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CHIS presentation

K atarina Nudzajova, 2015

CHIS general overview

CHIS is a tool to create proposals for SWMA, HWMA and other offers
Its user friendly version is ISAT and its databases are SOF and PEW



Proposal for client

Log in to CHIS
Double click on the icon

type: ceappls.imsac3 and press ctrl

fill in you user ID, suffix and password.

(password must be in format 3 letters 2 numbers 3 letters)
Press ctrl

Press F1 twice and you’ll get to the first screen

In the first screen you can choose proposal by typing
1 and ctrl or contract by typing 2 and ctrl
CHIS screens and functions
Type your selection here

(the most
CHIS screens and functions

◦ Controlling CHIS
◦ CTRL = confirm
◦ TAB = moves you to next field
◦ ENTER = moves you to next line
◦ Arrows = moving selection
◦ F5 = brings you to initial CHIS screen with proposal and contract
◦ F6 = brings you to initial screen of proposal
◦ F7 = moves you one page back
◦ F8 = moves you one page forward
◦ F9 = disconnect from CHIS
◦ F10 = confirm (when requested by CHIS)
CHIS screens and functions

Proposal selection ◦ W – proposal overview

◦ A – initial info screen ◦ I – HWMA inventory
◦ W – proposal overview ◦ V- offering overview
◦ I – HWMA inventory ◦ X – customer structure
◦ V – offering overview ◦ D – discount
◦ C – calculate ◦ U – unlock contract
◦ J – error messages ◦ …
◦ X – customer structure
◦ U – unlock proposal
◦ D – delete proposal
◦ …

Contract selection
◦ C – contract information
CHIS screens and functions
Use W as selection to access this screen

In selection code you can type: S01-S14 or A01-A99

S01- Proposal data
You can see agent code (if reseller engaged in a deal), renewal option and proposal period,
channel code, reference date…

Proposal header info

Agent information

Start/Stop date and

renew option

Reference date and

BP channel code

By pressing SHIT+F4 you will get to this screen

S01- Proposal data
You can see adjust sales organization and BP ID as well as Fulfilment channel and
customer type

In this screen you can see pricing option and you can modify it by typing s under selection
and * under nickname
S01- Proposal data
Choose your pricing option by typing x to selection field and confirm with CTRL (1) and
the pricing option will change (2)


S02 – Customer structure
You can add customer number (selection a), add machines associated with specific
CN to the proposal (selection e), delete CN (selection d), update billing customer
(selection u)
S02 – Customer structure
Option add customer number: type a n d d then end user customer number and
billing customer number associated with it, then confirm with CTRL
To update or delete type u or d in front of existing customer record and confirm
with CTRL
S03 – Service list
Option allows you to see existing offerings on your proposal and allows you to add
new ones
To see existing type s in front of selected offering
To add new type a and *

To add new type a and * here

To see SWMA AIX type s here

S03 – Service list
To add type a and *
Then type s in front of offering you want then CTRL and fill in other screens
depending on your offering
S04 – Hw.maint Inq./Massupdate
Option allows changes in CHIS based on a chosen condition
For example changing service level based on a type of machine or customer number
associated with machines etc.

Example: to update stop date on all 8202 machines type u and 3, then insert your
machine type and chosen stop date and confirm with CTRL
System will ask you for a confirmation by pressing F10
S05 – MIC-List
Option allows updates on MIC list – you have 3 options u, d and s
U – to update MIC list discount
D – to delete MIC list with all it’s content
S – to see MIC list content

You can have various offering associated with different MIC-List. Updates affect all
the MIC content!!!
S06 and S07 – Inactive and cancelled components
S07 shows list of inactive components - for example offerings that run out of the
contract duration – example HWMA that starts after the proposal is finished
S08 shows cancelled components
S12– Proposal processes
Shows the processes effected on a proposal with their actual status
When process is in error you can delete it by option d to avoid blocking of the

Status * means process is done

Status i means process initiated
Status e means process error
S14– Special Bid Definitions
Shows the discounts uplifts or factors applies on a proposal/contract
A01– Hw.maint OEI Extract
Allows to add machines associated in SOF with customer number you select
Allows you to insert machines from other proposal to your proposal

Add individual machines:

Put A (as add) and

fill in type and
serial (never fill in
model !!!)
In process put o
And confirm with
CTRL and F10

When adding more that 8 machines you need to add first 8 and to be able to add more, you
need to type c to H-Sel field, to cancel the view of 8 previously added machines
A01– Hw.maint OEI Extract
Allows to add machines associated in SOF with customer number you select
Allows you to insert machines from other proposal to your proposal

Add machines from another proposal:

Put A to H-Sel, N
to Process and to
PCOA/ConID put
ID of the proposal
form which you
want to add
A02– Hw.maint manual Insert
Use to add manual machines for quote purposes or to add manual machines
(example Lenovo)
Other A screens

A03 – use to calculate the proposal

A05 - use to copy the proposal with its content
A07 – use to check for errors in proposal, you can see summary of all errors after
using this function
Step by step proposal creation and adding
various offerings
Creating proposal in CHIS

Confirm with CTRL

Creating proposal in CHIS

Press CTRL to confirm again

Creating proposal in CHIS
Creating proposal in CHIS

Press F10 to create proposal

Adding customer number to the structure

Once added, it
turns blue:
Creating proposal in CHIS
Press F10 and your contract is ready.
Don’t forget to note your contract number somewhere !!!
Inserting a real (SOF machine)
Select w and type your proposal number …CTRL

Select s02 and CTRL

Inserting a real (SOF machine) Put E and type

Put A (as add) and

fill in type and
serial (never fill in
model !!!)
In process put o
And confirm with
CTRL and F10
Inserting a manual (single) machine to CHIS
Inserting a manual (single) machine to CHIS

Fill in all the information like this and press CTRL

Inserting a manual (single) machine to CHIS
And the result
Adding SWMA to proposal
Screen S03 >>> selection a and * >>>s to select SWMA you want to add from the list
Type r and i and user customer number and confirm with CRTL to select from machines eligible for your offering
To add manual machine type m as NR selection and fill the information manually
Adding SWMA to proposal
Screen S03 >>> selection a and * >>>s to select SWMA you want to add from the list

Select the number of processors to be added and confirm with CTRL to add the machine
Adding ETS to proposal
Screen S03 >>> selection a and * >>>s to select ETS you want to add from the list

ETS can be added on a machine but also on a customer number (to cover his whole machine parc)

Select user customer, confirm with CTRL and choose your option (depending on a request)
Adding ETS to proposal
Screen S03 >>> selection a and * >>>s to select ETS you want to add from the list

ETS can be added on a machine but also on a customer number (to cover his whole machine parc)

Final screen with added ETS

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