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COMM-2500 Reflection Paper

Kristina Alviar

1) What was your favorite D.A.S.I Role and Why?

I enjoyed the role of Skeptic. I always think it’s fun to play a bit of the devil’s advocate in any
scenario so I liked that role. Especially when it comes to technology, there are many skeptics in
the world who will disagree completely. Some people are against technology as a whole (certain
religions, cultures, etc). Being able to see in a different perspective is always going to provide
you with more education than you originally had.

2) Why did you choose the technology you chose for your final presentation?

I chose cinema technology for my final project because TV shows and movies play a huge role
in how we perceive our daily lives. I find it interesting how cinema technology can literally
change us psychologically; with an example being that if a child grows up watching certain
shows and movies, they may perceive their world as such.

3) Was there anything from the ecosystem that this technology fits into that was of
particular interest to you in regard to this technology? Why or why not?

I would say that cinema technology could fit well with multi-channel and streaming technologies.
I say this because movies and TV shows are already very stimulating to the mind, but when
streaming comes about it can take it to a whole new level. Before streaming services came
about we had a list of channels to choose from on cable. Now you can find relatively any show
or movie without any hassle.

4) Pick one more theory from this course and discuss how it applies to the technology
you chose for your final presentation.

I would say that the media equation theory could also apply to cinema technology because
depending on the film, we as humans can form a great attachment to the personality of certain
characters. That’s why sequels come out, an example being the Twilight series. Many viewers
(girls in particular) felt an attachment to Bella and were able to live Bella’s life within the movie
series. I could also assume that within the series, most viewers liked the perspective of living
with vampires!

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