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Production Planning & Control

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Benefits of adopting lean production on green

performance of SMEs: a case study

Amine Belhadi, Fatima Ezahra Touriki & Said El Fezazi

To cite this article: Amine Belhadi, Fatima Ezahra Touriki & Said El Fezazi (2018) Benefits of
adopting lean production on green performance of SMEs: a case study, Production Planning &
Control, 29:11, 873-894, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2018.1490971

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2018, VOL. 29, NO. 11, 873–894

Benefits of adopting lean production on green performance of SMEs:

a case study
Amine Belhadi , Fatima Ezahra Touriki and Said El Fezazi
Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco


Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are widely recommended to strive, not only for their per- Received 27 August 2017
formance in operational side, but they need to integrate the environmental dimension. To do that, Accepted 2 June 2018
the literature widely indicates a positive impact of lean practices on green performance. However,
very few studies have been carried out in SMEs context. In this view, this paper aims at providing
through a practical case study of lean implementation in a real-life small manufacturing company, the Lean production; green
information to confirm this synergy between lean and green performance. To achieve this aim, a pro- performance; lean and
posed framework of lean and green integration has been implemented in a SME producing different green; small- and medium-
types of pumps. The results achieved shows that there is a strong correlation between operational sized enterprises
metrics improvement and green metrics improvement. Moreover, the benefits of lean practices such
as 5S, Kanban, SMED, AM, cellular manufacturing and quality control on green performance are widely
demonstrated. Future work could study other processes and explore other case-specific supporting
tools and techniques.

1. Introduction the globalised market as an important precondition for the

development of most national economies (Thanki, Govindan,
The adoption of lean production in recent decades has
and Thakkar 2016). One natural starting point is to examine
enabled in many cases small- and medium-sized enterprises
the opportunity of the use of lean production for developing
(SMEs) to improve their performance by providing tremen-
improved environment-oriented strategies for maximal profit
dous opportunities for development and expansion through
manufacturing for SMEs. This is stimulated by the fact that a
cost-effectiveness and quality enhancement (Belhadi, Touriki, number of studies pointed out that lean implementation can
and El Fezazi 2017; Thanki, Govindan, and Thakkar 2016). lead to environmental benefits (Du €es, Tan, and Lim 2013;
However, the increase in energy price, pollution, and glo- Faulkner and Badurdeen 2014; Garza-Reyes et al. 2016;
bal warming together with the changes in the laws and reg- Thanki, Govindan, and Thakkar 2016). For example, authors
ulations governing the environment and the growing such as Du €es, Tan, and Lim (2013) and Garza-Reyes et al.
pressure and demands from stakeholders have impelled (2016) underscored that the alignment of lean objectives
SMEs to admit the stringent environmental restrictions and with the green paradigm seems natural since the goals set
to develop greater environmental responsibility (Martınez- for achieving leanness will be a catalyst for successfully
Jurado and Moyano-Fuentes 2014). This requires the exploit- implementing green practices and help in achieving also
ation of processes with little harmful environmental impacts, environmental goals.
breakthrough energy-efficiency and accident-free workplaces, However, the numerous studies that intended to realise
which are economically sound. It demands not only making the natural synergies and compatibilities between lean prac-
more sustainable products-energy efficient, environmentally tices and green performance have been carried out in the
friendly and socially responsible, but also the use of more context of large companies without any focus on SMEs. This
sustainable practices to manufacture those products makes it hard to generalise the findings for smaller compa-
(Faulkner and Badurdeen 2014). nies since the factory size is argued to be one of the key fac-
Therefore, the objective of improving only the economic tors for implementation of both lean and green practices
performance is no longer sufficient (Martınez-Jurado and (Gandhi, Thanki, and Thakkar 2018). Several authors proved
Moyano-Fuentes 2014). The international economy wants to that operational strategies along with sustainability context
see their SMEs, in particular, to be operating their processes differ for large-scale industries compared to small-scale
consciously and to take more responsibility for environmen- industries (Gandhi, Thanki, and Thakkar 2018; Negr~ao, Filho,
tal footprint, and they are therefore raising their corporate and Marodin 2016; Shah and Ward 2003).
social responsibility. This requires the formulation of more In the literature, a number of authors such as Gandhi,
advanced manufacturing strategies to remain competitive in Thanki, and Thakkar (2018) and Thanki, Govindan, and

CONTACT Amine Belhadi Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco.

ß 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Thakkar (2016) argued that the trade-offs between lean and the systematic identification and implementation of lean
green management paradigms might help to manufacture strategies fostering customer satisfaction (Chiarini 2013;
SMEs to become more efficient and sustainable. Karim and Arif-Uz-Zaman 2013; Shah and Ward 2003).
Nevertheless, none of them has provided a proven and prac- Lean production has been designed and confirmed by
tical way to integrate lean and green and merge their funda- large companies, which have been able to achieve a signifi-
ments and principles, within the specific context of SMEs. cant increase in production capacity and performance
Facing this shortcoming in the current literature, most SMEs’ (Belhadi, Touriki, and El Fezazi 2017). Furthermore, many
owners/managers ask, ‘How can lean practices be used as a researchers have promoted the use of lean in small and
catalyst for achieving the green performance?’. In other medium enterprises as well (Belhadi, Touriki, and El Fezazi
words, how to develop an environmentally friendly mode of 2018; Panizzolo et al. 2012) and outlined its applicability in
manufacturing to generate profits in the context of SMEs? such companies and the possible competitive advantages
In an attempt to provide an answer to this issue, this achieved through lean production in SMEs.
paper aims to analyse in depth the impact of lean on green
performance for SMEs. The paper relies on the examination
of a practical implementation of lean in a representative 2.2. Green performance issue in SMEs
small company specialised in producing a wide range of Price rise of energy, climate change and environmental pollu-
industrial pumps to show how green performance can be tion along with the growing interest in the market for ‘green’
drastically improved as well as an economic performance by issues have led to the rapid emergence of the environmental
mean of lean implementation programme. The lean pro- issue as one of the most important research areas in manu-
gramme is implemented under the supervision of the facturing field (Thanki, Govindan, and Thakkar 2016). In most
authors and based on a systematic methodology proposed industries, companies look at their environmental perform-
by the authors. ance as a key of competitive edge, alongside costs, delays
This paper is outlined as below. After the introduction and product quality (Azzone and Noci 1998). As far as SMEs
section, Section 2 highlights, through a theoretical back- are concerned, many researchers have outlined the urgent
ground, the current research gaps and fixes the research need of SMEs for achieving green performance (Agan, Acar,
objectives. Proposed lean and green implementation system- and Borodin 2013; Ramayah 2012).
atic methodology is presented in the following section. However, various studies claimed that SMEs are so far
Section 4 describes the detailed implementation of the pro- behind their large counterparts in terms of achieving green
posed framework in a small company. Section 5 provides benefits. For example, Florida (1996) carried out a classifica-
some discussions on results. Lastly, some concluding remarks tion of companies and found out that SMEs are the less
along with a recommendation for future work are included. environmentally developed. Likewise, Azzone and Noci
(1998) have based on an intensive analysis of 15 companies
2. Theoretical background and research scope to realise that SMEs still adopt reactive environmental strat-
egies. Brıo and Junquera (2003) came to the same conclusion
This section presents a review of the literature in three cate- and stated that SMEs are usually used to ignore the environ-
gories, viz lean implementation in SMEs, green performance mental issues, and, at most, just comply with the direct regu-
issue in SMEs and a brief review of the literature on synergis- lation that concerns them. Actually, most studies agree with
tic effects among lean and green performance. Afterward, this point of view. For example, Lee (2009) argued that SMEs
the research scope and objectives are formulated. still have a short-sighted on the direction of future innov-
ation and still address green issues in an ad hoc manner. In
addition, Agan, Acar, and Borodin (2013) claimed that
2.1. Lean production in SMEs
Turkish State and SMEs are soft regarding environmental
Based on the principles and the working processes of the issues. Moreover, Boiral, Baron, and Gunnlaugson (2014) have
Toyota production system (Powell, Riezebos, and shown, by mean of interviews among 63 Canadian SMEs,
Strandhagen 2013), lean production is one of the most that the environmental commitment of SMEs is very limited
powerful improvement approaches which aims to provide and still requires more development.
manufacturers a new competitive advantage. Shah and Ward The reasons behind this situation are numerous. Azzone
(2007) defined lean production as an integrated socio-tech- et al. (1997) stated that small firms in Italy lack sufficient
nical system striving continuously to eradicate wastage by resources to tackle environmental issues. Actually, SMEs can-
concurrently reducing or minimising supplier, customer and not implement an organisational unit specially aimed at
internal variability. managing environmental issues. In a similar vein, Agan, Acar,
More practically, lean production can be considered as a and Borodin (2013) believed that Turkish SMEs and the
multi-faceted concept that includes a wide range of manage- government alike believe that environmental activities will
ment practices in an integrated system (Shah and Ward require a large initial investment and continuous costs that
2003; Slomp, Bokhorst, and Germs 2009). The core thrust of it will create a competitive disadvantage compared to
lean production is that these practices can work synergistic- other countries.
ally to reduce waste anywhere in the company, optimise The crucial role of green performance in SMEs develop-
core resources and establish a corporate culture dedicated to ment along with the less development of SMEs in

environmental issues have promoted researchers to find new a literature review regarding the relationship between
ways to develop a win-win scenario with environmental and green and lean. The authors came to the same conclu-
economic performance so that SMEs can be convinced to sion: there is a positive and strong synergy between the
adopt green management in their businesses (Thanki, two paradigms.
Govindan, and Thakkar 2016; Verrier et al. 2014). Among 2. The second category aims to propose models to gain
these ways, a number of authors have confirmed that the green benefits from lean implementation. Faulkner and
adoption of improvement initiatives such as lean production Badurdeen (2014) presented a comprehensive method-
within any organisation, including SMEs, can directly improve ology to develop sustainable value stream mapping by
the environmental performance since it main vocation is to identifying suitable metrics and methods to present
reduce wastage all over the organisation (Du€es, Tan, and Lim them visually. Moreover, Pampanelli, Found, and
2013; King and Lenox 2001). This is why the integration of Bernardes (2014) proposed a model, which integrates
lean production and green is recommended, especially for lean and green approaches for application at manufac-
SMEs, as one of the key paradigms that guarantee the turing cell level. More recently, Colicchia, Creazza, and
improvement of both dimensions of a firm’s performance, Dallari (2017), Garza-Reyes et al. (2016), Gupta,
that are, business performance and environmental perform- Narayanamurthy, and Acharya (2018), Ng, Low, and
ance with less investment (Thanki, Govindan, and Song (2015), and Verrier, Rose, and Caillaud (2016) prac-
Thakkar 2016). tical models and methodologies to integrate lean and
green practices. All of these models are validated in
large enterprises and have showed relevant results in
2.3. Review of literature on synergistic effects among
terms of green performance enhancement. The only
lean and green performance
model that is designed for SMEs is that of Thanki,
Green performance or the reduction of environmental impact Govindan, and Thakkar (2016). The model is not yet con-
through prudent and efficient utilisation of the world’s raw firmed but their authors argued that it could act as the
materials and natural resources in manufacturing is widely roadmap for lean-green implementation, depending
governed by the process and operational decisions derived upon the existing challenges to SMEs.
from production approaches that would be driven towards
pollution prevention (Rothenberg, Pil, and Maxwell 2009). In sum, a meaningful number of theoretical along with
Lean production is recognised as a useful way to develop some empirical studies imply that operational policies and
such operational strategies directly affecting the company’s practical tools are given by lean production can be import-
green performance owing to its role in improving environ- ant determinants of green performance. To analyse further
mental performance (Du €es, Tan, and Lim 2013). the impact of lean production on green performance,
Several studies in the literature have addressed the syner- Table 1 provides information from the literature on how
gies between lean and green and how the implementation each lean practice can support corporate environmental
of lean affects the achievement of green performance. management and improve green performance.
Table 1 describes the recent literature, which addresses the In the literature, several methodologies based on popular
interrelationship between lean and green thinking and lean tools have shown relevant outcomes in green perform-
touches upon their combination. ance enhancement. 5S has its origin in the Japanese words,
Much evidence exists in the recent literature of a focus on Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketso and Shitsuke (Ng, Low, and Song
lean implementation leading to green and environmental 2015). Due to its ability to enhance commitment in setting in
performance. The literature reviewed can be divided into order and cleaning up workplaces (Chiarini 2014), 5S ensures
two categories. that employees follow standardised procedures and maintain
a clean workplace, which strengthen the proper disposal of
1. The first category is intended to demonstrate green ben- rejects and incorrect use of inputs (Sobral, Jabbour, and
efits from lean implementation. For example, authors Jabbour 2013). Vais et al. (2006) stated that the highest
such as Sobral, Jabbour, and Jabbour (2013), Vais et al. environmental performance is results obtained where better
(2006), Vinodh, Arvind, and Somanaathan (2011) and housekeeping (5S and Kaizen) is implemented. Furthermore,
have based on case study to demonstrate the environ- Sobral, Jabbour, and Jabbour (2013) have stated that the
mental benefits gained from lean which is centred on most used lean manufacturing practices in terms of enhanc-
the efficient use of resources (such as water and other ing resource efficiency at the study facility are JIT, VSM, vis-
inputs). In the same way, Chiarini (2014) has investigated ual management of environmental indicators and employee
the ability of lean production tools to help reduce the training. This is supported by several authors such as Du €es,
environmental impacts of five large manufacturers of Tan, and Lim (2013) and Faulkner and Badurdeen (2014) who
motorcycle component. In addition, Piercy and Rich indicated that lean practices serve as a catalyst to facilitate
(2015) reported, based on a multi-case investigation, green implementation. For example, they pointed out that
that the strategic supply chain and workplace activities CO2 emissions can easily be added as an additional source of
implemented for lean improvement could offer sustain- waste in VSM approach. They went on to say that, JIT can
ability improvement either explicitly or implicitly. help to achieve a gain in the areas of inventory reduction
Furthermore, Du €es, Tan, and Lim (2013) have conducted and small batch size production which may lead to greater

Table 1. Review of the recent literature on the interrelationship between lean and green.
No. Reference Research objectives Type of firm Findings
1 Vais et al. (2006) Uses lean and green production to improve indus- Small recycled paper based mills  The results obtained included an 87% reduc-
trial compliance with the effluent regulations tion of the discharge of wastewater from 5300
and with EUs IPPC Directive under implementa- to about 700 m3/day;
tion in Romania, thereby improving the envir-  Further results obtained were better house-
onmental conditions in the Bistrita River keeping (5S and Kaizen) and a Total Quality
running through the town Management (TQM) organisation was imple-

mented where product quality, environment

and occupational health and safety are
merged into one system
2 Vinodh, Arvind, and Focuses on the exploration of various issues of Not specified Some of the issues that needs contemporary
Somanaathan (2011) sustainability using lean initiatives focus include:
 Commitment to eliminating environmental
waste through lean implementation;
 Identify environmental improvement opportu-
nities; active involvement of EHS staff in plan-
ning and implementing lean events with
environmental opportunities;
 Eliminate environmental waste by process
improvement tools
3 Sobral, Jabbour, and Examines how adopting lean manufacturing prac- Large multinational automotive  The environmental benefits gained from lean
Jabbour (2013) tices can generate environmental benefits for a manufacturer centred on the efficient use of resources (such
large multinational automotive manufacturer as water and other inputs)
 In terms of enhancing resource efficiency, the
most used lean manufacturing practices at the
study facility are JIT, VSM, visual management
of environmental indicators, and
employee training
4 D€
ues, Tan, and Lim (2013) Explores and evaluates previous work focusing on Not specified  Green comes as a natural extension to lean;
the relationship and links between Lean and  Lean manufacturers are greener than non-
Green supply chain management practices lean companies;
 Implementation of Green practices in turn also
has a positive influence on existing Lean busi-
ness practices
5 Faulkner and Badurdeen (2014) Presents a comprehensive methodology to Local manufacturer of satellite televi-  The approach is validated through a pilot case
develop sustainable value stream mapping by sion dishes study conducted with a local manufacturer of
identifying suitable metrics and methods to television satellite dishes;
visually present them  The environmental and societal metrics chosen
may not be equally applicable across all indus-
try sectors
6 Pampanelli, Found, and Proposes a new model, the lean and green model, Major international engineering  Lean and green proposed model can reduce
Bernardes (2014) where the green concern for environmental corporation resource use from 30 to 50% on average;
sustainability is integrated with lean thinking  Reduces the total cost of mass and energy
flows in a cell by 5–10%
7 Chiarini (2014) Investigates whether or not lean production tools Large manufacturers of motor-  Measured the environmental impacts of the
can help reduce the environmental impacts of cycle component production processes of the case companies
manufacturing companies before and after the implementation of five
Lean tools, namely VSM, 5S, cellular manufac-
turing, SMED and TPM;
 Other than SMED, remaining four tools
signalled improvements in green
Table 1. Continued.
No. Reference Research objectives Type of firm Findings
8 Ng, Low, and Song (2015) Proposes a methodology that aims to integrate Large manufacturing – metal stamped  Evaluated how lean and green together yield
lean and green practices, and enables the parts production synergy in improving both operational and
implementation of the integrated lean and environmental performance;
green practices in an easy and prac-  Metric ‘Carbon-Value Efficiency’ has been
tical manner developed for collectively assessing lean and
green implementation
9 Piercy and Rich (2015) Explores the broader sustainability benefits of Manufacturing UK-based cosmetics,  Lean operations meet a wide range of sustain-
lean operations pharma, metal pressing, FMCG and ability outcomes beyond environmental bene-
furniture facilities (one of them is fits by developing a stage-based theoretical
small sized and the rest are model of lean sustainability;
large companies)  Lean implementation and sustainability per-
formance are interlinked
10 Thanki, Govindan, and Investigates the impact of selected lean and green Small- and medium-sized enterprises  Total productive maintenance is identified as
Thakkar (2016) practices on performance, and evaluates the the most important lean practice, while ISO
influence of lean and green paradigms on the 14001 is the most significant green practice;
overall performance of SMEs  On-time delivery and a reduction in emissions
are the most critical criteria for leanness and
greenness, respectively
11 Verrier, Rose, and Gives an implementation structure to a lean and Not specified  The results particularly highlighted three ‘top’
Caillaud (2016) green methodology based on the seeking and tools which, as organisational strategic drivers,
eradication of wastes in production processes may have positive effects on all Lean and
Green mudas in addition to enhancing the
involvement of employees;
 These tools, easily accessible to less mature
companies, are Genba Walk, Lean and Green
VSM, Key Performance Indicators, and
Visual Management
12 Garza-Reyes et al. (2016) Presents a case study where both paradigms have World leader logistics company  The study corroborates the positive synergies
been combined to improve the transport oper- between the lean and green paradigms;
ations of a world leader logistics organisation  The studied organisation not only improved
in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Mexico its operational efficiency TOVE index, and
some of its individual metrics, but also its
environmental performance, particularly, in
relation to the reduction of gas emissions
such as CO2, NOx, CO and HC
13 Gupta, Narayanamurthy, and Presents a novel approach for assessing the Large and reputed tyre manufactur-  The model shows the overall performance of
Acharya (2018) wastes using a system dynamics model and ing firm the radial tyre manufacturing unit assessed;
validates the model in a radial tyre manufactur-  In addition, it throws light on the amount of
ing case organisation in India greenness attainable by the organisation
through the implementation of lean thinking
14 Colicchia, Creazza, and Investigates how intermodal transport can be FMCG company (Procter and Gamble)  Results confirm the opportunities to increase
Dallari (2017) adopted for managing supply chains according the sustainability and efficiency of the supply
to a lean and green approach chain, in line with the extant literature that
stresses the opportunities to concurrently
reduce CO2 emissions and optimise transporta-
tion costs

minimisation of material and energy waste. Sobral, Jabbour, SMEs, authors such as Verrier et al. (2014) and Gandhi,
and Jabbour (2013) showed that after implementing JIT, the Thanki, and Thakkar (2018) urge for detailed investigation on
case company recognised that it could receive parts from its integrated lean and green implementation with prime focus
supplier without a protective oil layer since the parts would on SMEs to provide them convenient path for successful
be in storage for a shorter time. This eliminated the need to adoption. Therefore, it is fundamental to cast a light on
wash parts on the production line, thus reducing water empirical findings regarding how this green performance can
consumption. be achieved at small companies’ operational level and how
Other lean practices are also discussed in the literature. production managers in SMEs would merge the environmen-
Authors such as Piercy and Rich (2015), Vais et al. (2006), and tal aspect with the context of the small organisation’s day-
Vinodh, Arvind, and Somanaathan (2011) noticed that TPM to-day activities. Through this study, the following research
encourages preventive and proactive maintenance of equip- questions (RQs) are being raised:
ment to enhance its cycle life. This increases the longevity of
the equipment and prevents process failures that cause  RQ1: What are the benefits of lean practices on the green
leaks, scrap, rework and raw materials wastage. In addition, performance of SMEs?
SMED and Kanban are considered as organisational strategic  RQ2: How production managers in SMEs can integrate
drivers, which have a potentially beneficial influence on the green component in their manufacturing facility’s
equally all Lean mudas and Green mudas (Thanki, Govindan, everyday operations?
and Thakkar 2016; Verrier, Rose, and Caillaud 2016).
Moreover, Chiarini (2014) has measured the impact of a To address these questions it is necessary to develop an
number of lean factors on green performance. Among them, exploratory study in a real-life manufacturing company in
he noticed that cellular manufacturing could lead to a order to add value to the issues that arise from the literature
decrease in electricity consumption. In addition, Gupta, review to generate new theory. To do that, the use of the
Narayanamurthy, and Acharya (2018), Piercy and Rich (2015), case study as a research tool for exploratory investigation to
and Vinodh, Arvind, and Somanaathan (2011), and have out- generate new understanding and bring forth knowledge
lined the critical role of training to lean culture among from actual experience rather than from established theories
employees in green improvement. Finally, the role of quality is well recommended in the literature (Eisenhardt 1989; Yin
enhancement approaches like six sigma in green perform- 1994). Therefore, the authors have based on the implementa-
ance is well recognised (Vais et al. 2006; Vinodh, Arvind, and tion of a lean programme in a small company using a pre-
Somanaathan 2011). established framework of implementation in SMEs developed
by Belhadi, Touriki, and El Fezazi (2016). The focus was on
accompanying the case company to accomplish green per-
2.4. Challenges and research scope
formance from the lean programme and to offer suggestions
The literature review affirms clearly that lean practices imple- and guidelines regarding similar implementation in
mentation can offer significant advantages on, and synergies other SMEs.
with, the green performance of companies (Chiarini 2014;
Garza-Reyes et al. 2016; King and Lenox 2001). Moreover,
3. Framework for lean and green implementation
some scholarly studies highlighted that lean practices are
for SMEs
partially green without the explicit intention to being green
and hence it is obvious that harmonious integration of lean Figure 1 presents the systematic methodology perused to
and green manufacturing can be seen as a positive step amalgamate some of the fundamentals, principles and tools
towards sustainability (Gandhi, Thanki, and Thakkar 2018). of the lean and green paradigms to improve both the oper-
However, it appears from the literature that the focus is ational efficiency and environmental performance of the
always on large manufacturers without any concern on studied small company in North Africa. This methodology
SMEs, which raises serious issues. First, there is still no clear was adapted from the work of Belhadi, Touriki, and El Fezazi
indication of how much the majority of lean tools and princi- (2016), which has based on an in-depth study of successful
ples have on the environmental performance of smaller man- initiatives of lean implementation in a sample of North
ufacturers (Chiarini 2014). Second, the challenge of how to African SMEs to develop a new framework that is supposed
gain green benefits from lean practices is still arising in the to be more suitable for SMEs (Belhadi, Touriki, and El Fezazi
context of SMEs (Ng, Low, and Song 2015). 2016). Since it has been developed based on the experiences
Piercy and Rich (2015) argued that today there is a few of North African SMEs, this framework possesses all charac-
empirical studies about the lean application in this context. teristics that increase its chance of success in the studied
They added that the lack of validated knowledge in this area company. However, this framework does not consider the
and the inability to fully describe such systems with quanti- environmental dimension. Therefore, we present an
tative investigation presents a requirement for qualitative improved version of the model that is destined to investigate
analysis to fully describe the complex and often-chaotic sys- potential benefits of lean implementation in SMEs for the
tem at work. environment and businesses in terms of waste reduction,
Realising the importance of SMEs and their competitive- green and operational performance. The proposed frame-
ness along with the importance of green performance to work consisted of three phases presented. A brief description

Pre implementation phase Implementation phase Post implementation phase

Steps: Steps: Steps:

1. Establishment of lean policy 1. Upgrading workforce and 1. Results monitoring

2. Establishment and training of lean workstations 2. Capitalization and Standardization
Team 2. Model and analyze the current of lean practices
3. Definition of the initial perimeter situation 3. Generalization of actions
4. Establishment of the master plan 3. Identification of opportunities 4. Extension of lean perimeter
5. Definition of lean and green 4. Implementation of Kaizen Events

Tools: Tools: Tools:

• Lean and green policy • 5S/ Housekeeping • Green Scoreboard
• Lean and green objectives • JIT • Work standards
• Multifunctional Team • Green VSM • Knowledge Management
• Product/ Process Matrix • Kaizen
• Pareto Analysis • Six Sigma
• Master plan • TPM
• Kanban
• Inventory reduction
• Visual control
• Cellular manufacturing

Figure 1. Methodology of lean and green implementation in SMEs.

is given in what follows, further and detailed description is briefly above, the implementation study was conducted in a
presented by Belhadi, Touriki, and El Fezazi (2016). small- and medium-sized company situated in North Africa.
The objective of the implementation was twofold: (1) to sup-
 Pre-implementation phase: at the beginning, companies port the company to improve its operational and environ-
should ensure that all necessary groundworks have been mental performance through the lean programme and (2) to
laid to create lean awareness programmes at different provide for SMEs guidelines of how adopting lean produc-
levels of the hierarchy and among all the employees. This tion practices can bring environmental benefits; details are
begins with the establishment of lean policy and the provided in the following sections.
establishment of the lean team. Afterward, the lean team
shoulders the responsibility of defining the initial perim-
4.1. Brief background
eter of lean implementation, the planning of the project
and the definition of adequate metrics. This phase builds The organisation used as the basis for this case study is a
a background for efficient and sustainable lean imple- small company situated in North Africa. Specialised in pro-
mentation and eradicates the uncertainty hindering its ducing a wide range of industrial pumps, the company pro-
implementation and benefits. duces many types of product, such as centrifugal pumps,
 Implementation phase: the implementation phase aims to multi-stage submersible pumps, jaw plate and sluice valves.
concentrate all efforts on identifying and reducing all Table 3 provides the main information of the company.
forms of wastage all over the organisation. A pre-requisite Namely, the company employs 12 managers and engineers
of this is to create a lean culture among all employees. along with about 154 employees, which comes under the
Afterward, sources of wastes are identified through a category of SMEs. The company’s current production capacity
green VSM. The identified improvement opportunities are is 20 000 centrifugal pumps per year, 1 500 deep well tur-
transformed to pilot projects, which are then imple- bine pumps per year, submersible pumps, high-pressure
mented and monitored. industrial pumps and domestic pumps of various designs
 Post-implementation phase: The post-implementation and capacities, it also manufactures Sluice and Non-Return
phase completes the lean implementation transformation. (Reflex) valves from diameter 37 to 200 mm sizes. It should
This includes capitalisation of new ways of work by stand- be noted that the company has obtained ISO9001:2015 certi-
ardisation, generalisation of these new ways and the fication for Quality Management System, as the first and only
extension of lean perimeter until it encompasses the pump and casting industry in North Africa. Although the
whole organisation. company belongs to a larger industrial group, it acts as an
independent small and medium company in North Africa,
responsible for its own business activities and operations.
4. Implementation study
The company possesses a number of cells each having
In order to confirm the usefulness of the framework pro- responsibility for an elementary operation. The process
posed by Belhadi, Touriki, and El Fezazi (2016) and described of pump manufacturing includes four steps: casting,

Table 2. Review of the impact of lean practices on green performance (1) (Vais et al. 2006), (2) (Vinodh, Arvind, and Somanaathan 2011), (3) (Sobral, Jabbour,
and Jabbour 2013), (4) (D€
ues, Tan, and Lim 2013), (5) (Faulkner and Badurdeen 2014), (6) (Chiarini 2014), (7) (Pampanelli, Found, and Bernardes 2014), (8) (Ng,
Low, and Song 2015), (9) (Piercy and Rich 2015), (10) (Thanki, Govindan, and Thakkar 2016), (11) (Verrier, Rose, and Caillaud 2016), (12) (Gupta,
Narayanamurthy, and Acharya 2018).
Lean practices Impact on green performance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
5S Ensure that employees follow stand- x x x x x x X x x
ardised procedures and maintain a
clean workplace, which strengthen
the proper disposal of rejects and
incorrect use of inputs
JIT Ensure receiving parts from supplier x x
and production when needed.
This eliminates the excess con-
sumption of energy for storage
TPM Encourage preventive and proactive x x x x x x x
maintenance of equipment to
enhance its cycle life, increased
longevity of equipment and pre-
vent process failures that cause
leaks, scrap, rework and raw mate-
rials wastage
VSM Showcase the potential for address- x x x x x x x x
ing wastes through fewer defects,
less scraps, low energy usage
SMED Promotes small lot sizes through x x x x x
quick change over time which
reduces the energy consumed
during storage and handling of
big lots of products
Kanban Reduces WIP and inventory thus x x x x
reduces the energy used for stor-
age and transport of inventories.
Visual control Systematises the identification and x x x x
elimination of unwanted entities
hence less material usage
and wastes
Cellular manufacturing Promotes the reduction in set-up x x x
times and change over time thus
achieve low energy and resource
consumption along with low level
of defects
Inventory reduction Facilitates identification of failures in x x x x
the organisation’s processes, thus
helping it avoid generating excess
consumption and waste
Kaizen Strengthens and handles the devel- x x x x x
opment and sustainability of an
environmental management sys-
tem aiming at eliminating hidden
wastes and unwanted activities
Six Sigma Ensures lower level of defects thus x x
less rework and waste, improve-
ment in product durability and
reliability hence enhance product
life cycle

machining, assembly and testing (Figure 2) for which

Foundry Cell
there is a number of working procedures to produce a
ready pump. Assembly and Testing & Quality
Painting Control cell

 Foundary cell: produces metal castings. Metals are casted Machining Cell
into shapes by melting them into a liquid, pouring the
Figure 2. Flow chart of the process of pumps manufacturing.
metal in a mould and removing the mould material or
casting after the metal has solidified as it cools. The most
Table 3. The main information of the company.
common metals processed are aluminium and cast iron.
Activity Pumps manufacturing
However, other metals, such as bronze, brass, steel, mag-
Management type Independently managed
nesium and zinc, are also used to produce castings in Number of employees 12 managers and engineers
foundries. In this process, parts of desired shapes and 154 employees
Production volume 12.000 centrifugal pumps
sizes can be formed. 1.500 deep well turbine pumps
 Foundary cell: produces metal castings. Metals are casted Activity start year 2014
into shapes by melting them into a liquid, pouring the Certifications ISO 9001:2015

Table 4. The sub stages and deadlines estimated for their completion.
Phases Steps Deadlines
Pre-implementation phase (1) Establishment of lean policy/lean objectives 1d
(2) Establishment and training of lean team 7d
(3) Definition of the initial perimeter 2d
(4) Establishment of master plan of lean deployment 2d
(5) Definition of lean and green indicators 5d
Implementation phase (1) Upgrading workforce and workstations 30 d
(2) Modelling and analysing the current situation 7d
(3) Identification of opportunities 2d
(4) Implementation of Kaizen events 90 d
Post-implementation phase (1) Results monitoring 5d
(2) Capitalisation and standardisation of lean practices 5d
(3) Generalisation of actions In continuous
(4) Extension of lean perimeter In continuous

metal in a mould and removing the mould material or  Complaints from customers are increasing drastically by
casting after the metal has solidified as it cools. The most more than 10% every year; and
common metals processed are aluminium and cast iron.  Emergency repairs and unplanned shutdowns had risen
However, other metals, such as bronze, brass, steel, mag- to over 20% of the global opening time.
nesium and zinc, are also used to produce castings in
foundries. In this process, parts of desired shapes and These issues are harming considerably the reputation of
sizes can be formed. the company and then its profit. In this context, the com-
 Machining cell: is the process to achieve desire shape of pany decided to adopt a new management approach and to
the material by different types of machining work. The engage in a lean transformation to enhance both operational
company has different types of machines to do this task and environmental performance to that of its competitors
such as lathe machine, milling machine, shaper machine, starting with the production process. Therefore, the manage-
grinding machine and drill machine. ment liaised with the authors to consult and accompany
 Assembly and painting cell: is the last part of the manu- them for the implementation of improvement plan based on
facturing process. It includes installation of mechanical lean principles.
(bearing, shaft, mechanical seal, flange coupling) and
hydraulic (impeller, volute) components and then putting
and tightening the bolts. Sometimes maintenance work is 4.2. Pre-implementation phase
also occurring in assembly cell. 4.2.1. Step 1: Establishment of lean and green policy/lean
 Testing and quality control cell: After assembly, a pump and green objectives
passes through the testing and QC cell to confirm its The setting of basic policies and objectives of the lean pro-
readiness for expedition to the final customer. Otherwise, ject is the bedrock of the lean journey. The stimulus of this
the pump is returned to assembly cell in order to make step is twofold: first, managers have to show their commit-
the necessary adjustments. ment through the establishment and the validation of the
Freshly integrated into the highly competitive market of targets. Second, all involved stakeholders may be aligned
pumps, the company has become aware that it needs to with the same strategy. With this view, the Chief Operating
provide high-quality products while reducing production Officer (COO) of the company was the responsible of the pol-
cost and delivery time in order to keep competitive or even icy establishment. In accordance with its overall strategy, the
survival. On the other hand, the company is dealing with a basic policy was set as to achieve the following objectives:
high pressure to improve environmental performance that
emerges from their stockholders and trading partners. Today,  Increase the production capacity and quality; and
the majority of the company’s customers are large firms who  Reduce the production costs through the optimisation in
may begin to apply vendor selection criteria, which set materials and energy use.
standards of environmental performance and buy their mate-
rials resources from organisations, which meet these environ- An emergency meeting was called by top management
mental standards. with operators, engineers and managers of different depart-
However, the company is facing a number of serious ments to ensure a broad dissemination of the policy.
issues in its manufacturing plant:

 New facility start-up cost is very high; 4.2.2. Step 2: Establishment and training of lean team
 Extra production costs are evaluated as 20%; A process engineer who directly reported to the COO was
 Excessive raw materials consumption and wastage. The appointed for forming and leading a cross-functional team
facility is consuming 40% more crude metals and 65% of called ‘lean team’ whose structure is shown in Figure 3. The
water than its competitors; COO, the sponsor of the project, is responsible for support-
 Cycle times are often three times more than planned; ing the project and making available the necessary technical,
 Energy consumption has been doubled in 3 years; human and financial resources. The process engineer,


Chief Operating Officer


Lean researchers
Lean Leader

Process Engineer

Process technician Qualified operator

Figure 3. Structure of lean team.

appointed ‘Lean Leader’, must oversee the creation of stream 4.2.4. Step 4: Establishment of master plan
mappings, ensure his training and his team’s concerning lean The lean team was responsible for establishing a master plan
concept, philosophy and tools, and coach the establishment for lean implementation based on duration illustrated in
of Kaizen projects. The other members are the process tech- Table 4. The total estimated duration of the project was
nician and qualified operator. As explained earlier, the 156 d before the steps of generalisation and extension of the
authors are integrated to the lean team as consultants. lean perimeter.
After its establishment, the lean team must undergo train-
ing not only to explain the concept of lean, its philosophy,
principles and tools but also to acquire an early lean culture, 4.2.5. Step 5: Definition of lean and green indicators
ease resistance and create an environment conducive to Measurement is a vital component of continuous improve-
change. Generally, for larger companies, training is con- ment systems. It is necessary to establish appropriate metrics
ducted by outside professional trainers. However, in our case and indicators for measurement purposes. Accordingly, a set
and taking into account the limited resources of the com- of measurements and metrics have been proposed as means
pany, training will be driven by the lean leader and the con- to evaluate the lean and green performance in accordance
sultants. The quality of the lean training may not be as perfect with the objectives of the programme set earlier. Table 5
as that led by a professional trainer, but this will be overcome presents the metrics proposed.
by the authenticity that comes from the personal experience of On the operational side, the eradication of wastage all
the lean leader, in particular within the organisation. over the organisation may has a potentially beneficial influ-
ence on both economic and green performance and is an
organisational strategic driver (Verrier, Rose, and Caillaud
4.2.3. Step 3: Definition of the initial perimeter 2016). Four metrics are considered to track the eradication of
The identification of the initial perimeter is a fundamental specific types of waste, that are, time efficiency, quality,
step, especially in the early phase. The benefits shown in inventory and availability.
the initial perimeter at an early phase can have a On the environmental front, energy consumption and raw
fundamental impact on the psychological/moral side. It is material usage have a direct relationship to green perform-
obvious that improvement opportunities are virtually ance because of the use of non-renewable resources
unlimited and must be handled by very limited resources (Faulkner and Badurdeen 2014). Therefore, in order to
given the company’s size and nature. Therefore, the achieve lowering consumption of these non-renewable
delimitation of the sphere of action is crucial. It should resources the specific consumption is an important metric
choose the top priority value stream, focus resources and that must be tracked in the lean programme. This includes
maximise gains. Afterward, the horizontal lean replications of four materials, that are, water, energy and crude metals. The
remaining value streams are easier as the initial perimeter is specific consumption metric will identify the amount of
serving as a guideline for a lean extension. Therefore, criteria resources consumed by each process to produce a piece as
for initial perimeter selection were developed as follows: well as energy consumed between processes for transporta-
tion and/or specialty storage.
 The most important value stream in terms of volume of
production and annual turnover; and
4.3. Implementation phase
 The most simple value stream with a minimum
of equipment. 4.3.1. Step 1: Upgrading workforce and workstations
After completing all the steps of the pre-implementation
Finally, a Pareto analysis was carried out to identify the phase, the company is now ready to begin the lean trans-
value stream to be targeted first. formation. The lean journey will effectively begin with an

Table 5. Lean and green metrics.

Metrics Unit Inputs Calculation
Productivity and qual- Rate of time efficiency %  Value added time Value added time
ity metrics  Cycle time Cycle time

Rate of quality defect %  Total of defects Total of defects

 Total of products Total of products

Rate of inventory %  Total inventory Total inventory

 Total sales Total sales
Rate of availability %  Uptime Up time
 Total time Total time
Resources and energy Specific consumption of water m3/product  Volume of water consumed Volume of water consumed
consumption metrics  Total of products Total of products

Specific consumption of energy Wh/product  Amount of energy consumed Amount of energy consumed
 Total of products Total of products

Specific consumption of kg/product  Amount of crude metals consumed Amount of crude metals consumed
crude metals  Total of products Total of products

upgrading programme aiming at creating a conducive envir- and tools were well cleaned in order to remove stains and dirt.
onment for the culture change (Belhadi, Touriki, and El Thereafter, working standards and best practices were formal-
Fezazi 2016). The programme consists of two levels. In the ised into procedures. These procedures were readily available
first level, a training programme was conducted on lean for all workers.
thinking and toolkits for all the employees. This is accompa- In order to sustain achievements of the programme, weekly
nied by a wide communication and awareness raising. In the Gemba walks by the management were scheduled. The aim of
second level, a housekeeping programme is initiated to these Gemba walks was twofold: first, managers ensured that 5S
reorganise the work floor. is permanently maintained within the area and that the proce-
dures and scoreboards are kept up to date. Second, this was a Training programme. The company began by great opportunity to encourage suggestions from workers for
establishing a lean and green training programme which improving the process and work environment for the people.
moved from area to area within the company. As lean train- One of the most improvements made from these suggestions
ing continues to stand out as one of the main tools for was the identification and sorting of wasted and garbage that
enhancing individual awareness on a different type of wast- has led to a drastic reduction in waste generation. Another
age, the programme includes different lean concepts and improvement action was a new automatic lubrication system
their linkage with the desired green performance. Everyone for machining equipment. This helped to a significant reduction
participating in the training programme was still paid his in the leakage from the equipment to the floor. Accordingly,
regular wage to come in and attendee to the training. after a month of 5S implementation, it can be seen that no leak-
age at all exists in the machining area. 5S/housekeeping programme. In the machining Although the resulting reduction of waste was gradual
and could not be seen at this stage, the upgrading pro-
area, the degree of disorganisation was too great. Therefore,
gramme was very beneficial in terms of creating a greater
it was decided to begin with this area by making it a pilot
awareness of the impact of resources and raw materials
area. Manufacturing in the machining section was halted for
wastage among the employees involved. Actually, a form of
one whole day to initiate the event. This was very important
competition has been developed between operators to have
in order to show everybody the commitment of the whole
the least amount of waste in the area.
organisation to the initiative, which is intended to be taken
seriously. All the workers in the machining area, about 17
people, participated in the event. 4.3.2. Step 2: Modelling and analysing the cur-
The 5S process started with a step of screening. Everybody rent situation
has cleared the clutter of his workstation and equipment to dis- After achieving an acceptable level of lean and green culture
pose of items not required to doing their tasks and any needless within the organisation, the next step is consisting on the
tool. The visual labelling of tools and items using a colour code current state modelling and analysing. This implies specifying
was used to distinguish unneeded items from the regular pro- the product and customer requirements and identifying
duction area. The following step was to clearly define locations opportunities for Kaizen efforts to eliminate waste in the
for every needed item using visual indicators like lines and sign- value stream (Ng, Low, and Song 2015). Thus, an extended
posts who were also used to identify pedestrian crossing and and adapted version of VSM has been used to incorporate
the different areas. Afterward, every item and tool was put in environmental metrics alongside operational metrics.
and placed close to its place in order to facilitate its use for The first meeting was conducted at the workshop between
workers when needed. In the next step, the floors, equipment the lean team with the simplest means possible (A3 paper,

Table 6. Process information on operational side.

Foundry Machining Assembly Painting Testing and QC Total
Number of operators 1 1 1 1 1 5
Cycle time (C/T) (min) 21.44 19.05 24.22 16.15 7.71 88.57
Total time/day (min) 960 960 960 960 960 960
Changeover time (C/O) (min) 32 9 10 8 2 61
Number of products/day 41 56 32 78 70 277
Number of good products/ day 39 54 29 73 70 265
Total inventories 178 106 91 211 189 775
Uptime (U/T) (min) 879 785 935 948 960 901.4
Number of defects 2 2 3 5 0 12
Value added time (min) 9.01 9.11 14.02 6.80 4.46 43.4
Rate of time efficiency (%) 42% 48% 58% 42% 58% 49%
Rate of quality defect (%) 4.88% 3.57% 9.38% 6.41% 0.00% 4.33%
Rate of inventory (days) 4.6 2.0 3.1 2.9 2.7 15.3
Rate of availability (%) 91.56% 81.77% 97.40% 98.75% 100.00% 93.90%

Table 7. Process information on environmental side.

Transport Transport to
Transport to Transport Transport testing Testing Transport Specific
to foundry Foundry machining Machining to assembly Assembly to painting Painting and QC and QC to storage Storage Total consumption
Water – 5 – 0.16 – 0.07 – 12 – 0.05 – 0.05 17.33 0.6 m3/product
consumed (m3)
Energy 350 6000 120350 5300 500 1800 150 3500 500 2890 500 21610 745 Wh/product
consumed (Wh)
Crude metals – 810 – 900 – 180 – – – – – – 1890 65.17 kg/Product
consumed (kg)

pencil, eraser) to sketch the current situation mapping. The 4.3.3. Step 3: Identification of opportunities
process technician and qualified operator began by observing The green VSM of the current situation has clearly shown
operators attitudes. They ensured that all operations are accom- that the manufacturing line suffers from a meaningful num-
plished in compliance with usual work instructions. Then, the ber of wastes including both operational wastes such as
team followed the physical flow and took the necessary dura- inventories, overproduction, useless transports and quality
tions for each operation. The involvement of operators is essen- defects and environmental wastes such as excessive use of
tial to the success of this work. Therefore, the team leader materials, energy and water. To eradicate these wastes, the
explained to each operator what the team is doing in order to current situation was deeply analysed in order to create the
have his support. Tables 6 and 7 illustrate the results of process future situation of the value stream.
information on operational and environmental sides. To redesign the green VSM of the future situation, the
Looking at the information given in Table 6, it can be team has raised some improvement guidelines as depicted
observed that the process suffers from a number of serious by Rother and Shook (1998) based on the analysis of the cur-
burdens. Namely, a high inventory rate of 5.08 d and a high rent state mapping:
changeover time of about 32 min in foundry station, a low
uptime resulting in the lowest availability rate of 81.77% in 1. Synchronisation of manufacturing flow at Takt Time;
machining station and a high-quality defect rate in assembly 2. Establishment of continuous flow;
station of around 9.38%. 3. Establishment of pull flow in places where the continu-
On the environmental side, it can be found that there is ous flow is interrupted;
an excessive consumption of water in foundry and painting 4. Identification of the pacemaker; and
sections, which results in a high total-specific consumption 5. Calculation of the management time frame.
of water (calculated using the daily production of 29 pumps).
In terms of energy use, it is observed that the transport of Synchronisation of manufacturing flow at Takt
products and materials between sections consumes about time. The Takt time is defined by Rother and Shook
(1998) as the time that the company should product one
of 9.8% (2120 Wh) of the total amount of energy used
part of the product based on the rate of sales in order
(21610 Wh). Furthermore, the specific consumption of crude
to meet customer demand. In our case, and with an
metals is absolutely high taking into account that the total
annual demand of 20,000 pumps and an overall working
weigh of metal in a product is 40 kg whereas the specific
time of 16 h per day, the Takt time can be calculated as:
consumption of crude metals is about of 65.17 kg/product.
Figure 4 shows the green VSM developed for the pump Annual working time 16  365  60
Takt time ¼ ¼ ¼ 17:52 min
manufacturing line, which encompasses the information pre- Annual demand 20; 000
sented above. What is more interesting in the new green (1)
VSM that it presents alongside the operational metrics, the This means that the company has to produce at the rate of
green metrics which provides an overall picture of the per- one pump per 17.52 min to meet customer's demand.
formance on both operational and environmental sides. Looking at Figure 5, it is clear that foundry, machining and

Weekly order Weekly order
control Customer

Weekly Weekly Schedule Shipping Schedule Weekly

Warehouse Foundry Machining Assembly Painting Testing & Warehouse
x1 x1 x1 x1 x1
2 days 106 178 91 211
C/T = 21,44 min C/T = 19,05 min C/T = 24,22 min C/T = 16,15 min C/T = 7,71 min 189
C/O = 32 min C/O = 9 min C/O = 10 min C/O = 8 min C/O = 2 min
U/T = 91,56% U/T = 81,77% U/T = 97,4% U/T = 98,75% U/T = 100%
1 operator 1 operator 1 operator 1 operator 1 operator
Lead Time
Defect = 4,88% Defect = 3,57% Defect = 9,38% Defect = 6,41% Defect = 0,00% =
2 days 4,6 days 2 days 3,1 days 2,9 days 2,7 days 17,3 days
Cycle Time
21,44 min 19,05 min 24,22 min 16,15 min 7,17 min 88,57 min

Volume of water
5m3 0,16 12 m3 0,05 m3 0,05 m3 = 17,26 m3
Consumed +
m3 0,01 m3 Volume of water
2 m3 0,05 0,1 m3 7 m3 0,01 m3
Required required
m3 0,07 m3 = 9,17 m3
Consumed –
Total energy
350 Wh 120 Wh 500 Wh 150 Wh 500 Wh 500 Wh = 21610 Wh
6000 Wh 5300 Wh 1800 Wh 3500 Wh 2890 Wh
2120 Wh

Crude metals
810 Kg 900 Kg 180 Kg N/A N/A =
1890 Kg

Figure 4. Green value stream mapping of the current situation.

Cycle Time (C/T) (min)

25 Takt Time
Cycle Time (min)

Foundry Machining Assembly Painting Testing & QC
Figure 5. Current state of process cycle time in comparison with Takt time.

assembly stations have cycle times higher than Takt time. To machining, assembly and painting have relatively similar
deal with this, a set of Kaizen events have been proposed to cycle times which approximates the Takt time. Thus, a con-
be implemented: tinuous flow can be made between theses sections. A Kaizen
event of cellular manufacturing incorporating these stations
1. Changeover time reduction in the foundry station; was proposed.
2. Down time reduction in the machining station; and
3. Quality improvement in the assembly station. Establishment of pull flow in places where the
continuous flow is interrupted Establishment of continuous flow On the other hand, the station of Testing and QC is faster
According to Rother and Shook (1998), continuous flow is than the other stations. Therefore, the continuous flow can-
referring to produce one piece at a time with each item not be possible. Rother and Shook (1998) recommend the
passed immediately from one process step to the next with- linking of this with the cellular manufacturing proposed
out stagnation in between. In order to establish a continuous between the other stations via supermarket-based pull sys-
flow, the team has observed that the stations of foundry, tem. To do that, a pull system based on Kanban is

Figure 6. Green value stream mapping of the future situation.

proposed to be implemented. The purpose is for the Kanban size ¼ 70.08 min. This implies that every 70 min,
Testing and QC station to go to the supermarket and the production is scheduled checked and adapted to
withdraw the quantity and the pace of production needed. its pace.
In turn, the cellular manufacturing manufactures what is Based on the information gathered from the analysis pre-
withdrawn. This helps to control production between the sented above, the required improvements opportunities are
cellular manufacturing and the Testing and QC station. marked on the future situation of the green VSM shown in
Since the customers of centrifugal pumps buy in multiples Figure 6 as Kaizen events.
of four pumps. This is the easiest choice of the
Kanban size. 4.3.4. Step 4: Implementation of Kaizen events
On the other hand, the shipping’s withdrawals out of a
Achieving the future situation requires commitment at all
supermarket determine the pace and the quantity of produc-
levels to implement the set of Kaizen events proposed. In
tion of the cellular manufacturing and the Testing and QC
this view, all necessary resources are placed at the disposal
station. Therefore, there is no longer need for the weekly
of the lean team responsible of the accomplishment of the
production schedule.
action plan presented in Table 8. Note that these Kaizen
events have been implemented simultaneously by different Identification of the pacemaker process. In order
Kaizen teams. A brief description of the implementation is
to control production at the whole stream and set the pace
given in the following sections.
for the production flow, it is needed to select one point in
our door-to-door value stream called the pacemaker process Implementation of cellular manufacturing. The
(Rother and Shook 1998). To this aim, the Testing and QC is
first Kaizen event is intended to create a cellular manufactur-
selected as the pacemaker process because of several rea-
ing between foundry, machining, assembly and painting sta-
sons. First, there is no supermarket at the downstream pro-
tions in order to promote continuous flow and reduce WIP
cess. Second, it is the most downstream in our door-to-door
value stream.
Depending on the floor space restrictions and intercon- Calculation of the management time frame. nections with other operations, the Kaizen team draw up
The management time frame or ‘Pitch’ is the time that the cellular design simply and manually. The design pre-
determines the frequency of checking and scheduling sented in Figure 7 includes dimensions and interconnec-
the production in order to be able to respond immediately tion between stations. Afterwards, the team begun
to abnormalities (Rother and Shook 1998). The calculation construction of the cellular manufacturing. The floor was
of this time is the 17.52 min Takt time  4 pumps given a good cleaning and many areas’ boundaries were

Table 8. Action plan of future situation accomplishment.

No. Station Value stream objective Goal Kaizen event Timeline
1 Foundry þ machining þ assembly þ painting Continuous flow 0 WIP  Cellular manufacturing 22 d
Low inventories 1.5 d  Super market pull system and Kanban
2 Foundry Eliminate C/O 10 min SMED methodology 15 d
3 Machining Increase U/T >90% Autonomous maintenance (first 3 steps) 30 d
4 Assembly Eliminate defects <5% Quality and process control 22 d

4.6 4.2


5.6 5.8
Casted pieces Machined pieces Pumps assembled

Casted pieces Machined pieces Pumps assembled

5.8 6.5

8.1 8.1

Exit conveyor

Figure 7. Design of the cellular manufacturing implemented.

painted to provide a great appearance. Equipment, tools, manufacturing processes and then reducing the materials,
machinery, or any other item was cleaned, not only for resources and time required for set-up (Ortiz 2006).
appearance purposes but for functional purposes as well. To do that, the Kaizen team has used the well-known
This was accompanied by some maintenance tasks. Then, ESEE model for changeover which identifies the four key
rotating lift tables were utilised to enhance flexibility. areas of lean changeover and is an acronym for eliminate,
The cellular manufacturing includes four operators, which separate, externalise and execute (Henry 2013). The words
have been cross-formed to different tasks of all included sta- are self-explanatory:
tions. In sum, the benefits offered by the implementation of
the cellular manufacturing are numerous:  Eliminate any unnecessary or non-value-adding tasks;
 Separate external and internal tasks;
 Operators become more flexible and multi-skilled, this  Externalise any tasks that can be done during produc-
breaks the monotony of work, tion; and
 Waiting time and WIP are totally eliminated. This gener-  Execute by performing all changeover tasks repeatedly
ates huge reduction in inventories, space utilisation, with minimal variation.
energy and resources consumed.
SMED implementation began with the understanding of Changeover reduction in foundry station. After the foundry set-up and the identification of tasks and tools
implementing cellular manufacturing, a major constraint of used for set-up, locations and other aspects. Thereafter,
the continuous flow is now long changeovers and tiresome more in-depth information has been collected from the oper-
production start-up in foundry station. Actually, foundry ator of the foundry station in order to identify unneeded
wasted 32 min in changeover, which implies the appearance tasks and potential problems in the set-up process.
of WIP and waiting time for the other stations. Afterward, the team has took a close look to the set-up to
In order to reduce changeover and set-up time, the monitor and record all the operations, tasks and gestures
widely used methodology of SMED has been implemented during the set-up using a video recording. The current state
in the foundry station. SMED is a method of analysing the of set-up operations has been clearly described with

Mold Mold Previous mold

Preparation Changing evacuation

1. Shutdown machine 2.5’

2. Open mold slide 2.5’
1. Preparation of mold 4’ 3. Provision of the hoist
1. Clean the previous
2. Transfer to furnace 0.5’ 3’ (10 m)
mold 3’
(20 m) 4. Remove previous mold
2. Transfer previous mold
3. Preheating to 320°C 1.5’
to the storage 5’
17’ 5. Insert new mold with
hoist 1’
6. Close mold slide 2.5’
7. Test new mold 2’

Figure 8. Foundry set-up operations with information regarding durations and distances.

Table 9. The study and the conversion of internal operations to external operations.
Operations Duration (s) Current nature Future nature
Preparation of mould 240 External External
Transfer to furnace 30 External External
Preheating to 320  C 1020 Internal External
Shutdown the furnace 150 Internal Internal
Open mold slide 150 Internal Internal
Provision of the hoist 180 Internal External
Remove previous mold 90 Internal Internal
Insert new mold with hoist 60 Internal Internal
Close mold slide 150 Internal Internal
Test new mold 120 Internal Internal
Clean the previous mold 180 External External
Transfer previous mold to the storage 60 External External
Total of operations 2430
Total of the internal operation (current state) 1920
Total of the internal operation (future state) 620

information regarding durations and distances travelled by furnace in parallel. This has reduced the time of changeover
operators as presented in Figure 8. by 150 s. Figure 9 illustrates the final sequence of the
In the first step, the internal and external set-up opera- changeover operations.
tions were not distinguished yet. In this view, the following It is clear that only by good planning and preparation
step of SMED methodology indicates that after understand- and without major investment, the changeover is reduced
ing the set-up operations, it is essential to separate internal from the 1920s (32 min) to 570 s (9.5 min).
and external operations. To do that, checklists have been
used to include all necessary information about set-up tasks Downtime reduction in machining station. The
and operations. This helped to collect correct information second constraint that the continuous flow implemented
about the set-up operations before trying to differentiate between the four stations has been faced is the low uptime
them as internal or external. Before proceeding to the next of the machining station. Indeed, the availability rate of the
stage, an evaluation of the transportation method should machining station is the lowest of all stations. Therefore,
be performed. The aim is to reduce the time required for the team has been attempting to implement an autono-
moving the parts, components and accessories before start- mous maintenance programme in order to involve machine
ing the actual set-up phase. The third stage of SMED is and maintenance operators together and constitute the
converting the internal set-up to external operations. Table basis for creating an overall company approach to maintain
9 summarises the study and the conversion of internal production facilities. A starting point is the 5S implemented
operations to external operations. Note that the changeover earlier in the machining station. Indeed, machining operator
time only needs to consider the time taken for internal has conducted an in-depth inspection alongside 5S tasks to
operations because the external operations were performed check any abnormalities such as slight defects, contamin-
at the same time while the foundry furnace is running. ation sources, inaccessible places and sources of quality
Consequently, it can be widely observed that the conver- defects. All the abnormalities and contaminants found
sion of preheating to 320  C and provision of the hoist will inside the machine (dust, stains or grease) were collected
help to reduce considerably the changeover time from for further analysis and countermeasures implementation by
1920s (32 min) to 620 s (10.33 min). a machine specialist before cleaning in order to establish
In the last stage, the team thought together about solu- the basic equipment conditions. An insight on some of the
tions to reduce changeover time further. A planning act has countermeasures performed is given in Table 10.
been proposed to further reduce the changeover time. It As can be seen, the analysis of root causes enabled to
consisted of opening the mould slide and shutdown the clarify the contamination sources and a succession of

Duration (s)
30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 540 570
Preparation of Mold
Transfer to furnace
Preheating to 320 °C
Shutdown machine
Open mold slide
Provision of the hoist
Remove previous mold
Insert new mold with hoist
Close mold slide
Test new mold
Clean the previous mold
Transfer previous mold to the storage

Figure 9. Planning of the final sequence of the changeover operations.

Table 10. Countermeasures of the establishment of the basic equipment conditions of machining station.
Categories of abnormalities Root causes identified Counter measures
Loose bolts on the cover  Intensive vibration  Measure of vibration
 Misalignment of drive system  Alignment of drive system
 Bearing changing
Leak of coolant water  High pressure in coolant line  Safe unit installation to control pressure
Heating of electric terminal box  Overvoltage  Installation of transformer to adapt electrical power
 Malfunction of electrical safety materials  Rehabilitation of electrical safety materials
Oil leak  A worn coupling in the oil pipe  Changing of the worn coupling
 Deterioration of the pipe  Changing of the pipe
Presence of metal debris  Lack of lubrication  Sealing of the oil pipes

improvements was performed. The improvement by the As for bearing defects, it was found that the use of
maintenance team was essential when the contamination inappropriate type (roller bearing) and quality on the one
source was not easily handled by the AM team. Note that hand and the inappropriate state of cleaning of the storage
during the countermeasures and improvement period, many zone and workplace have been behind the apparition of a
improvement methods, knowledge and skills in maintenance high number of bearing defects. For that, the team proposed
have been developed, shared and standardised among pro- the use of another type of bearing to reduce rotational fric-
duction teams. tion and support radial and axial loads which is the ball
After the establishment of the basic equipment condi- bearing. Moreover, the suppliers of this type of bearing have
tions, cleaning, oiling and check standards have been estab- been diversified in order to put them in competition and
lished and combined with 5S standards established earlier. ensure the highest quality. On the other hand, the arrange-
ment and cleaning of the bearing storage zone and worksta- Quality defect reduction in assembly station. The tion have allowed to avoid damage to the rolling tracks
last improvement opportunity is the reduction of the high caused by particles entering the bearing. Regarding the
defect rate of the assembly station that hampers the con- improper lubrication of the graphite sealing, it was observed
tinuous flow by scrap and rework. Therefore, the lean team that the use of silicone instead of glycerine or lightweight
made a decision to try developing a quality enhancement machine oil is the major cause behind this defect. Moreover,
approach in assembly station. Four persons from different the contamination of lubricant by foreign objects could also
departments were given four training sessions (2 d in total), generate this defect. Thus, the use of appropriate lubricant
which included defect analysis. along with the proper conditioning of lubricant by covering
In the first stage, data were collected in order to figure the storage tanks were felt to be efficient to resolve
out the most prominent defects in the assembly station. the problem.
Using a three-month data history, a Pareto diagram is con-
structed based on the frequency of defects occurrence as
4.4. Post implementation phase
shown in Figure 10.
It can be easily observed that only two defects cumulated 4.4.1. Step 1: Result monitoring
together 70.09% of defect frequency during the study After implementing all necessary improvement plans, the
period. These defects are ‘Bearing defect’ and ‘Graphite seal- lean team monitored the results achieved by recalculating
ing improperly lubricated’. For these defects, a root cause the metrics defined earlier in order to show top manage-
analysis was carried out in order to propose actions and ment and all involved staff the usefulness of the project. As
improvements to act directly on the root causes of these targeted earlier in lean and green policy, the improvement
defects. Table 11 presents the root causes identified and the must be monitored in both operational and environmental
improvements carried out. side. Table 12 summarises the comparison of lean and green

100 100.00%
80 80.00%
60 60.00%
40 40.00%
20 20.00%
0 graphite Carbone
Missing O-ring Shaft
bearing sealing Missing Graphite Play Gakets Missing
drain not tightening
defect improperly slinger Seal defect defect bolts
plug placed defect
lubrificated damaged
Freq. 91 73 31 11 8 8 6 3 2 1
Cum % 38.89% 70.09% 83.33% 88.03% 91.45% 94.87% 97.44% 98.72% 99.57% 100.00%

Figure 10. Pareto diagram of defect frequency.

Table 11. Root causes and improvements made for the most prominent defects of the assembly station.
Defects Root causes Improvements
Bearing defect Inappropriate use of roller bearing to support radial  Use of ball bearing
and axial loads
Poor quality of bearing used  Diversification of bearing suppliers
 Test of different brands of bearing
Inappropriate storage of bearing  Arrangement of bearing storage zone
in warehouse
Presence of foreign bodies, moisture and contamin-  Cleaning of bearing, shaft and workstation during
ation in the assembly place bearing insertion
 Standards of cleaning
Graphite sealing improperly lubricated Use of silicon lubricants  Replacement of the current lubricant by Water,
glycerine or lightweight machine oil
presence of foreign objects in lubricant  Covering tanks of lubricant storage
 Cleaning the work station while applying
the lubricant

metrics before and after improvements implementation. the WIP reduction by the implementation of cellular manu-
Detailed discussion about these comparisons and further facturing and the creation of continuous flow alongside
information about the achieved improvement are provided the manufacturing pulled by customer demand have
in the following. affected significantly the volume of inventory and reduced
the lead-time of production. On the operational side. It is clearly shown that all Lastly, the availability rate has increased from 93.90 to
metrics of productivity and quality have drastically improved. 95.98% after the implementation of improvements. This is
These improvements were achieved by small actions and mainly due to the remarkable improvement in uptime of the
lean culture that has been created in the organisation rather machining station. This improvement is a result of the cre-
than heavy investments. ation of a culture of housekeeping and early detection of
First, the rate of time efficiency has increased from 49 to abnormalities by two projects 5S and autonomous
around 62%, as a result of a set of the reduction of different maintenance.
wastes. Indeed, waiting time has been effectively reduced by
creating continuous flow between foundry, machining, On the environmental side. Given the improvement
assembly and painting stations. In addition, changeover time in operational metrics, the environmental metrics have been
in machining station has been decreased from 32 to 9.5 min improved tremendously.
in foundry station. First, the specific consumption of water was decreased
Second, the rate of quality defect has decreased from from 0.6 to around 0.33 m3/product. This is mainly due to
4.33 to 3.61% after improvements implementation. This is the active campaign to detect, track down and repair
due to two reasons. First, the significant decrease in the water leaks. This campaign was promoted by housekeeping
defect rate in assembly station from 6.38 to 3.13% and via 5S and autonomous maintenance in machining station.
second the increase in daily production capacity from 29 to Moreover, the establishment of the basic equipment condi-
39 pumps. tions of machining tools has led to the adjustments of
Third, the rate of inventory, which indicates the overall parameters namely pressure and flow of liquid used in par-
lead-time of the process, has also been decreased from ticular water widely used in this station. Another cause of
15.3 to 4.5 d after improvements implementation. Indeed, water consumption reduction is the reduction in workspace

Table 12. Comparison of lean and green metrics before and after improvements implementation.
Metric Before After
Productivity and quality metrics Rate of time efficiency (%) 49% 62%
Rate of quality defect (%) 4.33% 3.61%
Rate of inventory (days) 15.3 4.50
Rate of availability (%) 93.90% 95.98%
Resources and energy consumption metrics Specific consumption of water (m3/product) 0.6 0.33
Specific consumption of energy (Wh/product) 745 409
Specific consumption of metal crude (kg/product) 65.17 46.38

achieved by creating a cellular manufacturing between side. VSM has a positive impact in measuring and visualising
four stations. This led to the reduction of water needed sources of waste alongside green performance and identify-
for cleaning and washing the workshop and storage areas. ing unnecessary operations that consume energy. Moreover,
Second, the specific consumption of energy was also cellular manufacturing, SMED, pull system and autonomous
decreased from 745 to 409 Wh/product for several reasons. maintenance help to enhance productivity performance,
First, the creation of cellular manufacturing and continuous which implies a direct reduction in specific consumption of
flow has promoted the reduction in products transports and energy and water. Lastly, quality control can help to reduce
small lot sizes. Indeed, the transport of product consumed production defects, which reduces the consumption of
after improvements around 9.8% of the total energy used. raw materials.
Second, the adjustment in tool parameters achieved during RQ3: How production managers in SMEs can integrate
the establishment of basic equipment conditions has a big the green component in their manufacturing facility’s every-
effect in the energy efficiency of the facility. day operations.
Third, the specific consumption of crude metals has The case study presented in this paper demonstrates
decreased from 65.17 to 46.38 kg/product and became closer clearly that lean and green can be implemented and man-
to the weight of metal in a product which is 40 kg. This was aged even by small companies. Indeed, it can easily observe
achieved mainly through the reduction in defect rate. that the case company has enjoyed relevant achievement in
Note that the increase in daily production capacity from both operational and environmental side without engaging
29 to 39 pumps has a great effect in the specific con- expensive investment. The willingness of improvement and
sumption of all resources and energy. Furthermore, the the commitment of all organisation’s levels to change have
creation of saving culture promoted by lean commitment been the essence of these achievements. From this case, sev-
led also to reduce further wastage in terms of resour- eral lessons can be learned which could be useful for other
ces use. SMEs that are trying to enhance operational and environ-
mental performance:

4.4.2. Step 2: Capitalisation and standardisation of  Commitment and involvement of all management’s levels
lean practices is highly required to define the strategy and the objec-
Having achieved the relevant result by mean of several tives targeted;
improvements, the team took a moment to establish work  Simple, easy to use and non-financial performance met-
standards derived from new ways of doing tasks developed. rics would be the most suitable way to provide directions
The standardisation of actions may have a significant impact for improving the performance in SMEs. Moreover, it is
on sustainability and commitment of doing tasks according widely recommended to integrate environmental metrics
to lean and green standards. as well;
 The involvement of all operators can be widely improved
5. Discussion of results by 5S and internal training because of their low imple-
mentation costs and their significant role in creating lean
RQ1: What are the benefits of lean practices on the green and green culture in which will rely the programme;
performance of SMEs?  Green value stream mapping is an easy way perfectly
Through this study, the impact of lean implementation in adapted to small companies in order to identify opportu-
the betterment of greenness level of the company is broadly nities for improvement and focus resources;
demonstrated. The case study shows that implementing lean  Several lean practices such as SMED, cellular manufactur-
practices has a very beneficial effect on the environmental ing, autonomous maintenance are suitable to use for
performance of SMEs in terms of the efficient use of resour- SMEs and can give relevant results;
ces such as water, energy and raw materials. Table 13 pro-  Employee empowerment and self-directed Kaizen teams
vides information from the case study on how each lean help in effectively implement Kaizen events and enjoy
practice can support corporate environmental management significant improvement in performance for SMEs;
and improve green performance in SMEs.  A gradual implementation will lead to focus resources
As explained earlier, lean practices have a positive impact and show quick results. This improves the commitment of
on green performance and this applies also to small compa- managers and the morale of employees during the
nies. Practices like 5S and training can help in the cultural change process.

Table 13. Impact of lean practices on the green performance in the case of SMEs.
Lean practice Impact on green performance
5S  Impacts water and energy consumption through cultural waste eradication;
 Impacts energy consumption through systematic detection and fixing of waste in energy use
VSM  Helps to the measurement and the visualisation of wastage;
 Identification of unnecessary operations and opportunity to avoid excess of energy, water and raw material use.
Cellular manufacturing  Reduces space utilisation that minimises water needed for washing and cleaning storage zone and work area. Also it
minimises the energy use (lightening, handling, conditioning … );
 Reduce transport between stations that generates an important source of energy use. Thus it enhances energy efficiency
SMED  Promotes the continuous flow that reduces energy needed to storage of big lot of product;
 Helps to produce small lot sizes. This avoids unnecessary use of energy for storage and handling of big lots of products;
 Reduce non value added time and enhance productivity which reduces the specific consumption of energy and water
Pull system Kanban  Help reducing WIP in the shop floor with very few batches between the stations;
 Avoids overproduction that generates inventory and WIP. This avoids unnecessary use of energy for storage and han-
dling of products
Autonomous maintenance  Establishes the basic equipment conditions which has a positive impact in reduction of wastage in energy and material;
 Creates a culture of earlier detection and repair of water leaks. This reduces water consumption;
 Enhances availability of facilities which avoid use of energy while not producing
Quality control  Reduces scrap and rework which reduces the specific consumption of raw materials and energy use

6. Managerial implications SMEs through a proposed methodology that has not been
yet experienced.
This study broadens key managerial implications. Actually,
The framework implemented has enabled the use of sev-
the study discloses the pride of lean-green implementation eral practices such as 5S, training, green VSM, SMED,
to the SMEs’ owners/managers and stakeholders and pro- Kanban, AM and quality control to create a corporate lean
motes these companies to focus on sustainability during and green culture which allowed to achieve significant
their manufacturing operations. In addition, the study will improvements in both operational and environmental side.
help to increase the likeliness of successful adoption of The improvements were assessed using quantitative metrics.
lean and green paradigms by providing a new way of For instance, the rate of value-added time has increased
implementation that is believed to be suitable for SMEs. from 49 to around 62%. In addition, the rate of quality
The findings have helped to develop the following defect has decreased from 4.33 to 3.61%. In terms of inven-
recommendations: tory, a decrease from 15.3 to 4.5 d was observed. In addition,
the availability rate has increased from 93.90 to 95.98%.
 Managers of SMEs must recognise that lean approach is a These improvements in operational metrics have resulted in
fundamental way very suitable to use by SME to promote several green performances. In particular, the reduction in
and convince employees of the need for making such specific consumption of water (from 0.6 to around 0.33 m3/
changes when targeting improvement in performance. product), energy (from 745 to 409 Wh/product) and raw
 It is mandatory for any SME to include the training of all materials (from 65.17 to 46.38 kg/product). These results
operators for energy reduction best practices and estab- clearly demonstrate the applicability of lean and green pro-
lish new standards of work for equipment operation and grammes in SMEs and the usefulness of this approach for
maintenance. enhancing SMEs’ performance on all sides.
 SMEs should include energy and water waste checkpoint However, there are some limitations to this study that
into 5S and Autonomous maintenance checklists. evoke further improvements. First, the proposed framework
 Continuous update of the Green VSM and the inclusion cannot be generalised based on the successful experience of
of more green indicators are necessary to sustain the a single company operating in a specific sector. It should
results of the approach in long term. also be recognised that more lean practices could be also
experienced to show their correlation with environmental
7. Conclusion To advance research in this area further, research is
required to explore and understand the benefits that SMEs
Although the well-documented beneficial effect of lean on could obtain through the implementation of lean production.
green performance, small companies have been reluctant to The framework perused in this paper can be applied within
integrate and implement both lean and green practices sim- diversified contexts of SMEs not only to improve the sustain-
ultaneously especially because of their limited resources. In ability of discrete processes but also other types of processes
this study, an analysis of lean and green implementation in such as continuous processes and services. This is one of the
a small company was made based on a proposed frame- main research streams proposed as a part of the future
work. The main objective of the study was to demonstrate research agenda derived from this research. The results of
in a practical context of SMEs the relationship between lean our work can also stimulate further research to provide new
practices and green performance. However, there are some empirical evidence, for example, by extending this study to
secondary objectives that the paper was aimed to achieve other components of the supply chain such as transport
implicitly. Namely, the applicability of lean and green in and logistics.

Disclosure statement Belhadi, A., F. E. E. Touriki, and S. El Fezazi. 2018. “Lean Implementation
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