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Lesson Plan

Level of School : MA Muhammadiyah 2 Al-Furqan

Class : XI IPS
Topic : Analytical Exposition (Reading Skill)
Time Allotments : 2 X 45 Minutes

In the end of the lesson students be able to:
1. understand the contents of the analytical exposition text.
2. identify the structure and language features of analytical exposition text.

Time : (20 Minutes)
1. The teacher greets, checks students attendance list and pray together.
2. The teacher asks students to play colorful paper confessions game (Introduce yourself
according to the instructions for each colored paper you get. For example, blue paper has
the words ‘hobby’ on it. So, the person who gets the blue paper must mention their
3. The teacher asks students to work in pairs and choose one letter containing word related to
analytical exposition.
- What is the word on your letter?
- What do you think about that?

While Activity
Time : (60 Minutes)
1. The teacher review about analytical exposition text.
2. The teacher asks students to read a text in book related to analytical exposition on page 53.
3. The teacher asks students to understand the contents of the text in book related to
analytical exposition on page 53.
4. The teacher asks students to identify the structure and language features of the text in book
related to analytical exposition on page 53.

Post Activity
Time : (10 Minutes)
1. The teacher asks students to conclude what they have learnt today.
2. The teacher closing the class and pray together.

No. Attitude and value Knowledge Skills

1. Argue politely. Understand the contents, Read a text related to
identify the structure and analytical exposition.
language features of
analytical exposition text.
Teaching Media : Colorful paper containing word related to analytical exposition.
Tutor Teacher Banjarmasin, September 16th, 2021

Rismawati, S. Pd Rizky Septiani

Reference :
Sulistiyani, S.S. 2018. Pengayaan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 SMA/MA
Kelas XI Edisi Revisi. Karanganyar: CV Surya Grafika Mandiri. (Chapter 3 – Reading is

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