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Tourism is a worldwide popular trend .people love exploring different places by
going to destinations which are alien to them. There are various forms of
tourism like ecotourism, cultural tourism, medical tourism, etc. Recently, a new
type of tourism was added to the list. Namely space tourism
What is space tourism?
- Space tourism is one type of space industry for recreational, leisure, or
business purposes. It includes space travel, space hotels, and satellite
technologies for tourists or travelers.
-Space tourism is ideal for people who want to travel in space or the universe.
When floating in the space, we can see the beautiful scenery of space and enjoy
the weightlessness. It is an unprecedented experience.
- Space travel project began on 28 April 2001. The first person who traveled to
space is Dennis Tito. He is an American businessman, the second space tourist
is Mark Shuttleworth, a millionaire from South African and the third space
tourist is Gregory Olsen Americans.
1. The cost of a space trip is very large
2. Space tourism pollutes the environment
- Contaminating the environment on Earth.
- Space tourism creates trash around the planet.
3. Space tourism can have a negative impact on human health
III. Conclution

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