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Goiânia, 17 de novembro de 2021

Professora: Francielle Morais


Série: 3º turma: ________

Atividade de Recuperação - Inglês

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Earthquake and Tsunami's Destruction in Japan - Left More Than 1000 People Dead &
Leaving Fears Of Nuclear Radiation, Food and Fuel Scarcity To Others

An 9,0-magnitude earthquake hit northern Japan early Friday. An estimated 170,000

people were evacuated from the area around a quake-damaged nuclear power station in north-
east Japan that was hit by an explosion.

Friday's devastating earthquake and tsunami is believed to have left more than 1,000
people dead. The scenes of devastation were astonishing: giant shipping containers were swept
inland and smashed against buildings, and fires are still burning close to the harbour.

NHK reports that in the port of Minamisanriku, Miyagi, the authorities say that about
7,500 people were being evacuated to 25 shelters after Friday's quake but they were not able to
contact the town's other 10,000 inhabitants.


1 -Why 170.000 people were taken away from an area located in Notheast Japan?

2 - What were the scenes of devastation that caused great fear, according to the text?

3 - What was the problem with the Japanese city called Miyagi?

4. What kind of recent event the character is comparing to a “monster”?


5. Are both texts 1 and 2 talking about the same theme? If yes, what would it be?


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