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Dear host family,

First of all I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Andrea, I’m 42 years old, psychologist and
I’m sure that I have the best son of the world.

It’s very hard to talk about the ones that we love so much, Lucas for me is a treasure, my
precious stone, but I’ll try.

Lucas is very polite, creative, curious, a good friend and is always by your side to help. He’s an
observer and has a sensitive point of view on such subjects that sometimes make you feel and
thing about it when you discuss about it. Lucas also likes to spend the day playing video game
and doing his homework.

We always heard good things about him from our relatives, his friends, his teachers and even
people that just get to know him.

Our relationship as mother and son is excellent; we talk a lot, like to go together to the movies,
and always discuss about it after the session. We like to have lunch together and having some
ice cream after it. Before bed time he always likes to came to my room and we keep talking for
a couple hours sharing our daily routine. He’s such a lovely son.

Concerning the school, he’s very responsible. I never have to tell him what to do or when. Even
at home, I’ve never have to tell him to do anything, he’s very pro-active and likes to clean up
his bedroom by himself and his own way (which is really great comparing with other boys of
his age).

As his mother, I wish the best for him and his happiness always. We’ve been talking for a long
time about his will of living an international experience, and as I believe that it will be very
enriching, productive and unforgettable for him, even with a swelled heart and knowing that
I’ll miss him a lot I will support and encourage his decision. That’s the right thing to do to the
ones that we love.

Living with a host family will be very important to his grown and maturity and I’m pretty sure
that the one that choose him will make a lucky choice. By my side, I wish that a warm and
receptive family that could host him as their own son could choose him and that he could
really feel their culture, life style and could bring them back in his heart for his whole life.

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