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The webinar talks various topics about disaster preparedness, which we can apply in different situation

during and after a disaster. The presentation open my eyes on the different possible hazards around us
that we can prevent. We know that there are various hazard around us and those topic could prevent us
from danger in the near future. The topic involves the participation of the youth in preparedness in
disaster wherein youth has a powerful voice that could spread awareness to the community. The
importance of youth made me realized that we are not just a teenager or a student rather we are
people who can be a change if they would let us be heard and understood. Youth can change the society
and there is no problem with us, we would just want that our voice let be heard. Another thing that the
webinar informed us was the topic about spreading of information using social media. A lot of youth are
using social media not just an entertainment or a thing that will use if they are bored but social media is
a platform we used to spread accurate information regarding to the preparedness in disaster. One of the
speaker was a part of a social media group called “Earthshakers”. Earth Shaker is a youth organization
which aims to shake the appreciation of Earth Sciences in society and empower citizens to have science-
based decisions. They spread news about safety and preparedness for the incoming disaster.
Implementing community preparedness in different community is a huge movement that everyone need
it. It helps the community to be prepared in different hazard we will encounter and it will lessen the

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