
difficult to get caught unless your sit right outside someone’s house with your
laptop. This happened recently to a Florida man who was arrested by the police.
Opinions differ on whether wireless network theft is right or wrong, and it is
frequently discussed on the internet. Some people believe that if network owners
don’t protect themselves with a password, they are automatic giving permission
to use their connection. They say it’s like walking into an unlocked home and
drinking a glass of water
– no one and nothing gets hurt. Others say it’s theft, and people who do it should
be punished.

1. Wireless network theft means ____________.

a. accidentally connecting to someone’s internet connection.
b. not using a password when you connect to the internet
c. using a computer in your neighbor’s house
d. intentionally using someone’s Internet connection without asking.

1. Wireless network theft means ____________.

c. using someone’s Internet connection without asking

2. People who commit this type of theft _____________.

a. never get caught
b. are hard to find
c. can’t be punished
d. often live in Florida

3. People don’t agree on whether or not this activity is ____________.

a. legal
b. a right
c. damaging
d. a serious crime

4. Some people say that using someone else’s network _________.

a. can’t be done without a password
b. doesn’t do any damage
c. is like water damage
d. is worse that burglary

Passage: Eating pizza

Many people like to eat pizza, but not everyone knows how to make it. Making
the perfect pizza can be complicated, but there are lots of ways for you to make
a more basic version at home. When you make pizza, you must begin with the
crust. The crust can be hard to make. If you want to make the crust yourself, you
will have to make dough using flour, water, and yeast. You will have la knead the
dough with your hands. if you do not have enough time to do this, you can use a
prepared crust that you buy from the store.
After you have chosen your crust, you must then add the sauce. Making your own
sauce from snatch can take a Ing time. You have to buy tomatoes, peel them,
and then cook them with spices. If this sounds like too much work, you can also
purchase jarred sauce from the store. Many jarred sauces taste almost as good
as the kind you make at home.
Now that you have your crust and your sauce, you need to add the cheese.
Cheese comes from milk, which comes from cows. Do you have a cow in yer
backyard? Do you know how to milk the cow? Do you know how to turn that milk
into cheese? If not, you might want to buy cheese from the grocery store instead
of making it yourself.
When you have the crust, sauce, and cheese ready, you can add other toppings.
Some people like to put meat on their pizza, while other people like to add
vegetables. Some people even like to add pineapple! The best part of making a
pizza at home is that you can customize it by adding your own favorite

1. The author's main purpose in writing this passage is to __________.

a. describe the history of pizza
b. teach a healthier way to make pizza
c. outline steps to make a basic pizza at home
d. provide tips about how to make your pizza especially delicious

2. As used in paragraph 1, which word means the opposite of complicated?

a. difficult
b. simple
c. easy
d. manageable

3. As used in paragraph 3, which is the best synonym for purchase?

a. forget
b. buy
c. ask
d. cook

4. Which of the following words best describes how the author feels about making
a pizza from scratch?
a. helpful
b. understanding
c. enthusiastic
d. negative

5. The benefits of making pizza at home is that you can _______________.

a. Personalize your pizza
b. make other pizzas
c. Sell pizza at the Price you want the pizza alone

Passage: Consumers and the environment

In recent years, concern about the environment has been endlessly discussed
in the media, and consumers have regularly been told how to change their
lifestyles in order to reduce their impact on the planet. But how much has this
influenced their behavior? Recent surveys suggest that even though there is
greater awareness of environmental issues, much more needs to be done to
change people's behavior. Concern for the environment alone is not enough to
change habits. Over half of the people in the surveys said that they had made
changes such as buying recycled products or recycling paper and glass.
However, only a fifth sad they were taking fewer flights - a major cause of
greenhouse gas emissions - and less than 5% were using more environment -
friendly hybrid cars.

“The problem is human nature,” says a leading environmentalist, 'because

changing to more eco-friendly habits means not having some of the things
we’re used to. Instead of telling people what luxuries they will be giving up by
changing their behavior, we have to give a more positive message about what
they will be gaining.

Changing consumer behavior is complex, but he most effective pressure that

can be applied is financial. While gas prices remained affordable, people used
their cars without thinking about the environmental cost. But as world oil prices
increase, car owners are looking for ways to reduce car use. In countries where
public transportation is limited, many people have few alternatives. What is
clear is that it will take more than recycling paper and plastic to save the planet.

1. The main idea in the article is that .

a. the environment is a serious issue
b. it’s difficult to make people change their lifestyles
c. gas process are more expensive
d. people should buy more recycled goods

2. Recent surveys on consumer behavior show that people .

a. know little about environmental issues
b. don't care much about the environment
c. have made big changes in their buying habits
d. will have to change their behavior more in the future

3. The view of a leading environmentalist is that consumers .

a. are willing to change their habits
b. are being given a positive message about the environment
c. don't want to give up their lifestyles
d. are used to not having luxuries

4. The writer says that the best way to change consumer spending habits is to
a. make things more expensive
b. convince people it’s the right thing to do
c. tell people about the environmental cost
d. let people use their cars

5. The article says that now car owners .

a. don't think about the cost of gas
b. buy environment-friendly gas
c. use public transportation more often less often to save money
Passage: Hobbies are good for you!
We all know vacations are good for your health. But if you can’t take a vacation,
do a hobby instead. Research shows that people with hobbies generally aren’t
stressed. Hobbies help people relax. They give you quiet time, and help you
sleep better. One psychologist explains, “When we’re doing something we love,
it’s a passion.” And passion is important for a healthy life.

1. The article suggest that .

a. people get stressed when they do a hobby.
b. a hobby can’t be a passion
c. hobbies don’t help with sleep problems
d. it’s good to have a passion in life

Passage: Back pain

Miki Akeba was lifting weights at the gym when she hurt her back. She went
home and went to bed for several days, but didn’t call her doctor. When shot got
up, she sat up straight on a kitchen chair. Was this right?

With any back injury, always talk to a doctor first to check if it is serious. Keep
moving - for example, go swimming or walking. And it’s usually fine to lean back
in comfortable chair.

1. The main idea of this reading is to .

a. tell an anecdote about Miki
b. describe back pain
c. discuss exercise
d. give advice about back injuries

2. If you have back pain, the reading says you .

a. don’t need to see a doctor
b. shouldn’t avoid exercise
c. usually can't sit up straight
d. should stay in bed for a few days

Passage: Do you have "Vacation deprivation"?

The average amount of time off in the United States is only 15 days a year. But
in Europe, workers get 26 to 37 days off. Researchers say vacations are
important for good health. The kind of vacation you take makes a difference, too.
When people travel to sunny place, have lots of free time, lots of exercise and
make friends, their health also becomes better.

1. The article suggests that .

a. busy vacations are better for your health
b. Europeans don't like to travel
c. Americans need more vacation time
d. Americans take enough vacation
Passage: Minor bums
Leon Caplan was watching television when his sister burned herself in the
kitchen. He immediately ran to the refrigerator to get some ice and butter for her
hand. Did he do the right thing? What should you do for a bum?

Many people think you should put ice, oil, or butter on a burn. Actually, these
can damage the skin and make the burn worse. Always cool a minor burn as
soon as possible with cold water - preferably running water.

3. The main idea of this reading is to .

a. tell a story about Leon
b. describe types of burns
c. give advice about burns
d. stop people from burning themselves

4. If you have a burn, the reading says you should .

a. put the burned area into the refrigerator
b. put oil on it
c. avoid cold water
d. never put butter on it

Passage: What are businesses doing about global warming?

The issue of climate change has been discussed in scientific and business circles
for two decades. However, it's only in recent years that there has been agreement
that something needs to be done to reduce the carbon emissions that cause
global warming, and that businesses, as well as governments and individual
citizens, must act. The main problem is the rising level of carbon dioxide, which
has been shown to warm the earth's atmosphere and which is still being produced
in damaging quantities by power plants and motor vehicles.
A few forward-thinking companies are investing in renewable energy, reducing
their use of oil and coal, recycling more, and consuming less in order to reduce
their carbon footprint. Although companies like these are preparing to live in a
reduced-carbon world, most businesses have been slow in reducing their
negative impact on the environment. What might encourage them to finally start
changing their environmental policies will probably be a combination of legal,
political, and business pressures.
Laws on carbon emissions are likely to be affected by changes in government
policy. In the United States, lawyers from eight states have tried to sue some of
the biggest power-producing companies to force them to reduce their carbon
emissions. In addition, the effects of new weather patterns such as high winds,
hurricanes, fires, and floods are making Insurance companies look seriously at
climate change, as they pay out more and more money for the damage caused
by these events. Insurers are now forcing companies to think of such damage as
an important business risk.
55. The main idea of the articles is that __________.
a. Businesses will have to be more environment-friendly in the future
b. It's the government's responsibility to do something about climate change
c. Nothing has been done about climate change
d. There are some environment-friendly companies

56. The article says that scientists and business leaders _____________
a. Have always agreed about the causes of climate change
b. Have been talking about climate change for a long time
c. Have never agreed about what causes climate change
d. Have not discussed climate change enough

57. _________companies are trying to be more environment-friendly.

a. A lot of
b. All the major
c. A small number of
d. None of the big

58. Companies might change their environment policies ____________.

a. Because it costs less to be environment-friendly
b. For political, legal, and business reasons
c. Because of the nice weather
d. For reduce their insurance providers

59. Insurance companies are interested in climate change because

a. It's the right thing to do
b. It's import to be environment-friendly
c. The law says they have to be
d. It's costing them money

Passage: Having fun with English

CARLOS: My English class was fun I always get good grades. I try to do my
homework on time and participate when I can.

1. Does Carlos like his class?

a. No, he don’t c. He is good
b. Yes, he does d. Doesn’t work

Passage: Never surrender

There was once this guy who would never give up on his dreams. One
time he went finishing, but he didn’t catch anything kept trying for weeks
until he finally got one.

1. This passage tell us about .

a. don’t follow our ideals c. fishing is good
b. catch fish d. not to quit on our
Passage: “Don’t be afraid of trying something new.”
Did you ever get a chance of trying something a little different?
I hope you took the chance, but if you didn’t you missed a lot. In life new
chances come for a reason, and you have to know when to take them
opportunities one all about risks, like they say “no pain no gain”. You’re trying
to be successful in life then you must go for it. I took the risks and now I enjoy
of all my success. I had a hard time when I was young but I broke through

1. Risky opportunities are .

a. fun c. boring
b. safe d. dangerous

2. The writer .
a. tried new things c. was young
b. stayed with nothing d. didn’t new thing

Passage: Dolphins
Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea and stories of them
helping drowning sailors have been common since Roman times. The more we
learn about dolphins, the more we realize that their society is more complex than
people previously imagined. They look after other dolphins when they are ill, care
for pregnant mothers and protect the weakest in the community, as we do. Some
scientists have suggested that dolphins have a language but it is much more
probable that they communicate with each other without needing words. Could
any of these mammals be more intelligent than man? Certainly, the most common
argument in favor of man's superiority over them that we can kill them more easily
than they can kill us is the least satisfactory. On the contrary, the more we
discover about these remarkable creatures, the less we appear superior when
we destroy them.

1. Is clear from the passage that dolphins __________________

a. are proven to be less intelligent than once thought
b. have a reputation for being friendly to humans
c. are the most powerful creatures that live in the oceans
d. don't want to be with us as much as we want to be with them

2. The fact that the writer of the passage thinks that we can kill dolphins more
easily than they can kill us __________________
a. does not mean that we are superior to them
b.means that they are better adapted to their environment than we are
c. proves that dolphins are not the most intelligent species at sea
d. shows that dolphins have a very sophisticated form of communication

3. One can infer from the reading that ______________

a. communication is the most fascinating aspect of the dolphins
b. dolphins have some social traits that are similar to those of humans
c. it is not usual for dolphins to communicate with each other
d. dolphins have skills that no other living creatures have such as the ability to

4. The writer mentions that dolphins communicate with no need of words. This
means that _______________
a.they communicate by signs
b.perhaps they send messages through body motions
c. they communicate telepathically
d. dolphins don’t communicate

Passage: Business
Are you setting up a small business? Worried about the costs of renting office
space and employing the right people? Rebus Virtual Office World can help
you. With our Basic Office Deal, we can set up a virtual office for you practically
We will give your business a professional image and our polite, friendly staff
will handle your calls and present your business in the best possible way. We
can provide you with: a professional business address, a local phone number
and we will also handle mail.
For a more personal approach, with the option of forwarding mail and messages
to your home address, don’t hesitate to ask us about our Premier Office Deals.

24. Where is the text from?

a. A message from a business to a current client
b. An advertisement for a new business service
c. An e-mail from one business worker to another
d. A newspaper article about a new business’s success

25. What does the service provide?

a. Off-site staff to perform general office duties
b. A site where several businesses can locate their offices
c. Advice on how to make your business more professional
d. Temporary staff for local businesses

26. Which of the following is not included in the Basic Office deal?
a. A polite receptionist
b. A mail-forwarding service
c. A professional address
d. A telephone-answering service

Passage: Chest pains

Celia Burk was driving down Main Street in their neighborhood when she felt
paints in her chest and arms. She stopped the car, went into a drugstore to buy
some aspirin, and then drove herself home. Did she do the right thing?

Chest pains can mean you have a serious problem, so don’t ignore them. Take
aspirin, if you’re not allergic to it, and see a doctor immediately. But don’t drive
– it can be dangerous.
1. The main idea of this reading is to _________________.
a. UI an anecdote about Celia
b. advertise aspirin
c. give advice about chest pains
d. describe chest pains

2. If you have chest pains, the reading says you ________________.

c. shouldn’t wait to see a doctor

Passage: Take a "staycation"

High travel costs, flight delays, and job worries mean only 39 percent of
Americans are planning trips this year. The idea of a "staycation" — time off at
home —- is becoming popular. One life coach doesn’t like the idea. "If you stay
home, it’s not a vacation," he says, other researchers generally agree —if you
don't take vacations, it's bad for your health.
1. The article suggests that _________________ .
a. Americans never take enough vacation
b. Americans are not going to travel much this year
c. vacations are not healthy
d. long trips are becoming popular

Passage: Switch to Energy First

Energy First is one of the UK’s most innovative energy suppliers. We were the
first energy supplier in the country to offer smart meters free of charge to our
customers. These computerized meters submit automatic electricity readings for
once an hour and once daily for gas. This information goes directly to the
customer’s online account, allowing them to view and monitor energy usage. By
understanding how much money they are spending on energy, we strongly
believe that people can take control of how much energy they use and make
significant savings to their monthly bills.
If you want to benefit from our smart meters, all you have to do is make us your
energy supplier. Switching is simple. The first step is to click the ‘show prices’
button below to compare our tariff with that of your current provider.
If you decide to go ahead, apply using our simple online form. We’ll handle the
rest, and keep you regularly updated with the progress... There’s no need to
contact your current supplier.
If, within 7 days of submitting your form, you change your mind about switching
energy suppliers, don’t worry. We give you a 7-day cooling-off period during
which you can cancel your application with no penalty.
It will take approximately 5 weeks for us to complete the process of transferring
you to our supply. A week before your supply goes live, we will email you to
confirm a start date.
Once you have become a customer, you’ll be contacted over the phone by a local
installer to arrange a convenient time to fit your smart meters. You will need to be
at home when these are fitted. Once they are installed, you can check your
energy use online. Until then, you can submit monthly readings online in order to
obtain an accurate bill.

1. What is the purpose of smart meters?

a. to reduce the cost of energy bills
b. to inform customers which suppliers offer the best raters
c. to allow customers to pay their bills online
d. to show customers how much energy they use

2. Customers switching to Energy First do NOT need to .

a. complete an application from online
b. inform the company than currently provides their
c. be at home when the meters are installed
d. allow 6 weeks for the suppliers to be switched

3. What can be inferred from the passage? .

a. Energy First offers cheaper energy rates than other companies
b. customers will have no gas or electricity for 5 whiles while switching suppliers
c. you have to pay a fine if you cancel your application after 7 days
d. All Energy First customers must have a smart meters if they want accurate

4. Once customers’ supplies go live, they will soon receive .

a. a phone call from a meter installer
b. a smart meter in the mail to allow customers to pay their bills online
c. and energy bill form their previous suppliers
d. a meter reading from the new suppliers

Passage: Social Networks

Business applications
Social networks connect people at low cost; this can be beneficial for
entrepreneurs and small businesses looking to expand their contact base. These
networks often act as a customer relationship management tool for companies
selling products and services. Companies can also use social networks for
advertising in the form of banners and text ads. Since businesses operate
globally, social networks can make it easier to keep in touch with contacts around
the world.
Medical applications
Social networks are beginning to be adopted by healthcare professionals as a
means to manage institutional knowledge, disseminate peer to peer knowledge
and to highlight individual physicians and institutions. The advantage of using a
dedicated medical social networking site is that all the members are screened
against the state licensing board list of
practitioners. The role of social networks is especially of interest to
pharmaceutical companies who spend approximately "32 percent of their
marketing dollars" attempting to influence the opinion leaders of social networks.
Languages, nationalities and academia
Various social networking sites have sprung up catering to different languages
and countries. The popular site Facebook has been cloned for various countries
and languages and some specializing in connecting students and faculty.
Social networks for social good
Several websites are beginning to tap into the power of the social networking
model for social good. Such models may be highly successful for connecting
otherwise fragmented industries and small organizations without the resources
to reach a broader audience with interested and passionate users. Users benefit
by interacting with a like-minded community and finding a channel for their energy
and giving.
Business model
Few social networks currently charge money for membership. In part, this may
be because social networking is a relatively new service, and the value of using
them has not been firmly established in customers' minds. Companies such as
MySpace and Facebook sell online advertising on their site. Hence, they are
seeking large memberships, and charging for membership would be counter
productive. Some believe that the deeper information that the sites have on each
user will allow much better targeted advertising than any other site can currently
provide. Sites are also seeking other ways to make money, such as by creating
an online marketplace or by selling professional information and social
connections to businesses.
Privacy issues
On large social networking services, there have been growing concerns about
users giving out too much personal information and the threat of sexual predators.
Users of these services need to be aware of data theft or viruses.
However, large services, such as MySpace, often work with law enforcement to
try to prevent such incidents. In addition, there is a perceived privacy threat in
relation to placing too much personal information in the hands of large
corporations or governmental bodies, allowing a profile to be produced on an
individual's behavior on which decisions, detrimental to an individual, may be
Social network services are increasingly being used in legal and criminal
investigations. Information posted on sites such as MySpace and Facebook, has
been used by police, probation, and university officials to prosecute users of said
sites. In some situations, content posted on MySpace has been used in court.
1. According to the next, social networks .
a. are about friendships
b. can damage business reputations
c. advertise on business web sites
d. are being used by businesses for marketing

2. Why do advertisers like social network sites?

a. they are cost-effective to advertise on
b. detailed information on each user allows targeted ads
c. most users have high disposable income
d. they can influence consumer behavior

3. What does the expression “sprung up” in paragraph 4 mean?

a. there has been rapid development of social networking sites
b. they development of social networking is unplanned
c. everybody is trying to copy Facebook
d. social networking works in all languages

4. What does the word “Few” at the beginning of paragraph 6 mean?

a. not any
b. hardly any
c. some
d. only

5. What should users not do on social networks?

a. download viruses
b. contact predators
c. be too free with their personal information
d. upload copyrighted music

6. What does the word “deeper” in paragraph 6 mean?

a. more spiritual
b. more profound
c. more emphatic
d. more detailed

7. Personal information on social network sites ____________.

a. can be used in court
b. gives a good description of the user’s personality
c. is sold to the government
d. is translated into many languages
8. Social networking is great for ______________
a. groups of people separated over wide areas
b. academic organizations
c. people who write too much information about themselves
d. the law enforcement agencies

Passage: University problems

Douglas had two university classes, phycology and logic. Douglas would
always be on social networks, playing video games and ever sports. His
classes were about to finish and he never did any homework. When he found
out that there was a high possibility to fail his two courses, then he got
nervous. He finished 20 homeworks in 7 days, once he finished he told to
himself “never again I’ll let this happen”.

1. The main idea of this reading is to .

a. play video games c. fail classes
b. miss class d. never let your studies
go away

2. If you go to the university you have to .

a. be playful c. let go of distractions
b. be responsible d. quit smoking

Passage: Unsinkable Ship

Naval architects never claim that a ship is unsinkable, but the sinking of the
passenger-and-car ferry Estonia in the Baltic surely should have never have
happened. It was well designed and carefully maintained. It carried the
proper number of lifeboats. It had been thoroughly inspected the day of its
fatal voyage. Yet hours later, the Estonia rolled over and sank in a cold,
stormy night. It went down so quickly that most of those on board, caught in
their dark, flooding cabins, had no chance to save themselves: Of those who
managed to scramble overboard, only 139 survived. The rest died of
hypothermia before the rescuers could pluck them from the cold sea. The
final death toll amounted to 912 souls. However, there were an unpleasant
number of questions about why the Estonia sank and why so many survivors
were men in the prime of life, while most of the dead were women, children
and the elderly.

1. One can understand from the reading that .

a. the lifesaving equipment did not work well and lifeboats could not be
b. most victims were trapped inside the boat as they were in their cabins
c. design faults and incompetent crew contributed to the sinking of the Estonia
d. 139 people managed to leave the vessel but died in freezing water

2. It is clear from the passage that the survivors of the accident _____
a. helped one another to overcome the tragedy that had affected them all
b. are still suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder
c. helped save hundreds of lives
d. were mostly young men but women, children and the elderly stood
little chance

3. According to the passage, when the Estonia sank, __________

a. there were only 139 passengers on board
b. there were enough lifeboats for the number of people on board
c. few of the passengers were asleep
d. faster reaction by the crew could have increased the Estonia's chances of

4. Was the ship safe to depart because __________

a. It had to all the equipment and constantly maintained
b. naval architects said the ship is unsinkable
c. there were few survivers
d. the weather was nice

Passage: Business woman Nicole Hunt Tells All

A new book is coming out month by Nicole Hunt, a successful businesswoman.

In this book, Ms. Hunt describes how she got started in business, as well as
her plans for the future.

Hunt started as a factory worker in a small town in Mississippi. After five years

she was the manager of the factory. “I knew right away that I had to work

hard if I wanted to succeed.” Hunt explains in her book.

Today, Nicole Hunt is president of her own company. She owns three factories
and is looking for a new location for a fourth one. She still lives in Mississippi,
but is often out of town on business. She says that she doesn’t mind traveling
and prefers to be busy.

Mrs. Hunt is currently working on a new project. She is starting a group to help
other women succeed in business. “It’s going to be an information center for all
women succeed in business. “it’s going to be an information center for all women
interested in starting their own business.” Hunt says.

“It’s not impossible to start from nothing and succeed. But it’s necessary to
work hard and never give up. I owe my success to hard work and a little

1. Nicole Hunt succeeded because .

a. she worked hard c. she wrote a book
b. she traveled a lot d. her father had a lot of

2. What does “one” in “for a fourth one” refer to?

a. organization c. company
b. factory d. book

3. NicoleHunt is starting a group to help men and women succeed in new

a. True b. False

Passage: Life on My Street

I live in one of the best places in Washington D.C. It’s a quiet street with lots of
trees and a park on the corner. The sidewalks are full of flowers. There’s a little
French across from my apartment, next to a pharmacy. My neighbors are
interesting, too. Paulo Guzman lives next door. I don’t see him very often. He’s a
musician. He sleeps during the day, and work at night.

Every night he leaves his apartment at 10 o’clock and goes to a small jazz club
on Illinois Avenue. He plays Brazilian music there.

Susan Flynn lives across the street, next to the pharmacy. She is an artist. She
paints pictures of our street and gives then to her friends. She doesn’t need
money, she is very rich.

Many other musician and artist live in our neighborhood. I am the luckiest person
in the world. I live on the best street in the city!

1. Another name for his story is .

a. “My interesting Neighborhood”
b. “The worst Street in Washington”
c. “The Artist Susan Flynn”
d. “My Neighbors Work at Night”

2. Where does the writer live?

a. She lives on an interesting street with quiet neighbors
b. She lives on a quiet street with interesting neighbors
c. She lives on a street with Brazilians and rich artist
d. She lives on a street with few trees and an Italian restaurant

3. Why does Paulo Guzman sleep during the day?

a. He is interesting
b. He is lazy
c. His neighbors don’t see him every often
d. he works at night

4. Who is “he” in “He’s a musician”?

a. the French neighbor
b. Paulo Guzman
c. the writer
d. the artist

5. Which things are NOT in the story?

a. flowers
b. tress
c. cars
d. sidewalks

Passage: What’s your “food footprint”?

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