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Olivia Bishay

Mr. DuFresne
Final narrative

Today was the day. The day we get to go to universal studios. We woke up early in the morning

so we could be there without there already being a tone of people there. We were all rushing to

get ready and running all over the place.

“ should I wear this or no. Do I look stupid, I feel stupid.” I asked my sister to which she replied

“ no you look fine just keep what you have on and lets go.”

“ what if I just wear this one instead, is this one better?”

“ no one there cares about what your wearing just wear what you have on, its not that big of a


After we had finished getting ready we took 2 Separate ubers to the park because we are a

family of 6. The car was filled with Silence while my sister was on her phone and my brother

half asleep. Once we were dropped of we had no idea where to go Vince we had never been here

before. We were so confused and had no idea how to git inside. We found our way through

security and walked to the park. Before you get to the park you have to walk past a bunch of

random stores. They kept going and going. My brother begging and pleading to go into these

stupid stores. We passed things like the Hard Rock Café, vodo doughnuts, Starbucks, and other

random gift shops. “ how far are we?” My brother questioned, but none of us could answer him

because we had no idea. My mom responded to his question with “I don’t know buddy.” He was

not very satisfied with his answer. We continued to walk until we finally reached the entrance to

the park.
Once we finally get to the park we tried to get into the park and come to fine out we purchased

the wrong tickets online. We bought 2 tickets for one side of the park and 2 tickets for both parks

for one day. We also only had 4 tickets for 6 people. We stood in the slowest moving line I had

ever been. We stood there and waited to try to fix our tickets. We finally got help but the lady

didn’t know how to help us. We stood there and talked about what we could do with theses

tickets. We ended up purchasing new tickets for what we actually wanted this time but we didn’t

even know if we could enter the park. You can buy tickets but once the park has reached it

composite you can’t enter. They created this rule when the re opened due to COVID. “Are we

even going to enter the park?” I asked my mom

“ I don’t know, if we can get new tickets than hopefully yes.”

“ I will let you guys into the park even if it is full after you purchase these tickets.” The worker


We walk into the park and Immediately wait in line to get something to eat. We were in line at

Starbucks and get something to eat and drink and sit down under the Hulk ride. My brother

watched as the ride spun in all different directions.

“ woah, I want to ride that one.” He said as he pointed to the hulk ride.

“But you don’t even like roller costars, your not gonna like that one.” I said

“ if he wants to go on it then he can go on it, don’t scare him out of it.” My mom said.

We finished our food and we’re deciding who is going to go with who. Me and my brother

went with my mom and my sisters went with my dad. My dad took the older kids on the scary

rides and me my brother and my mom went to Harry Potter world. To even get to Harry Potter

world you had to walk past other themes of the park. We walked past about three other themes or

more. When we first rich Harry Potter world we waited in line for the butterbeer and then we
went to the candy shop from the movie. They had so many shops from the movie and as you

continued to walk it felt like you were in the movie. My brother is ecstatic and was so happy to

be there and wanted to do everything in Harry Potter world. We went from shop to shop

looking at all of the Harry Potter stuff. We then decided to go on the most kid friendly Harry

Potter ride for my brother. We spent 13 hours at universal studios that day and by the end of the

day my feet felt like they were going to fall off.

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