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This Friendship proved to be an important one considering it ha been going on for

over five hundred centuries. Beebo and I met at a party just outside of Drago 4
on a planet called Bakugun. It wanmore of a rave like party, different bands from
across the universe, they were there to perform, it was exciting , I had no idea
how I got there I got there but I was happy to be there, I met Beebo at a bar,
A bit wasted, and I said to Beebo>

Me: People don’t get wasted only if they are trying to avoid something or someone.

Beebo: What do you care?

Me: Honestly I don’t, I really couldn’t care less, but hey I’m here aren’t i?, lay it
out on me I have no where else to be.

Beebo: “Scoffs”, My fiancé ran out on me at the alter, I had done everything
right, prepared a wonderful ceremony, a nice pastor, lots of friends and family.
It was a going great, only for her stupid Ex’boyfriend to barge in through the
door and yell “I OBJECT”, the whole crowd turned around in shock, I was
surprised myself. I asked my “wife to be” what was going on?, and she replied
saying she had no idea, so I asked my bestman’s to drag him out because I
thought he was here to make a scene and stop the marriage, turns out that was
exactly what he was there for.

On his way out he yelled “ what we have right now is special, we’re in love, don’t
waste your time on him, I looked at my fiancé asking her, “what’s going on”, she
didn’t respond, then he said to her “Oh he doesn’t know, well his about to find
out”. Your said fiancé and I have been having an affair for the past two months.
I looked at her with my eyes filled with tears on the verge of coming out, and
said to her in a broken voice “is this true???” she looked at me and ran out the
Church leaving me there embarrassed, worst day of my life.

Me: Hey dude that was a really sad story, I’m really sorry man.

Beebo: Why?

Me: Well she doesn’t deserve you.

I ordered two shots of whiskey from the barkeep and said>

Me: To failed marriages, SALUD, it means salute in Spanish.

We had quite a laugh, said a lot of jokes, left Bakugun because it turned out to
be very boring, the party was dead, the musicians were terrible. We got on
Beebo’s spacecraft, it didn’t look like much it was comfortable.

We stopped by a planet called Gazoppazorp, we walked into a building, there was a

rave going on, we got a little drunk, had been there for days, we wondered out to
go get sober, then I came across a fountain, called the fountain of imperial, there
were words written on t, it looked like Greek and luckily I understood it. I was
able to translate it “only the lucky shall be gifted with immortal life”. Beneath the
fountain laid three calices, filled with some sort of liquid, it was clear as water.
Beebo drank from the first one, nothing happened so I drank from the third, I
couldn’t take it down, because it burned. The only way I was able to survive was
to drink from the calices of Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, I drank from it and
felt this insane rush coursing through my veins and ever since then we’ve been

Beebo and I traveled around the galaxy becoming best friends and survived
through so many wars together which made me realize this friendship proved to be

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