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Industrial electricity technologist, title awarded in compliance with

David Bonilla, Alexis Chilito, Andrés hurtado

We are Graduates of SENA. with my colleagues, A quick idea of

what would be a safe investment with benefits is
implemented, thinking about what today we have as
pollution due to our mistakes, a new way to correct that
damage is by reducing the amount of CO2 we throw to the
ozone layer, but today this can be done with low
Small solar prototypes are now ready to be
manufactured, providing not only useful life, low
maintenance cost, long-term savings,
but also the enormous
contribution of tons of C02
reduced on the planet. These
solar prototypes have a 550V system each, with an inverter that
turns that energy, into electricity for your home. And, the best thing is
that considering technological advances we can guarantee that they are
modular, and can be transported to wherever you need it.
You could cheer up to get a great investment. The cost is (8) million, and we
guarantee that it is going to cover the lighting expenses for a residence of 6mt2.
Previously, fossil energy was used to cover daily electricity costs in homes.
Agregar un verbo frasal- Turn out -que resultaría. Que resulto que lograrían
con el cambio.

modular installation = 8,000,000

Investment = 5,000,000
Profit per solar kit = 3,000,000
Earning free of payments 1,500,000
CO2 reduction = +1000 tons per year.
Used Brands.

Panel Solar= CanadianSolar- TrinaSolar

Reduccion Contaminacion C02


Energia Convencional Kit Solar

Inversor= Fronius, Powest.

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