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Group 5

Dosen Pengampu : Roza Elita, S.Pd, M.Pd

Group 5 members:

Inriani Sitohang Kathrine Giovana Sinaga

( 2162201128 ) ( 2162201138 )

Yohana Hutabarat Rima Villa Simanjuntak

( 2162201104 ) ( 2162201110 )
Homonyms Homophones

Heteronyms Homographs
Heterographs Synonym
words that have the same pronunciation and spelling but have different meanings.
[ kata-kata yang pelafalan (pronunciation) dan ejaannya (spelling) sama namun artinya (meaning) berbeda. ]

light (noun = lampu) The hurricane damaged many traffic lights.
light (adjective = terang)
I prefer a light color for my furniture.

left (past tense = meninggalkan) He left the room 30 minutes ago.

left (adverb = kiri)
Turn left at the post office.

tie (verb = mengikat) My friend tied the box with a red ribbon.
tie (noun = dasi) He wanted to know how to put a tie on properly.
words that have the same pronunciation but have different meanings and can be
spelled the same or different.
[ kata-kata yang pelafalannya (pronunciation) sama namun artinya (meaning) berbeda dan ejaannya (spelling)
bisa berbeda dan bisa juga sama. ]

hear (verb = mendengar) Do you want to hear a joke?
here (adverb = di sini) Take off your shoes here.

accept (verb = menerima) She will not accept the job offer.
except (preposition = kecuali) No one is allowed to enter my room, except you.

affect (verb = mempengaruhi) Certain foods may affect our mood.

effect (noun = efek) She wanted to know the effect of television on children.
words that have the same spelling, have different meanings, and may have
different pronunciations
[ kata-kata yang sama ejaannya (spelling), berbeda artinya (meaning), dan mungkin berbeda pula di pelafalan
(pronunciation). ]
polish (noun = dari Polandia) Who famous Polish people are?
polish (verb = menyemir, memoles) I polish my shoes with olive oil.

object (noun = benda, sasaran) You should choose an object for your research paper.
object (verb = menolak, keberatan) Mahatma Gandhi said that he objected to violence.

refuse (noun = sampah) Are you a refuse collector?

refuse (verb = menolak) My friend and I refuse to work under pressure.

words with the same spelling, but different meanings and pronunciations
[ kata-kata yang sama ejaannya (spelling), namun berbeda artinya (meaning), dan pelafalan (pronunciation). ]

bow (verb = membungkuk) After the play, I took a bow.

bow (noun = busur) There was a bow on top of the present.

refuse (noun = sampah) You should put your refuse out every day.

refuse (verb = menolak) He refused to do the work his boss had told him to do.

contest (noun = kontes) She entered a beauty contest.

contest (verb= menentang) The former chairman contests his dismissal.
words that have the same pronunciation but different spellings and meanings.
[ kata yang mempunyai pengucapan (pronounciation) yang sama tetapi ejaan (spelling) dan artinya (meaning)
berbeda. ]
meat (noun = daging) I cooked the meat on the barbeque.
meet (verb = bertemu) I want to meet you at the park tomorrow.

new (adjective = baru) This is brand new.

knew (verb = tahu) He knew where I will go.

dear (noun = sayang) Don't you worry, dear.

deer (noun = rusa) The deer ran very fast.
words or phrases that have the same meaning but different pronunciation and spelling.
[ kata atau frasa yang mempunyai arti (meaning) yang sama tetapi pengucapan (pronounciation) dan ejaannya
(spelling) berbeda. ]
similar – alike He was one of those whose similar you never meet.
(adjective = mirip/serupa)
The brothers were very much alike.

small – tiny The room was small and quiet.

(adjective = kecil)
A tiny hummingbird.

speak – talk In his agitation, he was unable to speak.

(verb = berbicara) They won't talk to the regime that killed their families.
That's all from us.
Hope it's understandable and helpful.


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