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Why does mars seem such a good candidate for life?

A: Mars has the likelihood to be a potential candidate to host life because of the chance of
finding sources of liquid water underground. Findings show that Water on the surface of Mars is
frozen due to the climate change and low pressure present, however there is sufficient internal
heat to keep water in its liquid form while being underground. If water can be maintained in its
liquid form, it can be used for vegetation, hydration, and other similar purposes that help sustain
life on a daily basis here on Earth. Other than water, there have been other elements that are
also used on Earth identified on Mars. Scientists have used their sciences to discover their is a
steady cycle of methane within the planet’s atmosphere. Although scientists were unable to
locate the source of the methane as of present, there is enough that flows into the atmosphere
without dissipating. Methane as well as fixed nitrogen (a key ingredient of amino acids), and
carbon monoxide ( a well-known source of energy for various microbes) have also been found
to be present on Mars. These listed chemicals are components that are found in the
life-supporting atmosphere we have here on Earth.Many soil samples have been taken and
analyzed from the surface layer of Mars, with reports indicating that they had once were
nourished before drying out to dry soil. Where these elements are present, the probability that
Mars could one day host human life is not too far out of the picture.


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