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My Star crossed.

Back then, I thought that when you found the one for you , you would
immediately feel the slow motion effect they've said. But I think it's the adrenaline rush
I felt initially, the moment went so fast that you couldn't move your body, because you
were busy looking at her and seizing every moment. In that very moment, I
remembered Jack and Rose, Romeo and Juliet, and Noah and Allie from The Notebook.
At first, I thought love is very corny and subjective but the moment you felt it. It's like
the sky fell on the ground.
Not everything we demand in life will always be in our odds, some days are okay
some days are not. And I have understood that's what love is. The poem is short but is
very meaningful. Love is a very broad word and may have lots of meaning to other
people since we have different perspectives in life. But for me love is not always happy,
jolly, and astonishing. It's full of tears and unexpected fights that each and everyone
must conquer. I always tell myself that love isn't love without any pain at all. Love
without pain is very questionable.
The reason why the title of my essay is “my star crossed” is because
Star-crossed lovers is an example of an archetype because two characters are in love
and their relationship is unable to continue based on views by society, family or a tragic
event. I remember the movie entitled “The fault in our stars' ' where the two of them
are sick but in the span of a few months, they've experienced what true love is. I am
inspired by the love and bond they've shared, despite the tragic event they still
managed to show what kind of love the person deserves.

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