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Disciplina: Inglês 2°Ano

Data: 21 de Julho 2021

Nome: Elton Noé Manhique Turma: PLOT
Docente: Eugenio Simbine
Docente: Albertino Matola

1. Read the text and decide if the sentences are true or false. Indicate the line number
which supports your answer. (1x3=3)

What is an ecosystem?
1 All plants, animals and human beings depend on their immediate surroundings.
Often they are also interdependent end on each other. This relationship between the
living organisms and the relationship between the organism and their surroundings
form an ecosystem. There are various types of ecosystems. For example there is an
ecosystem of desert, mountains, oceans etc.

a. Human beings do not depend on their environment for their survival. F

b. Only the relationship between the organisms and their surroundings form an ecosystem. T
c. There are three kinds of ecosystems. F
2. Read the text about Natasha Smith family and then write questions. (0.5x6=3)

Natasha Smith is an interpreter. She’s thirty eight years old. She is at home now. Her
address is 31 Wald Weg Street, Münster.
Her husband Angelino Jack is at work in his office. He’s a Civil engineer. His phone
number is 843232070. They have two children: Laureen and Edwin. Laureen is twelve
and Edwin is eight. They are in London now.

About Natasha Smith

a. ________What does she do_____________________________________? She’s an
b. __________How old is She__________________________________________________?
She’s thirty eight.

About Angelino Jack

a. ______Where is her husband__________________________________________________?
In her office.
b.________ What is his phone number______________________________________?
843232070 .
About the children
a. _How old are their children Laureen and
Edwin________________________________________? They’re twelve and eight.
b. __Where are they_children__________________________________________________?
They’re in London now.

3. Read the text and choose the correct verb form. (0.5x8=2)

is start be work start get up stay have is

Tony and his wife ____ work___ at the Regent hotel in London. Nelly ___is_____ a
receptionist and Tony ____is____ a barman in the hotel bar. Jack says: ‘Nelly
_____gets up_____ at 5 0’clock and she _____has____ a shower. I
___stay________ in bed. Nelly______ starts______ work at six in the morning and
I____ start______ at six in the evening.’

4. Complete the interview with Natasha (0.75x4=3)

A: What _____________________do you do_____________________ at the Regent Hotel?
B: I’m a barman in a hotel.
A: What ________ does your wife do ____________________________?
B: She works at the Regent Hotel in London as a receptionist.
A: How many languages___ does her ___________speak?
B: She speaks two languages, English and Spanish.
A: ___________ Do you _____________________speak Spanish?
B: No, I don’t but I want to learn it.
5. Now answer these questions about you. (0.5x2=2)
a. Do you speak French? ____No, I don’t speak French________________________
b. Do you live in a village? _____No, I don’t live in a village____________________
c. Are James and Charles your friends? __________ No, they aren’t my friends_______
d. Is it your bag? _______No, it isn’t ______________________________________
6. Write the negative and interrogative for the following sentences. (1x3=3)

a. Electronic engineers build houses.__ __Electronic engineers don’t build houses________


b. Earthquakes happen in Asia. ______Do earthquakes happen in Asia?_______ int.

c. Are Electronic goods expensive in Maputo? _ Electronic goods are expensive in Maputo_

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