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Lesson Plan

Level of School : MA Muhammadiyah 2 Al-Furqan

Class : XI IPS
Topic : Report Text (Listening Skill)
Time Allotments : 2 X 45 Minutes

In the end of the lesson students be able to:
1. identify the important details from a listening text.
2. extract the details from a listening text.
3. summarize what they hear.

Time : (15 Minutes)
1. The teacher greets students.
2. The teacher shows the picture of the flood to the students and asks:
- Have you ever witnessed a flood?
- What is the worst flood you have ever experienced?
- What were you doing at that time? Describe your experience?

While Activity
Time : (65 Minutes)
1. The teacher reviews about report text.
2. The teacher asks students to open their book on page 60.
3. The teacher reads the text in task 3 and asks students to complete the missing sentences.
4. The teacher asks students to match the summary contained in task 3 and the picture
contained in task 2.
5. The teacher asks students one by one to come forward to answer task 3.
6. The teacher and students corrects the answers that have been answered.

Post Activity
Time : (10 Minutes)
1. The teacher asks students to conclude what they have learnt today.
2. The teacher closings the class.

No. Attitude and value Knowledge Skills

1. Curious and Diligent. Match the summary Complete the missing
contained in task 3 and the sentences based on the
picture contained in task 2. text they’ve heard.
Teaching Media : -

Tutor Teacher Banjarmasin, October 29th, 2021


Rismawati, S. Pd Rizky Septiani

Reference :
Sulistiyani, S.S. 2018. Pengayaan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 SMA/MA
Kelas XI Edisi Revisi. Karanganyar: CV Surya Grafika Mandiri. (Chapter 5 – Tsunamis are
often Called Tidal Waves)

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