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Part of the Day Time Activity

7:00 a.m wake up

Morning 7:30 a. m. take a shower
9:00 a. m. i brush my teeth
2:00 p. m. i have lunch
Afternoon 3:30 p. m. i watch TV
3:45 p. m. i take coffee
5:00 p. m. i finish work
Evening 6:30 p. m. i get home
7:10 p. m. i have dinner
p. m. Sleep
Monica Rodriguez (inventado)

She wakes up at 7 o`clock in the morning,Monica takes a shower with warm water
at seven thirty then she brushes her teeth at 9 o'clock,she has lunch at noon,she
watches TV for a while Then Monica has a coffee with a quarter to 4,she finishes
her workday at five o'clock,Monica comes home tired of working and she eats her
dinner at ten past seven,And the last thing Monica does is go to sleep at ten at

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