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Educated voting is important nowadays but people still choose the candidate who

is more popular and does vote-buying. What do you think is the reason?

The main reason for this is poverty. Many citizens in poverty line are easily tricked
by corrupt politicians. Their sweet words and money often paved the way to their
hearts. Sometimes they vote someone who they see everyday on national
television. Those candidates use their popularity to gain mass votes and they
often use “drama” to get the attention of voters. If all voters are aware and do
their research of the candidates by carefully analyzing their platform and their
credential as a politician, they can easily tell which of the politicians truly cares for
our country. If a man sells their vote for 500 or maybe 1000 pesos they are being
paid almost just cents a day during the term of that candidate. I hope citizens
should realize this and stop thinking for short term relief, but they should aim for
long term and for the future of our country.

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