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folk art - art produced by peasants or other laboring trades people, characterized by a naïve
style, in which traditional rules of proportion and perspective are not employed

household items - goods and products used within households (furniture, dishes, etc.)

ornamental painting – style of painting when a little paint is coupled with a lot of artistry

background - the part of a picture or pattern that is behind the main people or things in it

craft - a traditional skill of making things by hand

to insert - to put something inside something

a pattern – a set of lines, shapes, or colours that are repeated regularly

to draft the lines - to make marks or patterns

honey-based paints – paints with honey stuff

to glaze with sleek lacquer – to cover with a liquid that you put onto the surface of wood or
metal to make it shiny

hand-crafted – handmade

intangible heritage – things received from ancestors which cannot be touched or measured

clay - a type of heavy wet soil that becomes hard when it is baked in an oven, used for making
cups, plates, and other objects

brushstrokes - marks left on a surface by the movement of a brush, usually by pressure

tools – equipment that you hold in your hand designed to draw or paint:

a palette - a board that an artist uses for mixing paints on

a palette knife - a knife that an artist uses for mixing paints or putting paint on a picture

a gouache paint - a paint made with paints mixed with water and a type of glue

PVA glue - white craft glue

a kolinsky brush - a squirrel or pony brush

a pipette - a thin glass tube used for measuring and moving small amounts of liquid from

one container to another

a rogozinka - a stick which is cut off obliquely from the end

a koshachka – a brush from cat's wool

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