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It’s time to recognise the YOU

Escapism is the real character of politics. Each Politician and so-called

leaders are irrelevant in ensuring happiness and human existence on
this earth. If anybody is relevant, it’s the YOU and YOURSELF only. How
come we became so shameless and irresponsible that we have been
getting engaged into useless arguments justifying one leader over
other and one political party over other even during this testing period
of human existence? I challenge any leader in the world to come out
and claim to be capable of bringing the human life in order, I bet, no
one can. Are we doing justice addressing Politicians as Leaders? Do
you really think that any politician is committed to social wellbeing and
happiness? A BIG NO!!! Then Who Is Capable? Yes, it’s only YOU, who
can bring your life into order and it’s only YOU, who can ensure your
It’s high time to recognise the human in you and to take the charge of
your wellbeing, happiness and prosperity through a disciplinary and
responsible life style designed by the nature.
It’s high time to recognise the human in you and to take responsibility
of selecting political servants who value human happiness over
religion, cast, creed and colour. Don’t allow anybody to bargain your
happiness at any cost.
It’s high time to recognise the human in you and to take accountability
of your own decisions good or bad.
It’s high time to recognise the YOU…..
A Human being.

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