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Lesson Plan

Level of School : MA Muhammadiyah 2 Al-Furqan

Class : XI IPS
Topic : Passive Voice (Writing Skill)
Time Allotments : 2 X 45 Minutes

In the end of the lesson students be able to:
1. understand the difference between active and passive voice.
2. able to change active sentences to passive voice.
3. write simple text with passive voice.

Time : (15 Minutes)
1. The teacher greets students.
2. The teacher instructs students how to play Simon Says (If Simon begins the command
with ‘Simon said…’, the participants must obey Simon’s command. If Simon does not
preface the command with ‘Simon said…’, the listeners must not obey the command.)

While Activity
Time : (65 Minutes)
1. The teacher asks students to open their book on page 62.
2. The teacher explains about passive voice.
3. The teacher instructs students how to play Boom Word Game (Change the number to
multiple according to the instructions with the word BOOM. Students who make mistakes
in mentioning multiples will be punished by changing active sentences into passive voice.)
4. The teacher asks students to form two groups and line up in rows.
5. The teacher distributes a paper containing active sentences to two groups and asks them to
change it to passive voice. Then, students should write their answer on whiteboard.
6. The group with the most correct answers will be the winner.

Post Activity
Time : (10 Minutes)
1. The teacher asks students to conclude what they have learnt today.
2. The teacher closings the class.

No. Attitude and value Knowledge Skills

1. Curious and Diligent. Able to change active Write passive voice.
sentences to passive voice.
Teaching Media : Paper containing active sentences.

Tutor Teacher Banjarmasin, November 05th, 2021


Rismawati, S. Pd Rizky Septiani

Reference :
Sulistiyani, S.S. 2018. Pengayaan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 SMA/MA
Kelas XI Edisi Revisi. Karanganyar: CV Surya Grafika Mandiri. (Chapter 5 – Tsunamis are
often Called Tidal Waves)

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