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= Speaking part sof _— CONCLUSION Finda Plas Any friendsmil ingles. Ee 44 1444 6440 400 1 4 (4d AL -In conclusion, il Suffer.because of the, increased ter zs eSdWway.CO -In summary, h warming adly due to global -To sum up, human health will suffer suffer badly due to slobalyarming j /\i| 1 ‘ PWAL -To cuta long story short, human health will suffer badly due to global warming -The bottom line is that global warming will wreck human health La conclusién es que Tie dsmilesaway.con It's not a big strech to conclude that global warming will play havoc with human health No es dificil llegar a la conclusion de que 9 .» Destacar cierta informacion ‘@° —scéwrasis om IT) 14 4 ddd 1 ddd 1 ddd ddd 1d 444 Emphasise I'd like to emphasise the fact that... friendsmilesawa' com Highlight me I'd like to highlight th t that... Bring to th / Underscore I'd like to bring th I'd like to point out Q eves focus to the fact that Id ke to beget he ELLES AWAY e Bring to the fore/ Give prominence to I'd like to bring the fact of... to the fore I'd like to give prominence to the fact of... Py ae ESTRUCTURAS MULTIUSOS Q&J_!am deeply troubled. abouts (7 thoroughly addressed 1am deeply troubled about catching Sullying prevention arschool ls Covid an issue that must be thoroughly SG A highly controversial addressed topic i fe It is utterly Animal testing is a highly WS intolerable controversial topic that invokes a moral dilemma - The gender pay gap situation in (J itis highly unlikely the EU is utterly intorable ip this i day and age The fact that artificial intelligence “ will replace human highly G # is utterly unlikely in the short run pivotal GS It is widely known Itisutterly pivotal that Global it is widely known that bullying can lead to Warming be addressed depression and mental illness with the utmost dispatch Take on board Estar de acuerda Stand for Estar de acuerdo Resonate with Estar de acuerdo/ En consonancia Be on the same page Ser de la misma opinién Be on board En negativa para mostrar desacuerdo See eye to eye En negativa No llegar a un acuerdo Take issue with No estar de acuerdo | fully take on board what you're saying abou religious freedom in schools I truly stand for the new guidelines to contain the Virus within my area Some people do not resonate with the fact that one can be a gender different from the one assigned at birth We're on the same page over the fact that women are body autonomous when it comes to choosing whether to have an abortion itis reported that the high rate of gun violence in the United States is linked to those who are on board with the security from a free State It seems that we're never going to see eye to eye on immigration reform | take issue with the belief that life begins. from the very first moment of conception MODAL VERBS DL AVANZADO ’ (ddd ddd (dd OE: | May/Might very well 1 i Be likely tof Be set to | 1 t May/ Might ; ‘ ' ' * ' = ' | Had betters | A \ ; You would be better off ; ADVICE - | Were | in your shoes, | would... I Should ' | would suggest/ recommend + ing! ' ! 'Itis pi yjunctive | itis esser ive | ‘tis i + subjunctive | | Itis vital/ pivotal that + subjunctive} 1 Something needs doing I 1 tTler THI Awan | Can be done ; There must be something we can ; ‘do i Intensificadores CO Intensificador Norman is rather impatient Ad Intensificador “Wow, youre rather though — Pensamientos “rather think that RATHER é Sentimientos _(Notiene traducci6n, pero afiade énfasis) Similar to "ver" eres ZD Acjetivorsustantivo (articulo delante, o detras) peco menos menso *Norman is rather a good fiend /*Norman isa rether good friend como QUITE Intensificador Normans quite impatient HM cided Intensificador Norman's quite thoughtful HE Abit dinconabie) Opiniones y #1 dont qute understand what you'e saying Preferencias +i quite agree on what youre saying también RATH DEP A few (omabie SD Articulo detras —*Norman is quite rene “Norman is quite a good friend HF Alot (contabley inconta }Completamente irs quite dear that Covid-19 has got out of hand (tans e@ sNxman say impose rough [ tannins 8

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