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Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

 1 Match words 1–6 with words A–F to form collocations.

1 severe A gaming
2 sore B mixture
3 cough C eye
4 computer D throat
5 black E treatment
6 hospital F headache /6

 2 Read the definitions and write the correct words. The first letters have been given.
1 a pain you feel in your back: b__
2 a medicine that you put into your eyes in small amounts: e__
3 you walk on these when your leg is injured or broken: c__
4 the part of the body between your hand and your arm: w__
5 a kind of bed used to carry someone who is ill or injured: s__
6 an illness in which your body does not produce enough insulin to reduce the level of sugar in your blood:
7 the top part of your leg, above the knee, is called the t__ /7

 3 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English.

1 ‘There’s so much blood! What happened?’ ‘Nothing serious, I (skaleczyłem się w palec) ___.’
2 I won’t see you today – I have flu and I don’t want to (zarazić cię) ___.
3 I’m afraid I (czuję się niedobrze) ___. I think I’ll stay in bed today.
4 Your arm is broken – we’ll have to (założyć na nią gips) ___.
5 Rudolph is really well built – he (ćwiczy na siłowni) ___ five times a week.
6 Look how pale Rob is! I think he (zaraz zemdleje) ___.
7 My grandad (traci słuch) ___ as he is getting older. /7

 4 Complete the news report with the correct words. Some letters have been given.
The crash of the two trains near York is one of the most tragic accidents this year. Seven people died at the scene
as a result of (1) f_ _ _l injuries. Other victims have already been (2) a _ _ _ t _ _d to local hospitals to undergo
(3) t_ _ a _ _ _ _ _. According to medical staff, they have some broken bones and bruises, but will make a full
(4) r _ _ _ _ _ _ y . Passengers without any injuries have been given a check-up by (5) p_ _ _ m _ _ i _s
and sent home. /5

 5 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 Jack used to have some problems with drug addiction, but he’s had therapy and is __ now.
2 The symptoms of food allergy include difficulties in breathing and itchy __ on your skin.
3 Peter is still feeling __ after flying from the US to Britain.
4 __, who treat people by putting needles into their bodies, are usually associated with Chinese medicine.
5 Middle-aged people who do not do exercise regularly complain that their __,
especially their knees and hips, get stiffer.  /5

TOTAL: / 20 / 30

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