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English Assignment

curry leaf planting process

Made By :
Fidia Putri Ayu (2103320011)
Astika Tiara Dewi (2103310002)

Curry leaves or koja bay leaves are a key ingredient in Indian cuisine, known for their unique
taste and similarities to cumin, menthol, and spices.[1] The leaves are also said to contain
antioxidants and can be used to stabilize blood sugar.[2] While curry leaves can be easily
purchased online or in grocery stores, you can harvest them however you want if you grow
them yourself. Curry leaf trees do not require much care. All you need are some curry seeds,
growing medium and a small pot. When the plant grows taller, you can harvest the leaves for
use in cooking.

Planting a Curry Tree

1. Put the mixture made of soil and compost in a small pot. Use a small pot that is about
10–15 cm high and 8–10 cm wide for the initial planting of a curry leaf tree. Mix the
planting medium by mixing 60% soil and 40% compost to provide as many nutrients as
sufficient for plants. Stir the soil and compost until smooth.
Use soil found at a gardening store, not soil you pick up from your yard to avoid
harmful bacteria. If you live in the US in climate zones 9-12, or the temperature doesn't
drop below 0 °C, you can plant a curry leaf tree right away. Be sure to till the soil
beforehand to provide the nutrients it needs. If you want to plant several curry leaf trees,
prepare several pots for each according to the number of trees you want.
2. Immerse the seeds of the curry tree about 1.5 cm deep into the planting medium. Press
your thumb into the soil to make a hole about 1.5 cm deep. Take 1 curry seed and put it
in the hole you just made. Fill the hole with soil to cover the curry seeds, then press
down on the planting medium to slightly compact it so that the seeds stick firmly to the
soil.You can buy curry tree seeds online or in Indian food stores. Choose fresh seeds to
increase the chances of success (so that the seeds can germinate).
3. Water the planting medium thoroughly until the water comes out of the pot drainage
holes. After the seeds are planted in the planting medium, use the gembor to water the
soil so that the roots grow. If the water stagnates at the top of the planting medium, wait
for the water to soak before you pour the water again. Stop watering when water has run
out through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.Place the pot in a shallow pot so
that the soil can still absorb the water that comes out of the bottom of the pot.Be careful
not to over-water the seeds of the curry tree as this could prevent them from sprouting or
not sprouting.
4. Place the pot in an area that gets sunlight for at least 6 hours a day. After the curry seeds
have been watered, place the pot near an east-facing window to get some sun throughout
the day. If the temperature where you live is more than 0 °C, you can place the pot
outside to promote growth. Make sure the curry tree gets full sun (about 6 to 8 hours)
during the day. Otherwise, the curry tree may not produce strong shoots or leaves.Seven
days later, the curry tree seeds will germinate and penetrate out of the soil.If the
temperature in your area stays below 0 °C by nightfall, you can place the plants outdoors
during the day, and keep them indoors at night to prevent them from dying or freezing.

Caring for plants

1. Water the plant if the planting medium with a depth of about 1.5 cm has dried. Check the
curry tree planting medium every 2 days to see if the soil is dry to the touch. If the soil
doesn't feel damp when you stick your finger 1 inch deep, use a drill to water it until the
water runs out of the bottom of the pot.e careful not to over-water the plant as this can
weaken it and may not produce many leaves.
2. Place the tree in a sunny location throughout the day. Place the tree in an area that gets
full sun throughout the day, for about 6 to 8 hours a day. Pots can be placed outdoors if
the temperature is over 0 °C, or placed near an east-facing window to promote growth.
Allow the curry tree to get direct sunlight so it can grow well and produce healthy
leaves.If the plant does not get full sun throughout the day, some leaves will fall and the
tree will weaken. As long as it is watered regularly, the leaves will grow back the
following season.
3. Prune the top of the plant (about 8–10 cm) annually. Check the curry tree annually after
planting, and watch for branches that are growing upwards and not having too many
leaves. Prune the top of the plant (about 8 cm) using garden shears, just below where the
leaves and branches meet. Cut the twigs at a 45-degree angle to prevent rotting of the
stems.In addition to keeping the tree from getting too large, pruning can also promote
healthy leaf growth on unpruned stems.If any of the stems are broken, weak, or wilted,
prune this part too so that the plant uses its energy to grow healthy leaves.
4. Transfer the plant to a new pot every year to keep it healthy. The curry tree will continue
to grow to the size of the pot so you will need to replace the pot every year. Grasp the
base of the plant stem, then carefully remove the curry tree from the pot. Prepare a pot
that is 2 times larger than the root ball of the tree. Fill half of the pot with a planting
medium made from 60% soil and 40% compost. Break up any lumps of soil around the
roots and place the plant in a new pot. Enter the soil around the plant, then water the soil
thoroughly so that the plant does not shock.If you have an allergy to sap, wear gardening
gloves when handling plants.If the plant is difficult to remove from the pot, use a small
garden trowel to loosen the soil around the edges of the pot.

Harvesting Curry Leaves

1. Wait until the plant is at least 1-2 years old before you harvest the leaves. The new
curry tree does not yet have sufficient leaves to harvest and continues to grow when it
is young. Wait until the plant is at least one year old. If the leaves are still sparse or
there are not many stems after the plant is 1 year old, let the curry tree continue to
grow until it produces a lot of leaves.If the curry tree came from cuttings, the plant
may have produced a lot of leaves several months after planting so you can harvest
some of the leaves.
2. Pick the base of the leaf twig if you want to harvest it. Do not pluck the leaves one by
one as this can leave an empty growth trail in that area. A good way is to look for
branches that are long and full of leaves. Grasp the branch at the base, then gently
pull it away from the stem of the plant to pick up all the leaves on the branch.
- Only take the leaves as needed so the plant can continue to grow.
- You can harvest up to 30% of the entire leaf of the plant. If too many leaves are
removed, the plant will not be able to grow well the following season.
3. Fry fresh curry leaves for 2 to 3 days to use in cooking. Heat the oil in a skillet over
medium-low heat until it starts to bubble. Put the curry leaves in the oil and sauté for
about 1-2 minutes to sharpen the taste. Add curry leaves to your recipe and cook until
slightly crispy.Curry leaves can be used in several dishes, such as Indian curries,
masala, or nasi uduk.Unlike bay leaves, curry leaves can be left in the dish after you
cook them because they are edible. Store fresh curry leaves for up to 1 month by
placing them in the freezer. Place the curry leaves in a plastic clip and remove as
much air from the bag as possible before you seal it tightly. Write down the current
date with a marker to indicate when the leaves were frozen. Place the curry leaves in
the freezer and store there for up to a month for later use
- If you want to use frozen curry leaves, immediately place the leaves in a frying
pan that has been greased with vegetable oil to heat them up.

4. Dry the curry leaves if you want to use them as a sprinkling on food. If you harvested
a lot of leaves and didn't use them all in one dish, place the curry leaves in a baking
dish and preheat the oven to the lowest setting. Bake the curry leaves for about 30
minutes before turning them over with tongs. Bake the curry leaves in the oven for
another 1 hour to dry them out. When it's dry, crush the curry leaves until they're
crushed, then put them in a jar and close the lid tightly. The taste of dried curry
leaves is not as sharp as fresh leaves. So you'll need to use more of it in the recipe to
get the flavor you want.

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