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TOEIC Bridge Preparation Workshop

Abner Ortiz Castro

Part 4
Part IV: “Incomplete sentences”
Strategy 1: Determine the type of question

Part IV: “Incomplete sentences”
Strategy 1: Determine the type of question
-Different forms of the same word: You will need to choose the correct
grammatical form (part of the speech).

Read the next sentence and write each word of it in the correct column:

I speak three European languages well.

Pronoun Adjective Adverb Verb Noun

Complete with the suitable word:

a)She’s excited/exciting by her 15th birthday party. b )Birthday parties are excited/exciting.

a)The routine of a cat is bored/boring. b) The cat is bored/boring by his owner’s voice.

a) Jane is interesting/interested in growing plants. b)Jane’s book about plants is very interesting/interested.
Prefixes and suffixes
The addition of a suffix can lead a word to change the part of the speech it belongs to.
False friends
False friends
Fill each gap with one of the following words. Use each word
only once..

sympathetic realize attend canteen lecture fabric

Why didn't you ___________ the ______________ on German literature?

Kids usually have lunch at the _______________ between 11:00 and 12:30.

Do you _____________ this is the second time you're late?

The ______________ they used to make my dress is very expensive.

The Congressman is very ________________ to the problems of the poor.

Choose the correct word in italics for each sentence. The first
sentence is given to you as an example.

1. Everybody attended the meeting accept/except the manager.

2. She’s not very interesting/interested in baseball.
3. Why did you park your card/car there?
4. Watch/wash your hands and brush your teeth.
5. I read/red a novel by Charles Dickens.
False friends

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