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About this supplement.

The Trickster’s Wood

This is a fan-made supplement for Warhammer Fyr Darric, the Trickster's Wood, is a High Realm
Fantasy Roleplay 4th This is a fan-made supple- of Athel Loren, ruled by Lady Heggria of the
ment for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th edition Masque. Fyr Darric is Loec the Trickster's holy
which adds rules for following the elven god Loec ground within Athel Loren, the site of many
and dance his shadowdances as a wardancer. It shrines to his anarchic glory. Here too can be
is a supplement made by Leo E Gunnemarsson. found the Feast Halls of the Wardance — the
closest thing that the nomadic Wardancers of Ath-
el Loren have to a home. As a result, the glades of
The Elven God Loec Fyr Darric always resound to the sound of laugh-
ter, though much of it is mean-spirited. Every de-
Loec is the God of Trickery, Music, and Revelry.
ception requires a victim, and the consequences
Loec is a mysterious figure because his followers
can range from wounded pride to a slow death.
guard the secrets of his rites and purpose behind
a veil of secrecy. His servants are occasionally Never is this more true that at the Festivals of the
called Feastmasters for their part in the great festi- Equinox, when captives are promised their free-
vals, where they lead the celebration and perform dom, if only they can slay a Wardancer in single
intricate dances that recount the history of Athel combat. None succeed, of course, for the Devo-
Loren. Loec appears to the Elves as a lithe youth tees of Loec are peerless duellists. The true con-
who dances across the void, and his laughter stirs test is not for the victim’s freedom, but to see how
the souls and spirits that dwell there. Without him, many wounds the Wardancer can inflict before his
it is said, the heavens would grow dull and cold, foe expires. Any captive who dies to fewer than a
for the stars of the night sky would no longer have hundred cuts is thought to be poor sport indeed.
reason to remain wakeful. The Chaos Gods hunt
To worship Loec
Loec as he dances, but the Shadow Dancer is
tireless and cunning, and can never be caught. Most who follow Loec does not devote their lives
to him. An elven entertainer may offer a prayer
There is a darker side to Loec as well. He is the
before a performance or an elf with darker inten-
god of shadows, malicious trickery, vengeance
tions may call upon Loec to aid his deceptions.
and dark deeds. The Elves of
But neither truly follows Loec. For such worship-
lost Nagarythe worship him, for they use stealth
pers Loec is a god amongst many.
and darkness to enact their revenge.
His true followers are the fabled wardancers of
Though Dragons seldom pay heed or homage to
Athel Loren. These elves are sworn to the Lord of
the deities of the Elves (few are prepared to admit
Laughter body and soul. Their every movement is
the existence of beings nobler or more powerful
devotion to their god and their every act serve
than Dragons), most have a grudging respect for
him. The leaders of their cult are the shadowdanc-
Loec, the Lord of Laughter. At heart, Dragons are
ers and they are the closest thing Loec has to
creatures of cunning and intellect, and they ad-
priests. In their own ways they preach the words
mire the legerdemain by which the Shadow Danc-
of Loec but as with all that comes from that god
er rescues Elven souls from Slaanesh as well as
one should expect trickery interwoven in their
the trickery Loec employs to erode the Dark
Prince's vengeance once the deed is done. In-
deed, many Forest Dragons hold true to the belief
that Loec honed his cleverness under the tutelage
of Draugnir, Father of Dragons. The Wardancers,
being Loec’s foremost devotees, hold that the op-
posite is true, and love to engage Forest Dragons
in battles of wits to prove their point.
The Cult of Loec

Seat of Power: Feast Halls of the Wardance Penances

Head of the Cult: Lady Heggria of the Mas- Dance beyond exhaustion unto the very brink
que of death and see if Loec claims you or not,
Primary Orders: The Wardancers challenge a dragon in a game of wits with a
prize too high to allow a loss, fight a duel
Major Festivals: Festivals of the Equinox where survival seems unlikely and win
Popular ”Holy Books”: Oral traditions
Common Holy Symbols: Masques, Talisma-
-Travel the unseen paths
nic tattoos
Loec, the dancer of the shadows, is the Elven -Never hold back laughter
god of laughter, tricks, and dance. -Never stay long in one place
Elven legends tell that he often frees the el- -Do not let a conversation pass where you speak
ves' souls from the hands of the Gods of
only truths or only lies, ever mix the two
Chaos using funny tricks. However Loec also
has a dark side: he is a god of shadows, -Never reveal your tricks and deceptions to the
night, vengeance, malicious tricks and Dark uninitiated
Magic. Though he fights for Elven souls, it is
-Always make your vengeance hurt more than the
hard to say about him that he is good or even
neutral. initial slight

Worshippers -Keep your wits and weapons razor-sharp

The only true followers of Loec are the war-

dancers of Athel Loren but he is recognized
by Highelves and Woodelves alike as an im-
portant god so many offer prayers to him
when they deem his services needed. At ti-
mes such prayers are answered by one of his
Shadowdancers and more often than not a
price is asked in return for their help.
Holy Sites
Shrines to Loec exist in elven lands but true
temples do not. There is no priesthood to tend
to such places. In one realm of Athel Loren he
is however worshipped higher than the other
gods. In Fyr Darric there are halls to hold his
feasts and echoing laughter rings throughout
the lands. Woe any that disrespect his name
in those woods for the vengeance of Loec
may be swift but the victims death won’t.
Rogue Career

Wardancer the roles of mythical figures and ferocious warri-

Woodelf ors, their form of movement, and even their figh-
ting style, paying homage to the one who inspires
Other Wood Elves regard the Wardancers as wild their dance.
and unpredictable, and not without cause, for they
Wardancers are sublime warriors, made even
are the servants and worshippers of
more deadly through their war dances. For these,
the Elven trickster god, Loec. The Wardancers
the favoured rituals of the Trickster God, no
lead the Elves in music and rejoicing, and perform
rhythm is called nor are orders issued. Instead,
the intricate dance rituals that re-enact the history
the dancers instinctively enact a pattern of lethal
of Athel Loren, a form of storytelling more im-
movements, complementing the dances perfor-
portant to the Wood Elves than the more convent-
med by the rest of the troupe. Each Wardancer
ional method of writing.
leaps and pirouettes through the enemy ranks to
To a Wardancer, even other Elves appear to be music only she hears, gracefully evading her op-
moving painfully slowly, for every move made by ponent’s clumsy blows and ending his life with an
one of the kin of Loec flows into the next, and impossibly swift to strike of her own.
thence the next one after that without conscious
Shadowdancers are the closest thing that
thought or guidance. Forgoing armour, the War-
the Trickster God has to a priesthood, and they
dancers decorate themselves with swirling de-
are both respected and feared as a result.
signs and dye their hair in bright colours, taking on
Shadowdancers, and Shadowdancers only, know
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel all the paths through Athel Loren — indeed, it is
Crossed Skull Teutonic
Cross Cross said that they tread the paths of the Dreaming

Wood as surely as they do the mortal world. In


battle, they are even more dazzlingly swift than

C areer ath P other Wardancers. At other times they are less
Dance Aspirant of Loec — Brass 5 flamboyant, preferring to confound others with de-
Skills: Athletics, Charm, Dodge, Melee (Basic), Melee (Brawling), Perform ceptions of the mind rather than swiftness of body.
(Dancer), Perform (Acrobatics), Sleight of Hand, Lore (Athel Loren) Indeed, many Shadowdancers can cre-
Talents: Ambidextrous, Combat Reflexes, Distract, Strider (Forest) ate illusions, which they inevitably use to further
Trappings: Religious swirling tattoos distract their foes or mete out a much-needed
Wardancer — Silver 1 dose of humility to Elves or spirits that have for-
Skills: Intuition, Outdoor Survival, Navigation, Melee (Polearm), Secret gotten their station.
Signs (Loec), Stealth (Rural)
Talents: Shadow Dances of Loec, Dual Wielder, Feint, In-fighter
Trappings: Two melee weapons Leaving the career
Bladesinger — Silver 3
It is of course possible to leave this career as
Skills: Art (Tattoo), Leadership, Perception, Track
with any other but it is not as easy as that.
Talents: Beat Blade, Combat Master, Strike to Injure, Step Aside
Trappings: Troupe of Wardancers
This career represents a vow to Loec and as a
Shadowdancer— Gold 1 god of vengeance he is not one you want to
Skills: Pray, Stealth (Any) slight. If you leave this career path immedia-
Talents: Bless (Loec), Etiquette (Dragons), Orientation, Shadowdancer tely gain 7 Sin points and the ire of the war-
Trappings: Knowledge of secret paths through Athel Loren known only to dancers.

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

New Talents

Shadow Dances of Loec Shadowdancer

Max: Agility Bonus Max: Agility Bonus
Tests: Dodge Tests: Perform (Dance)
You are trained in the Shadow Dances of Loec able to utilize You are one of the blessed shadowdancers of Loec able to
them in the unique fighting style of the Wardancers. At the call upon his great powers to weave illusions.You can cast
beginning of each combat round chose one dance of Loec to the spells Illusion, Mystifying Miasma and Shadowstep from
benefit from this round. You do not benefit from any other the Lore of Shadows despite not being a wizard. For the pur-
dance this round. When chosing a dance you may not chose pose of casting them you replace Channeling with Perform
the same dance as you used last round. If you are restrained (Dance) and Speak Language (Magick) with Pray. In addition
from moving you may not benefit from this talent. When you are unaffected by Mystifying Miasma as if you had the
chosing a dance roll a d10, if the number on the die is equal Arcane Magic (Shadows) talent. After casting a spell in this
to or less than your Sin points you fail to dance the dance way roll once on the minor miscast table per sin point you
and do not gain the benefits of it. have.

• Whirling Death: Each strike of a Wardancer's blade is

made with uncanny precision, capable of severing a Bless (Loec)
head or piercing a heart with one deceptively elegant
Max: 1
stroke. While dancing this dance the wardancers
malee attacks get the Hack and Impale qualities. In This works just like the Bless talent from the core rulebook.
The Blessings of Loec are; Blessing of Battle, Blessing of
addition his attacks deal additional damage equal to
Charisma, Blessing of Finesse, Blessing of Fortune, Blessing
his ranks in this talent. of Grace and Blessing of Wit
• Storm of Blades: The Wardancer rain blow after blow
upon their opponent, moving with such speed that
the eye cannot follow each distinct cut and thrust.
When chosen at the beginning of a round immedia-
tely make a single melee attack (which may not
benefit from dual-wielder, frenzy or other talents
allowing extra attacks). After this the round conti-
nues like normal and when it is your initiative step
you may make an action and a move as normal.

• The Shadows Coil: With agile grace the Wardancers

evade the clumsy attacks of their enemies, becoming
almost impossible to strike. While in effect the war-
dancer may use dodge to oppose ranged attacks and
spells. In addition the wardancer gets a +5 bonus to
dodge per rank of this talent.

• Woven Mist: The sinuous movements of this dance

distract and confuse the enemy, allowing the War-
dancers to strike before their foe can react. Your
attacks have the Distract and Fast qualities this round
and a number of enemies engaged with you up to a
meximum of your ranks in this talent gains the Slow
quality on their weapons this round.

• Synchronized Defense: Knowing the intricate dances

of the wardancers you counter each step with its
perfect match. Wardancers that attack you or whom
you attack does not get the benefit of their dance
this round. This dance has no effect on enemies wit-
hout this talent.

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