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Week 4

Task 2:

How often do these teens check their They check it all the time

Does social media affect their feelings? yes, a lot

What happens when they are doing sometimes they get kinda distracted
homework? because of their phone

What kind of crimes have they seen? they’ve related bullying, sexist, racist and
rude comments

Task 3:
Ivy Bean had become famous because she was facebook’s oldest know user, however it
didn’t take long for her to be an online celebrity

Task 4:
150 - the optimum number of friendships
130 - the friend’s average of facebook users
2008 - the year which she became the facebook’s oldest know user
2010 - the year when she posted her last tweet
5000 - she reached this amount of friends on facebook
4962 - when she died, she had this amount of friends on facebook
56000 - her followers

Task 5:
They’re living a social media life!

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