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Villanueva, Ericka Jane V.

BSN 3-YC-1

Module Activity 1

1. In the space provided, draw an object that best symbolizes your community?

2. Explain how you illustrated your community.

- To me a community is a group of individuals connected to each other by one or more
attribute(s). A community is a familiar thread used to bring people together to
advocate and support each other in the fight to overcome those threats. As human
beings, we need a sense of belonging, and that sense of belonging is what connects us
to the many relationships we develop. We are all members of many communities
(family, work, neighborhood, etc.), and we constantly move in and out of them,
depending on the situation. Community is where we find comfort in difficult times.
When things are not going well in one community, we have the option to move to
another. For me, the community is where one finds the balance between physical and
mental fitness.
3. What cluster in the HELPS program does your degree belong to? What are the
competencies of your degree program that can be shared with the community?
- Nurses are always challenged on how they can contribute to society as professionals.
They are expected to take professional responsibilities for continuously providing
direct care, protecting individual lives and supporting activities of daily living. Nurses
work with people and their families to help prevent disease, maintain health and treat
any existing health problems. Nurses aim to support and maintain patient
independence, safety and a healthy lifestyle, at the same time as helping a patient's
4. Journal Writing: What is lacking in your community that you think you can help with
when you get your bachelor’s degree?

Proper nutrition is crucial for our communityt to maintain well-being. Both adults
and children can suffer from a lack of required nutrients. AS a nurse, I have a
responsibility to address patient nutritional needs by conducting screenings, performing
assessments and administering interventions. But, malnutrition is not just a problem for
patients. The primary treatment for patients who can eat on their own is to make dietary
changes. As a nurse, I should educate patients about the nutritional content of food and
how to make healthy choices.

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