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Types of Functions:

Bijective Function:
A function f is said to be bijective when it is one to one and onto.

1 X
2 Y
3 Z

Number of elements in A = Number of elements in B

f ( x )=x 3 is a bijective function.

Power Function:
y=x n

x is independent variable (input , argument )

n is some ¿ exponent

y=x n is an output

Simplest Cases:
When nis a positive integer
1,2,3,4 , …

x n=x × x × x × x × x × x × x × x
n occurrence
nth power of x
For Example: n=1 then
y=x 1=x

It is called the lazy function, just returns the input as output. It is also called an
identity function, identity relation, identity map or identity transformation.

Graphical Representation:

If f(x) = x, by putting different values of x.

X -2 -1 0 1 2

f(x) = y -2 -1 0 1 2

So, from the above graph, it is clear that the identity function gives a straight line
in the xy-plane.

Other examples of power functions are

Polynomial Function:
A polynomial of degree n is a function of the form f ( x )=a° + a1 x +a 2 x 2+ …+a n x n
Where ai are coefficients, x is the variable and a 0 is the constant

Types of Polynomial Functions:

 Zero Polynomial Function
 Linear Polynomial Function
 Quadratic Polynomial Function
 Cubic Polynomial Function
 Quartic Polynomial Function

Zero Polynomial Function:

A polynomial this is in the form p ( x ) =a=a x 0, graph a horizontal line indicates that
the output of the function is constant. It doesn’t depend on the input.

Linear Polynomial Function:

A polynomial this is in the form P( x )=ax +b, Graph is a straight line with no turning

Quadratic Polynomial Function:

A polynomial this is in the form P( x )=ax 2 +bx+ c , Graph is a parabola with one
turning point.

Cubic Polynomial Function:

A polynomial this is in the form p ( x ) =ax 3+ bx 2+ cx+ d .

Modulus Function:
The function of the form
f(x) = |x| Or y = |x|

Where f: R→R and x ∈ R

And |x| states modulus or mod of x.

Graphical Representation:


X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Y 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
Algebra of Functions:
Let f and g be given function, then algebra of these functions can be defined as

Composition of Function:

Let f and g be two given function. The composite function or composition

f ° g∨g ° f are defined as

( f ° g ) ( x ) =f ( g ( x ))

( g ° f ) ( x ) =g (f ( x ))

 f (x) = x2 + 6 and g (x) = 2x – 1, find (f ∘ g) (x).


Substitute x with 2x – 1 in the function f(x) = x2 + 6.

(f ∘ g) (x) = (2x – 1)2 + 6 = (2x – 1) (2x – 1) + 6

= 4x2 – 4x + 1 + 6
= 4x2 – 4x + 7

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