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Jakob Kelava
Alwyn Cox-Jones was born in Australia. He attended Victoria
University. He loves fantasy football.
Comprehension questions
• 1. Where was Frances going on Monday morning?
That morning Frances went to work in the emergency department for the first time.
• 2. What did Kate tell Frances about Dr. Graham and Sister Turner?
Kate said Dr. Graham is the best doctor in the hospital and Nurse Turner is very strict.
• 3. What is an ‘emergency team’?
It’s a medical team that helps people in emergency situations and solve health problems.
• 4. Why was Ron singing as he drove his lorry?
He was looking forward to going on a date with girlfriend.
• 5.. How did the accident happen?
The driver of the car lost control of the vehicle and Ron swerved abruptly to avoid an
Comprehension questions
• 6. Why was it difficult to help Ron when he was hurt?
Because a truck can fall off a bridge.
• 7. How did Frances get to him?
She got into the truck with a rope.
• 8. How did the police learn what the yellow chemical was?
Police called the truck company and checked the type of liquids.
• 9. What three things did the fireman do to save Ron and the lorry?
To save Ron, fireman’s : checked the liquid spilled from truck, washed the liquid and cut the truck so they could get
Ron out.
• 10. Why was Sister Turner angry at Frances?
Because Frances did not inform her of the emergency.

Comprehension questions
• 11. Why did Sister Turner thank Frances at the end?
Because she saved her son’s life.
• 12. What happened to the lorry?
He exploded.
• 13. What jobs do the following people do: nurse, ambulance man, fireman, doctor, policeman, lorry driver?
Nurse-assistence to doctors, fireman-saves people in emergencies, doctor-save people from health problems,
policeman-they maintain order and peace in society, lorry driver-transporting things by truck.
• 14. What do you think was in the white case?
First aid kit.
• 15. On which side of the road do people in England drive?

Short content
• Nurse Frances meets Dr. Graham and Nurse Turner on the first day in
her new job, emergency department. They find out that truck driver
Ron has a accident and they go to the field. Sister Frances saves Ron
from losing blood. Sister Turner find out that a accident happened to
her son.

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