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TExES Competencies:

Competency 001:
The teacher understands human development processes and applies this knowledge to plan
instruction and ongoing assessment that motivate students and are responsive to their
developmental characteristics and needs.

Not all students lean the same. The teacher must be aware of each student and how they learn with
one another. Standard assignments can cause a loss in motivation between some students. As a
teacher helping student learn in their own way is essential.

Competency 002:
The teacher understands student diversity and knows how to plan learning experiences and design
assessments that are responsive to differences among students and that promote all students’

Some students come from diverse backgrounds. The teacher must observe this and plan
accordingly. Knowing how to respond effectively will help when having the entire class on the same

Competency 003:
The teacher understands procedures for designing effective and coherent instruction and
assessment based on appropriate learning goals and objectives.

The teacher can effectively teach the class in a way that is easy to understand. Giving a lesson with a
different approach may be needed for some classes. As long as the needed goals are met any form
of communication is okay.

Competency 004:
The teacher understands learning processes and factors that impact student learning and
demonstrates this knowledge by planning effective, engaging instruction and appropriate

A boring class won’t engage student. With different ways to complete assignments and activities will
boost a student’s readiness to learn. Its also an effective way for them to look outside the box.

Competency 005:
The teacher knows how to establish a classroom climate that fosters learning, equity and excellence
and uses this knowledge to create a physical and emotional environment that is safe and

The classroom must be seen as a safe place. Students spend most of their day sitting in a classroom.
For a teacher providing a more physical and emotional environment for the students is essential.
Competency 006:
The teacher understands strategies for creating an organized and productive learning environment
and for managing student behavior.

Not all students are the same. Some students may need more attention than others. The teacher
must be aware of a classes behavior in order to teach them.

Competency 007:
The teacher understands and applies principles and strategies for communicating effectively in
varied teaching and learning contexts.

The teacher can effectively teach the class in a way that is easy to understand. Giving a lesson with a
different approach may be needed for some classes. As long as the needed goals are met any form
of communication is okay. I view competency three as the same.

Competency 008:
The teacher provides appropriate instruction that actively engages students in the learning process.

A boring class won’t engage student. With different ways to complete assignments and activities will
boost a student’s readiness to learn. It’s also an effective way for them to look outside the box. I view
competency four as the same.

Competency 009:
The teacher incorporates the effective use of technology to plan, organize, deliver and evaluate
instruction for all students.

The world is constantly growing. Books are become a thing of the past and teacher need to realize
this change. Incorporating both in a lesion gives the students an opportunity to gain experience
from each.

Competency 010:
The teacher monitors student performance and achievement; provides students with timely, high-
quality feedback; and responds flexibly to promote learning for all students.

The teacher must always be vigilant. Some students don’t speak up when needing help. A teacher
must respond and speech in a way that uplift and helps those around them.

Competency 011:
The teacher understands the importance of family involvement in children’s education and knows
how to interact and communicate effectively with families.
A teacher spends quite a bit of time with their student. Interacting with the family provides a way for
the teacher to understand there students more. This also gives a deeper look at what the teacher
can do for the student.

Competency 012:
The teacher enhances professional knowledge and skills by effectively interacting with other
members of the educational community and participating in various types of professional activities.

This seems like for show. A teacher can be their own person no need to go out and interact. Having
a same social live however is important.

Competency 013:
The teacher understands and adheres to legal and ethical requirements for educators and is
knowledgeable of the structure of education in Texas.

A teacher must understand their position between the students and themselves. The teacher can
only interact when needed and not in a fully personal way. Teachers are people but they also have a

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