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Jadwal Perkuliahan Mata Kuliah Dasar Umum (MKDU)

Prodi Magister Ilmu Kedokteran Klinis Semester Gasal TA 2021/2022

BLOK 4 (Biologi Molekuler, Imunologi dan Penulisan dan Publikasi Ilmiah)
Kuliah dilakukan secara online menggunakan Aplikasi Zoom Meeting
Nopember dan Desember 2021


Kamis 04/11/2021 08.00-09.15 IMUN Cellular and humoral immunity and the mediators MSt
10.00-11.15 WPR The importance of writing and publishing research RSt
Jumat 05/11/2021 08.00-10.00 IMUN Immediate and delayed hypersensitivity and the basis of therapy MJ
10.00-11.15 BIOMOL Introduction to molecular biology YP
Sabtu & Minggu
Senin 08/11/2021 09.00-10.30 Dr. dr. HR. Danarto, Sp.B, Sp.U(K)
Selasa 09/11/2021 08.00-10.00 BIOMOL The cell compartment and genome RnS
10.00-11.15 WPR Characteristics of scientific writing RSt
Rabu 10/11/2021 08.00-09.15 BIOMOL Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics IA
10.00-11.15 WPR Choosing an appropriate target journal RSt
Kamis 11/11/2021 08.00-09.15 BIOMOL Molecular biology in tropical diseases TW
10.00-11.15 IMUN Immune tolerance and autoimmunity MSH
Jumar 12/11/2021 08.00-09.15 BIOMOL Molecular biology in cancer SM
10.00-11.15 IMUN Immunity in immunodeficiency SW
Sabtu & Minggu
Senin 15/11/2021 08.00-09.15 IMUN Immunity in malignancy MSt
10.00-11.15 WPR Writing title, abstract, and introduction and issues on authorships RSt
13.00-14.15 BIOMOL Molecular biology in neuromuscular and metabolic diseases YP
Selasa 16/11/2021 08.00-09.15 BIOMOL Molecular biology in medical forensics YN
10.00-11.15 WPR Writing method and result (including figures and tables) DK
Rabu 17/11/2021 08.00-09.15 WPR Writing discussion, conclusion, and suggestion RSt
10.00-11.15 IMUN Immunotherapy and immunoprophylaxis MSH
13.30-14.45 BIOMOL Stem cell technology and its (potential) application in clinical AS
Kamis 18/11/2021 08.00-09.15 IMUN Immunity in infectious diseases MJ
10.00-11.15 BIOMOL Basic techniques in moleculer biology RSt
Jumat 19/11/2021 08.00-09.15 WPR Writing and managing citations and references using open SKR
software Mendeley®
10.0011.15 WPR Practice Session: writing Introduction RSt
Sabtu & Minggu
Senin 22/11/2021 08.00-09.15 WPR Addressing feedback from reviewers and editors DK
10.00-11.15 WPR Ethical issues in writing and publishing research paper MH
Selasa 23/11/2021 08.00-09.15 BIOMOL Basic techniques in moleculer biology RSt
10.00-11.15 IMUN Immunological test: the development, indication, and limitation SW
Rabu 24/11/2021 08.00-09.15 WPR English usage in scientific writing YM
10.00-11.15 BIOMOL Genetic counseling RSt
Kamis 25/11/2021 08.00-09.15 WPR Research collaboration YM
10.00-11.15 WPR Guidelines for reporting different types of study DK
Jumat 26/11/2021 08.00-09.15 WPR Why a manuscript not accepted for publication in a jurnal? RSt
Sabtu & Minggu
Senin 29/11/2021 menyesuaikan Rescheduling blok 4 / belajar mandiri
Selasa 30/11/2021 menyesuaikan Rescheduling blok 4 / belajar mandiri
Rabu 01/12/2021 menyesuaikan Rescheduling blok 4 / belajar mandiri
Kamis 02/12/2021 menyesuaikan Ujian blok 4
Tanggal 13-17 Desember Hari Tenang
Tanggal 20-25 Desember Ujian Akhir
Keterangan Dosen:

MST : Prof. dr. Marsetyawan NHE, Ph.D, M.Sc YP : dr. S. Yudha Patria, Ph.D, Sp.A(K)
MH : Prof. dr. Mohammad Hakimi, Ph.D, Sp.OG(K) RSt : dr. Retno Sutomo, Sp.A(K), Ph.D
SM : Prof. dr. Sofia Mubarika, Ph.D, M.Med.c RnS : dr. Rina Susilowati, Ph.D
MJ : Prof. dr. Mohammaf Juffrie, Ph.D, Sp.A(K) IA : Dr.Med.dr. Indwiani Astuti
TW : Prof. dr. Tri Wibawa, Ph.D, Sp.MK(K) YN : dr. Yudha Nurhantari, Ph.D, Sp.F.M
YM : dr. Yodi Mahendradhata, MPH, Ph.D SW : Dr.Med. dr. Suwarso, Sp.PK(K)
MSH : dr. Mohamad Saifudin Hakim, M.Sc,Ph.D AS : dr. Agus Surono, Ph.D, M.Sc, Sp.THT-KL
SKR : Sukirno, SIP, M.Lib DK : dr. Dian Kesumapramudya N, Ph.D, M.Sc, Sp.A

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