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“Involvement of youth in nation building”

We, as the next generation which also called “ang pag-asa ng bayan” have the
responsibility and huge part on the future success of our beloved country. Aligned with
these duties, we have to be aware on the happenings and become prepared since we can’t
foresee the future. We have the ability to bring positive changes which would lead and
prevent vulnerabilities in different aspects such as economic, political and cultural aspects.
Youth is known to act and adapt quickly, especially nowadays where the modern
world helps us acquire various knowledge regarding the nation development. Some may
not be physically fit to fight against possible terrorism. Hence, their intelligence can improve
our economy. Building our nation is not only circle around our arm forces. Thus, it also holds
the future success of our country in several terms.
Furthermore, we can be trained for us to be aware of our capabilities and skills which
will play as our primary strength. We are currently studying various courses for us to gain
knowledge. Our teachers serve as our trainer who are there willing to give us proper
guidance and path to become a great asset in the future.

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